CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                                 April 2003


As we are facing the realty of ongoing wars and rumors of new wars it is necessary to reflect on some misconceptions and misbelieves the humanity (human unity) holds today in justification of some of its actions.


The website papers on the topic of the creation and evolution of universe of time and space indicate that humans are mortal material creatures of evolutionary nature developing from “below” dispensations of matter in the 3rd (evolutionary) phase of space energies and that the other, quasi-material (morontial) and spirit creatures of time and space universe, have been created respectively in two higher, i.e. 2nd and 1st phases of the “above space ethers”.


The Urantia paper 114 indicates that the individual and collective planetary evolutionary affairs of the ascending mortals are governed, in the emergencies, by the veto power of the Most High observer from Edentia headquarters of our constellation of Norlatiadek, who rules in the kingdom of men for the benefit of all mortals.

The paper indicates that from the cosmic perspective there is no such a thing as a “chosen people (or a chosen land)” on this planet or any other evolutionary planet of life.


The Urantia paper 134 indicates that wars are the symptom of outer manifestations of the men’s real disease which is the urge for the maintenance of power and sovereignty.

The claims for the individual and collective power of sovereignty have been “rooted” in souls from the beginning of their evolutionary development first as the group souls of plants, then animals and finally individualized evolutionary human forms, who are still expressing their inherited urges for the powers seeking political and territorial sovereignty.


Humans have great difficulty reconciling these two diverse and apposing urges of human dual nature: their inheritance of animalistic tendencies of their evolutionary past fighting for their territorial and political sovereignty and their mortal urge for spirit endowment.

Current scenarios of warring nations are the typical examples of this, still present, conflict in human struggle between man’s urge for political sovereignty and his spiritual longing, putting these two together by claiming “Gods Will” in justifying his mortal actions.


Wars are not the “Will of God” and have nothing to do with loving and harmonious nature of God’s Paradise Kingdom.

God the Father loves all of his children equally, without preference of one over the others and regardless of different soul’s individual or collective evolutionary level of spiritual attainment.

Wouldn’t even any human parent of normally functioning mind want to see his children live prosperous family life in peace and harmony instead of watching his dysfunctional children fighting and warring all the time using him as the excuse?

And yet the violence and wars are still present man’s sinister symptom of his animalistic expression of his rooted urges for sovereignty powers which needs purging if human souls want one day to navigate waters of Paradise “river of life and light”.

The growth of individual and collective powers for political and territorial sovereignty of evolutionary mortals have caused wars at every intervening stage of human evolution, from the first human families to tribal conflicts, dividing territories, countries and today, the sovereign nations.

The same sovereign patriotic loyalty which has made possible the evolution of the nations and the national borders is today the main obstacle for the organization of humans in unity (humanity), i.e. ”brotherhood of all people, by all people and for all people”.


The spiritual purpose of cosmic planetary plan for Urantia is first to unify various groups of planetary families in the universal I AM race in the Land of America under Constitution of the United States of AMERICA (I AM RACE) which are to learn to live in peace and unity as the example for the rest of the divided nations of this planetary world.


Each of the America’s people came to a new land from some part of the world.

In a new land they have constitutionally guaranteed freedom to live in the “unity of all people, by all people and for all people” where they are to learn how to live fruitful life in a peaceful and harmonious unity, and then to “go out two by two” to serve as the representatives and servant leaders of this universal I AM human race unity, to the rest of their brothers and sisters of this polarized and spiritually isolated planet of Urantia.


Lack of understanding of these higher cosmic concepts of servant leadership, together with still present remnants of the sovereignty dominance tendencies and difficulty to resolve human spiritual conflicts, are today the main factors for the delay in progressive unification of people of this world into the brotherhood of all planetary men, i.e. planetary I AM race, and all nations of this world into the government of the United Nations as the recognized representative of all planetary mankind, for all mankind and by all mankind.


When all of the people of this world finally make the United Nations the constitutionally sovereign world government as the true democratic representative of all mankind, and when such united world power controls the world land, air and naval forces, only then will the everlasting peace on earth and good will among all men prevail.


In order to realize this concept for all nations, each nation would need to gradually give up, in a peaceful fashion, some of its international supremacy and sovereignty powers for the benefit of creating real bona fide and everlasting sovereign unified world government of United Nations to protect al mankind from future wars.


Only such a true spiritual unity and understanding between all planetary mortals will prevent annihilation of planetary races and life, and assure that good will among all men maintains the everlasting peace on earth.

Only under such unified global government of the United Nations will be humanity afforded a real opportunity to realize and enjoy personal liberties of genuine democracy because the fallacy of the individual and collective remnant of self determinism will finally and forever end.




The Urantia Book, Urantia Foundation