CABAL’s U.S. CORPORATE “BEAST” DEALS                                                    


                                CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                                 May 2006
        M-PAPER 9


Beloveds, if you think that the PRICE OF OIL and GAS has gone up enough to

re-think again about your choices between the Cabal’s Corp. U.S. illegal Constitution

and its enslaving scheme of “Indebt, Bankrupt, Enslave and Control” and your God’s

given right to have back your legal American National Constitution “of the People,

by the People for the People” to take back the control of your life and the life of your

country into your own hands, than you should read and re-read the below article.

Global Euro$-Oil trade(Iran etc.) is no more a fiction, it is today’s reality.

Cabal’s Corp. U.S. has already stated it will keep all options on the table to prevent it

and keep its Corp.U.S. BEAST and its immoral, fraudulent and illegal schemes alive.




An update from (edit/modif.)
Paul Grignon



          A new book "Petrodollar Warfare" by William R. Clark (available in
our Burlington Library) tells the whole story.  I will attempt to summarize
the secret deal and its possible results.  To get the complete story I
recommend reading that book.


Back in 1973, the big banks in the New York and London offered a

SECRET DEAL to Saudi Arabia and OPEC. The deal was the Saudi Arabia

and the rest of OPEC would be allowed to quadruple the price of oil

in return for two conditions. 

One, all oil purchases must be made with U.S. dollars.
Two, any surplus US dollars held by OPEC nations would be invested

back in the (Cabal's Corporate) United States. What was in this deal

for OPEC? Obviously being able to QUADRUPLE THE PRICE OF OIL was very PROFITABLE TO the OPEC nations and also very profitable to U.S. and


What is less readily seen is that it would ALSO be VERY PROFITABLE TO

the BIG BANKS because they would create the needed new U.S. dollars

"out of thin air" and loan them into existence with an interest-charge



A sudden sharp increase in the world price of oil

meant an equally dramatic increase in world demand 

for U.S. dollars to pay for the oil.


The big banks would win, the OPEC nations would win, and the big oil companies would win.


Who would lose? We consumers. We would not only pay more for gas and oil we would be forced much deeper into Interest-Bearing

DEBT as new US dollars were created.

THIS DEAL was accepted and IS STILL IN


Oil importing nations must pay for oil with US dollars.  This means that these

countries must acquire US dollars - primarily by selling goods and services to the

Corporate United States - which allows the U.S. to run huge trade deficits.


The number one export of the United States is now the US dollar itself. 

The U.S. buys oil by simply "creating the money" to do so. 

This explains why the U.S. banking system can create $600 to $800 billion or

more new dollars, year after year, and we do not suffer serious inflation as a result. 


Because a large portion of these new dollars are spent for oil, then OPEC re-invests

the dollars back in the U.S. economy in the form of U.S. government bonds, the
stock market, corporate bonds, or the purchase of other U.S. assets.  These
excess new dollars do not compete for consumer goods and services and thus
do not cause inflation, but the more dollars our fractional reserve banking
system creates, the deeper in debt we are.  Our total debt is now over $38
trillion.  Just the interest on that debt is over $2 trillion a year.  World
trade is now a game in which the U.S. produces debt-based dollars and the
rest of the world produces things that dollars can buy.

          Asian central banks also buy and hold hundreds of billions of U.S.
treasury securities for one simple reason.  To prevent their own currencies
from appreciating versus the dollar.  A weak dollar would hurt their exports
to the U.S. by making their goods and services more expensive.  In doing
this these Asian banks also invest these newly created dollars back into the
U.S.  In a way this almost sounds like a good deal for the United States,
and it is IF these dollars do not come back to the United States to compete
for consumer goods and services.  But, at some point, that WILL happen. 

For example, in 2004, the U.S. trade deficit was $665 billion which means the U.S.

must borrow from other nations a minimum of $1.8 billion EVERY DAY to avoid a

dollar collapse.  This year's trade deficit will be over $800 billion. 

The Federal Reserve is now walking a tight-rope as it continues to raise interest

rates in order to attract outside dollars while hoping that the higher interest rates

will not throw the U.S. economy into recession.

          On September 24, 2000. a new factor entered into this cozy deal
for OPEC, the oil companies and the big banks. On that day, Saddam Hussein

announced that Iraq would conduct all oil sales in Euros, not dollars.  And Iran,

Venezuela and Russia all have indicated they are considering doing the same thing. 

It is very likely that Saddam Hussein's action was another big reason for the invasion

of Iraq - to send a strong message to oil producing countries not to abandon the dollar. 

And as soon as we occupied that nation, Iraq began again accepting only dollars for oil.

          What would happen to the U.S. if the sales of oil were denominated
in Euros instead of dollars?  All Hell would break loose.  Oil purchasing
countries would no longer want dollars, they would want to acquire Euros
instead to pay for oil.  This would mean that a large portion of dollars now
held around the world would return to the U.S.  Inflation would run wild.
The value of the dollar would probably drop by 40 to 50 percent.  Foreign
funds would be withdrawn from the U.S. stock and bond markets, and the U.S. would

no longer be able to support a huge trade deficit.  Central banks in Japan, China and

elsewhere would also try to get rid of their dollar denominated investments before they

dropped even further in value.  The recent economic collapse in Argentina would be

repeated on a grand scale in the United States

This could be the "Financial Armageddon" that many, including myself author, have

predicted and expected.