In the
previous Interim-Papers we have reviewed the meanings of the TRUE WORSHIP of
the Paradise Universal Father, the PRAYER SUPPLICATIONS to the realms of the
Paradise Eternal Son and His Spirit of Truth, and qualified PRAYER
REALIZATIONS by the spirit agencies of the Holy Spirit, the Mind of the
Paradise Conjoint Actor. The following
Interim-Paper is devoted to further enlightenment about the true nature of
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THE 7:6.1 The lack of a knowledge of the
multiple Sons of God
is a source of great confusion on Urantia. And this
ignorance persists in the face of such statements as the record of a conclave
of these divine personalities: " When the Sons
of God proclaimed joy, and all of the Morning Stars sang together. "
Every millennium of sector standard time the various orders of the divine
Sons forgather for their periodic conclaves. 7:6.2 The Eternal Son
is the personal source of the adorable attributes of mercy and service which
so abundantly characterize all orders of the descending Sons
of God as they function throughout creation. All the divine
nature, if not all the infinity of attributes, the Eternal Son unfailingly
transmits to the Paradise
Sons who go out from the eternal Isle to reveal his divine character to the universe of
universes. 7:6.3 The Original and Eternal Son is the offspring-person of
the " first " completed and infinite
thought of the Universal Father.
Every time the Universal Father and the Eternal Son jointly project a new,
original, identical, unique, and absolute personal thought, that very instant
this creative idea is perfectly and finally personalized in the being and personality
of a new and original Creator Son. In spirit nature, divine wisdom, and
co-ordinate creative power, these Creator Sons
are potentially equal with God the Father
and God the Son. 7:6.4 The Creator Sons go out from Paradise into the
universes of time and, with the co-operation of the controlling and creative
agencies of the Third Source and
Center, complete the organization of the local universes
of progressive evolution.
These Sons are not attached to, nor are they concerned with, the central and
universal controls of matter, mind, and spirit. Hence are they limited in
their creative acts by the pre-existence, priority, and primacy of the First Source and
Center and his co-ordinate Absolutes.
These Sons are able to administer only that which they bring into existence.
Absolute administration is inherent in priority of existence and is
inseparable from eternity of presence. The Father remains primal in the
universes. 7:6.5 Much as the Creator Sons are personalized by the Father
and the Son, so are the Magisterial Sons
personalized by the Son and the Spirit. These are the Sons who, in the
experiences of creature incarnation, earn the right to serve as the judges of
survival in the creations of time and space. 7:6.6 The Father, Son, and Spirit also unite to personalize
the versatile Trinity Teacher
Sons, who range the grand universe
as the supernal teachers of all personalities, human and divine. And there
are numerous other orders of 7:6.7 Between the Original Mother
Son and these hosts of Paradise Sons scattered throughout all
creation, there is a direct and exclusive channel of communication, a channel
whose function is inherent in the quality of spiritual kinship which unites
them in bonds of near-absolute spiritual association. This intersonship circuit is entirely different from the universal
circuit of spirit gravity,
which also centers in the person of the Second Source and
Center. All Sons of God who take origin in the persons of the Paradise Deities
are in direct and constant communication with the Eternal Mother Son. And
such communication is instantaneous; it is independent of time though
sometimes conditioned by space. 7:6.8 The Eternal Son not only has at all times perfect
knowledge concerning the status, thoughts, and manifold activities of all
orders of Paradise sonship, but he also has
perfection of knowledge at all times regarding everything of spiritual value
which exists in the hearts of all creatures in the primary central creation
of eternity and in the secondary time creations of the co-ordinate Creator
Sons. |