January 2003
Paper 2
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Energy is the basis for all spirit and matter manifestations. Spirit is the foundation of all life while matter is the foundation of all form in the universe. Vast stream of spirit and matter energy proceeding from the Isle of Paradise has never lapsed proving the everlasting presence of its source - the Universal Absolute Reality of God.

Ever existent spirit energy force is derived from the self-existent Universal Absolute Father of the Absolute Reality residing in the upper Paradise. Creation of pure spirit energy and the bestowal of spirit light and life are the prerogatives of personal will and all-wise mandate of the Universal Father, the personal God and the First Source and Center of all creation.

The Eternal Son, the Second Source and Center modifies this pure spirit energy by his co-ordinate acts and decisions, and conjoint spiritual purposes of Father and Son then become executed by the Conjoint Actor, the Third Source and Center. All three absolute spirit centers and sources of the Father, the Son and the Conjoint Actor have permanent abode in the upper Paradise.

The universe free space has matter forming potential. Free space and space potency is under the personal control of Universal Father while its modification is in totality the operating function of the Unqualified Absolute of nether Paradise. This process indigenous to the nether side of Paradise embraces three concentric zones of absolute space force presence and performance: the central zone of the Unqualified Absolute, zone of the Paradise itself and the intervening compensating and harmonizing or equalizing zone, all three constituting the center of the Paradise cycle of cosmic energy-matter reality.

Paradise “river” of divine pure (enantiomeric spirit and physical ) energy of life and light is continuous and outpouring from the Paradise Deities as the united and universal circular force going forth to universes of time and space pervading all creation with life and light potential and then returning to Paradise actualized by the experience.

The term life is the spirit- mind- self vivification of the primordial electro-chemical material cell form ( li-v(f)e = li-ght( spirit God-ward) dri-ve) and light is enlightment by spirit ( in-light (spirit) develop-ment).






I.  Involution of energy or Divine Outbreath



The term ENERGY is used in this text for all phases and forms of free space potential and phenomenal motion and action in which the term FORCE is used for all pre-gravity and the term POWER for all post-gravity stages of space energy.



1. Space Potency ( Absoluta)

Passive space potency appears in free space caused by the space presence of the Unqualified Absolute of the nether Paradise. Space potency is a pre-reality of Absolutes and is only responsive to the personal grasp of the Universal Father of upper Paradise.

Transmutation of the passive space potency into active primordial space force is achieved by the primary differentiating function of the tension-presence of the living Paradise Primary Master Force Organizers.



2. Primordial Force ( Segregata / Pure Energy Force )

Passive and potential space force becomes active and primordial in response to resistance afforded by the space presence action of the Primary Eventuated Paradise Master Force Organizers. Force is now emerging from the exclusive domain of the Unqualified Absolute into the realms of the multiple responses to primal motions initiated by the spirit of the Third Source and Center- the God of Action, and thereupon to compensating motions emanating from the Universal Absolute.



3. Emergent Puissant And Gravity Energy Force ( Ultimata )

The passive presence of the Paradise Primary Master Force Organizers is sufficient to catalytically transform space potency into primordial force, and it is upon such an activated space field that these force organizers begin their initial active operations.

Space primordial force is now destined to pass through two distinct phases or levels of the emerging energy transformation before it will appear as the universe power.

a. Puissant Or Primary Paradise Energy Force

This is gigantic powerful nebular- directional, might-tensioned, forcible-reacting, mass- movement cyclones of energy force set in  motion by the catalytic activities of the passive presence of the Primary Paradise Master Force Organizers.

This primary or Puissant energy force is not at first completely responsive to the Paradise gravity pull because of still present operative absolute influence of the nether side of the Paradise until it reaches to the level of the initial response of the circular and absolute gravity grasp of the Paradise Isle. Only then Primary Paradise Master Force Organizers release their influence to the functioning of their Secondary Transcendental associates.

b. Gravity Or Secondary Paradise Energy Force

The now-appearing gravity- responding space energy cyclones carry the potential of the universe power and are the active ancestors of all universe matter resulting from the pressure- presence and the tension-trends set up by the secondary or Associate Transcendental Master Force Organizers. In response to the work of these Paradise force manipulators, space- energy rapidly passes from the Puissant into the gravity stage which is directly responsive to the circular control of Paradise absolute gravity having also sensitivity potential for the linear- gravity pull inherent in the soon appearing material mass of the electronic and post – electronic stages of energy and matter. Upon the appearance of gravity response, the Associate Master Force Organizers may retire from the energy cyclones of space provided the Universe Power Directors are available tot take the  assignment in that field of action.



4. Universe Power ( Gravita )

Free space has been activated into space potential, then spun into space- force, then space- energy and thence into the physical gravity energy which could be now controlled and directed into channels of power to serve manifold purposes of the universe Creators such as Power Directors, Power Centers and Physical Controllers.

From thirty appearing phases of energy, which constitute the present energy system of the seven superuniverses, the Universe Power Centers assume complete control of twenty-one guided by the intelligent activities of God- Sevenfold which functions again under the time and space power- energy- matter overcontrol of the Supreme Deity.

Universe Power Centers are in charge of the power of three incoming Paradise phases of energy of ten segregations each which they convert and direct into channels of the useful and constructive superuniverses application. The work is then carried on by these  and the other associated intelligent beings in organizing living habitats for all planned creative and evolutionary activities in the universe of time and space.



II.  Evolution of energy or Divine Inbreath



Upon reaching the outer or peripheral aspects of the Grand Universe the evolutionary cycle of energy seems to turn back upon itself now continuing toward Paradise changing from denser into lighter energy- matter transformations of actualizing spirit and then energy- force of nature which is unlike in nature to that of the original descending space- potency primordial force. The path Paradiseward is the path of the eternal life for the soul seeking the way to God, once liberated from the planetary physical obligations.



1. Havona Energy ( Triata )

Triata is the pre-existent phase of Havona existential triune energy characteristic of the central universe, unlike dual energy of time-space universes. This is the existential energy domain of the Conjoint Actor, functioning in behalf of the Paradise Trinity.



2. Transcedental Energy ( Tranosta )

Tranosta is the upper Paradise energy operating on and from its upper level and only in connection with the Paradise absonite citizens.



3. Monota

Monota is living, non- spirit energy of Paradise although the nature of Paradise spirit and Paradise Monota are very much alike and only distinguishable by name and orientation.

Monota  is the eternal energy  counterpart of the living, spirit energy of the Eternal Original Son, the Second Person of Trinity, hence the non- spiritual energy system of the Universal Father, the First Source and Center.



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III.  Units of energy manifestations



Space is not empty neither is the space content of an atom empty. The so-called ETHER  is merely a collective name for the group of force and energy activities occurring in space.

Ultimatons, electrons and other mass aggregations of energy are uniform particles of matter which in their transit through space really proceed in direct lines except as modified by gravity and other intervening forces. While the space charge of the universal force is homogeneous and undifferentiated, the organization of evolved energy into matter entails the concentration of energy into discrete masses of definite dimensions and established weight as precise gravity reaction.

The relative integrity of matter allows the energy to be absorbed or released in discrete exact amounts which the Urantia scientists have named QUANTUM for the basic unit or the QUANTA for the multiples of same energy manifestations. Quantum energies are classified in octaves and in superuniverse of Orvonton there are one- hundred of them.

Vibratory or wave- like behavior of quanta in octaves is wholly determined by the dimensions of the material structures concerned and such wave- like energy ripples are always the 860 times the diameter multiples of their basic units.








or Paradise physical energy absolute atom is gravity non-measurable. Absolutons are constituent pre-gravity particles of ultimatons.


responds only to Paradise circular gravity pull and it is measurable.


One hundred associated ultimatons make one electron. Ultimatonic axial revolutionary velocities are the determinant of the differential electronic dimensions and + or – reactions of electronic units of matter.


respond to local or linear universe gravity. The entire segregation and grouping of the electronic matter, together with electric differentiation of negative and positive bodies of energy- matter, results from various functions of its component ultimatonic inter- association. One hundred electrons make one atom of physical element including all sub- atomic particles  such as protons, neutrons, mesotrons, electrons etc.


is the chemical stage of elemental organization, the component units of molecular or visible matter. There are one hundred distinguishable atomic materializations of space-energy in dual universe. These one hundred forms of matter consist of regular series in which from one to one hundred electrons revolve around a central and relatively compact nucleus. This orderly and dependable association of various energies constitute matter.









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“In The beginning God created the heaven and earth” ( Genesis 1:1 )

As we are moving further into the essence of the creation and evolution of the universe it is apparent that the secular scientific theory of Big Bang of “nothingness until there was sudden unexplained explosion that created space”, needs to be replaced by the theory of more substance submitted to the humanity by the cosmic brotherhood in service of God.

It is apparent that the universe was created by God with purpose and plan and that our views in that respect will need to change if our planetary humanity desires to pursue its eternal path as most of the cosmic community and that is- God-ways.




The Urantia book, Urantia Foundation
Theosophy: An Introduction, The Theosophical society
Big Bang: The Story of the universe, H.Couper and N.Henbast



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