The Dawn of Evolution

                                                   CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                                                    May 2003
                             PAPER 6        






The origin of Paradise physical (non-spiritual) forces, energy and matter was explored in PAPER 2

with the explanation of manifestations and basic classification of universe energy particles.

The article points out that the energy is the basis for all spirit and matter manifestations and that

the spirit is the foundation of all life while physical energy is the foundation of all form in the universe.

The free space potential is transformed into the primary physical energy and matter of universes

of time and space, in the process manipulated by the Unqualified Absolute of nether Paradise under personal control and supervision of the Universal Father of Trinity spirit from the upper Paradise.

Spirit non-physical energy, on the other hand, is originated by the Universal Father, the First

Source and Center of upper or spiritual Paradise, and then further modified by the Trinity spirits.

Paradise “river of life”, is conjoined spirit energy of “light” and space physical energy of “life”which

flows continuously from Paradise Deities into the Grand space of seven superuniverses and back.

PAPER 3 describes transmutations and unit organization of space energy and matter.

The number ten or decimal constitution, inherent in all physical energy-matter, has its origin in

primary space energy from nether Paradise, while number seven  inherent in the spirit

transmission of personal character originates from seven Master Spirits of upper Paradise.

PAPER 4 discusses the creation and organization of the superuniverses of time and space.

The paper indicates that the sevenfold architectural division of the universe space is

continuously perfused by three phases of Paradise primary space ultimatonic energy with ten

subphases each.

Three subphases of the first two primary energies serve as the undifferentiated space blankets 

or so- called “ethers” for creation of architectural spheres of superuniverse and its local universes,

while the three subphases of the third phase of the primary space energy serve as the space

blankets or “ethers” for the spontaneous evolution development of sun systems and their

planetary worlds of life.

The remaining seven subphases of each of the three main “non-etheric” space energies are

processed and released by the Power Centers  as the unified electronic specialized current of 

seven phases each into the undifferentiated space force blankets (“ethers”)meeting the energy

needs of the local universes.

In this paper, PAPER 6, the mechanisms of formation of the inorganic elements of matter from the

7-fold specialized electronic current are discussed from Urantia’s and theosophical point of view.



                                    ORIGIN OF INORGANIC PLANETARY MATTER




Urantia book teaches that the ultimaton is the primary measurable basic energy unit of the three

phases of Paradise space energies and their ten subphases.

Power Centers and their associates from their seats in the superuniverse architectural

headquarters convert and distribute this ultimatonic energy as sevenfold electronic current of

each of seven subphases within the space “ethers” of the remaining three ultimatonic energy

phases and subphases.

At the level of local universe “ethers”, sevenfold electronic current is decelerated into

seven-phased morontial or quasi-physical matter and then further within physical “ethers” into

physical matter.

On such principles ultimatons are decelerated into heavier electronic units and those further into

units of physical matter of  physical suns and their planets of evolutionary worlds.

The Urantia book indicates that the matter in all superuniverses is identical and matter itself, in

the manifestation of its various physical properties, depends mostly on revolutionary rates of its

component members, number and size of revolving members, and their distance from the nuclear

body or the space content of matter.

This concept can be represented by the following scheme and graphics (Picture1);


At the beginning,the Uversa headquarters were built from the energy units of modulated matter

from the highest or # 1 frequency subphase of the sevenfold energy current of the first primary

space energy phase, by the Power Centers of the Third Order, and in the first unprocessed

subphase of the first space energy blanket phase or so-called “ether”, i.e. # 1 in sub-ether #1 of

ether # 1 (or # 1 in # 1/ # 1).


The major sector headquarters were built from the middle frequency current energy units, or # 4,

in the 2nd sub/ 1st phase, i.e. sub-ether # 2 of ether # 1 (or # 4 in # 2/ # 1) and the minor sectors 

headquarters were built from the lowest or # 7, in the 3rd sub of the 1st phase of space blanket

(or # 7 in #3/ #1 ether).


Similarly, with the descending frequencies of the united sevenfold phases of the electronic space

current from # 1 to # 7 in lower space ether’s, the rest of the superuniverse worlds were built or

have evolved.


The local universe headquarters were built by the Power Centers of the 4th order, from the

sevenfold electronic current # 1 energy units of 2nd primary space energy phase, in the

1st sub-phase of 2nd space energy blanket or ether # 2 or # 1in # 1/# 2;constellation headquarters

from # 4 in the 2nd sub/ 2nd phase, i.e. # 4 in # 2/# 2, and the local system headquarters from the

# 7, in the 3rd sub/ 2nd phase of the space energy blanket or ether # 2 (or # 7 in # 3/ # 2).


Physical solar systems and their planets evolve spontaneously in their seven physical phases and

their planetary government headquarters evolve according to the following scheme:

Planetary “translation” headquarters are built from the energy units of matter of # 1 sub-current

of the 3rd primary space energy, in the 1st sub of 3rd space  blanket or ether # 3 or # 1 in # 1/ # 3;

the “ascension” headquarters from # 4, in the 2nd sub/ 3rd phase ( # 4 in # 2/ # 3), and the

planetary mortal governments from the # 7, in the 3rd sub/ 3rd phase of the space energy blanket

or “ether # 3”, i.e. # 7 in # 3/ # 3.





Absoluton is the primary unit or the“atom”of Paradise Absonites, ultimaton is the primary atom of

spiritual superuniverses of time and space, electron is the primary atom of morontial local

universes and the ultimate atom of physical matter or physical ultimaton is the primary atom of

the evolutionary worlds.

Paradise absoluton, as the “building block”, is in the center and “behind” the Paradise-Grand

universe ultimaton by cosmic interval, and so is the superuniverse ultimaton “behind” the electron

by its cosmic frequency interval, and similarly the electron “behind” the physical ultimaton of

matter. The energy form of the ultimate atom of the physical matter or physical ultimaton is

shown in the section on theosophical teaching about the origin of the planetary matter (Picture 2).


“Aton”( and so the word “atom”) as in absoluton, ultimaton, electron and physical ultimaton, is the

composite word meaning- “Alpha Septon” or primary septenary unit, again reflecting the

septenary spirit influence on septenary matter creation of Grand universe ( septa= seven).

The energy form of  ultimaton is present in three main space energy phases with their respective

three subphases each, under the control of the Unqualified Absolute as already mentioned

previously, and the remaining septenary ultimatonic energies of subphases of these three main

phases are manipulated and processed further by the uSuperuniverse Power Centers and their

associates.First three energy phases with their three subphases under control of Unqualified

Absolute, are influenced by the Paradise Trinity Spirit. Three septenary energies of seven

subphases processed by Power Centers, are under influence of the Master Spirit, Holy Spirit and

its seven adjutant spirits.




Theosophy teaches that the evolution of matter and life has started with the activities of the Holy

Spirit or the First Wave of the Third Person of Trinity of Logos.

The First Wave comes forth from 3rd person of Logos, or the “Egg of Brahma”, into the “marked out

field for a new world” where it begins to separate primordial energy or proto-matter into individual

proto-atoms. Primordial energy as the force potential of cosmos under the influence of the first

evolutionary impulse from the Holy Spirit becomes proto-matter and then proto-atoms of the

seven planes of the matter reality where spirit and matter as conscious life are always inseparably

intertwined in every atom of matter form thus always indicating presence of the Divine Life within

physical matter manifestations. The cycling process takes place correspondingly in all the lesser

cycles and on all planes.


In “A textbook of theosophy” (5),p.18-20, the following excerpts relate to the formation of matter:

“.…mighty breath…. of a Being…. has formed within this aether incalculable number of tiny

spherical bubbles ( i.e. “tiny holes dug in space aether”), and these bubbles are the ultimate atoms

of which what we call matter is composed. They are not the atoms of the chemist… and what we

call ( chemical ) atoms are composed (later) of vast aggregations of these bubbles….When the

Solar Deity begins to make his system, he finds ready ….the infinite mass of tiny bubbles which can

be built up into various kinds of matter as we know it. He commences by defining the limit of his

field of activity….the sphere….and sets up the gigantic vortex of bubbles.

Into this vast revolving sphere he sends forth successive impulses of force, gathering together

the bubbles into ever more and more complex aggregations, and producing in this way seven

gigantic interpenetrating worlds of matter of different degrees of density, all concentric and all

occupying the same space.

(Logos) Acting through His Third Aspect, sends forth into this stupendous sphere the first of

these impulses. It sets up all through the sphere a vast number of tiny vortices, each of which

draws into itself 49 bubbles, and arranges them into certain shape. These little groupings of

bubbles so formed are the atoms of the second of the interpenetrating worlds. The whole number

of the bubbles is not used in this way, sufficient being left out in dissociated state to act as atoms

for the first and the highest of these worlds. In due time comes the second impulse, which seizes

upon nearly all of these 49 bubble- atoms (leaving only enough to provide atoms for the first

world), draws them back into itself and then, throwing them out again, sets up among them

vortices, each of which holds within itself 2,401 or ( 49²) bubbles. These form the atoms of the

third world. Again after a time comes third impulse,which in the same way seizes upon nearly all of

the 2,401 bubble- atoms, draws them back again into their original form, and throws them outward

once more as the atoms of the fourth world- each atom containing this time 49³ bubbles.

This process is repeated until the sixth of these successive impulses has built the atom of the

seventh or the lowest world, that containing 496 of the original bubbles.

The atom of the seventh world is the ultimate atom of the physical world, not chemical, but the

ultimate of which all other (particles of the realm) are made. … this stage… vast whirling

sphere contains within itself seven types of matter….built of the same kind of bubbles, but

differing in their degree of density (of the phases they belong to),.. freely intermingled,… with

the tendency of the heavier atoms to gravitate more towards the center (of the sphere)…

Physical atoms which were last made into the original dissociated bubbles,…are drawn into

certain aggregates, thus making a number of different kinds of what may be called proto-elements,

and these again are joined together into various forms which are known to science as chemical

elements. The making of these …in a certain definite order and by interaction of several forces…

extends over the ages”.

Theosophical Secret Doctrine describes the ultimate cosmic form of primordial matter as one

Element or Protyle from which seven cosmic Sub-Elements are created and used in making of

all of the cosmic subplanes. (S.D.,vol.i.,p.40).

In superuniverse, theosophical “one Element” corresponds to Urantia’s ultimaton.


In the creation of the physical Plane the same principles of the whole cosmos creation were

followed.What is the role of primordial “one Element” or Protyle in the creation of whole Cosmos

(superuniverse), that is the meaning of unit of physical matter or physical ultimaton in the creation

of physical Plane.

The ultimate atom of physical matter (6) p.95, consists of a whorl or vortex of the super-Plane

next above physical, i.e. astral, and it has very definite structure, consisting of a number of spirals,

which are further made up of smaller spirillae and each of those of even finer spirilae.

The teachings of the theosophical clairvoyants are giving us the principles of the formation of this

ultimate atoms of physical matter, as described in the theosophical “Occult chemistry” ( 4 ), p.22:

” In ….the construction of the ( ultimate ) atom ( “bubble” of matter ), the force flows in….the

space, and three whorls immediately appear….with their triple spiral of two and half coils, and

returning to their origin by a spiral within the atom;

these are at once followed by seven finer whorls, which following the spiral of the first three on

the outer surface, and returning to their origin by a spiral within that, flowing in the opposite

direction-form the caduceus with the first three….The forces which flow in them, again come from

the “outside” space. Each of the finer spiral whorls is formed of seven yet finer ones, set

successively at the right angle to each other, each finer than its predecessor; these we call

spirillae and these again of minuter spirilae”(7,p.102). (Picture 2)






                     Picture 2-Ultimate atom of physical matter (Physical ultimaton)



The force pours in the heart-shaped depression at the top of the atom, rushes through every

spiral and spirilla and the whole atom revolves and vibrates very rapidly changing colors which

keeps flashing continuously depending upon change in the activity from one spiral to another.

The whole atom in its rapid vortical motion and vibration like a top of spirals passing round and

round the outside of the atom, and then, in at the top, forming an internal vortex, finally issuing

at the bottom, passing once more round the outside, thus forming continuous tube of force similar

in analogy to Faraday’s tube of magnetic induction creating in its motion positively and negatively

electrified constituents.(Picture 3)




                               Picture 3- Physical ultimaton and simple magnetic induction coil



Besides the spinning vibratory motion of the atom as a whole there is also present axial precession

or wobble motion, as in astronomical precession of equinoxes, and pulsatory contraction-expansion

motion, as of the heart.

Once such ultimate atoms of physical matter are formed their indwelling forces bring many of spin

combinations of ultimate atoms into play mainly through their forces of attraction or repulsion

within surrounding undifferentiated space forming walls of separation of each combination of

subgroup or aggregate formed ( 3, p.7).

Through seven main combinations, seven density subdivisions of physical inorganic matter were

formed, and they were given the following names:

-          atomic(ultimate), sub-atomic, super-etheric, etheric, gaseous, liquid and solid.(Picture 4)


Chemical atoms are the end products of the process of various ultimate atom aggregations and

they have been classified according to their atomic weights into periodic system of physical


Periodic system of chemical elements begins with the hydrogen atom (H) as its first member.

Seven subdivision aggregations of H-element formation have been shown below in the Picture 4.




           Picture 4- Seven subaggregate forms of hydrogen- E1,E2,E3,E4,gas,liquid and solid



Hydrogen atom (H) as the first element of periodic element system was given atomic weight of 1.

Clairvoyant theosophists have observed that H-atom is composed of 18 ultimate atoms (UA’s)

arranged in a complex aggregate, which together with the above nomenclature for the first

chemical element H, means that the physical ultimatonic weight of 18 UA’s =  weight of one

H- chemical atom.

Oxygen (O) chemical atom was observed to have 290 physical ultimate atoms (UA’s), which divided

by 18 H-UA’s (O/H=290/18), gives the O-chemical atomic weight of 16.11, and so on (6, p.98).




The ultimatons are the primary measurable energy units of the three phases of Paradise space

energies which are processed further from the superuniverse headquarters “downwards” to the

planetary levels by the superuniverse Power Centers and their associates.

Sevenfold ultimatonic-electronic current is decelerated into seven-phased morontial or

quasi-physical matter and then further “down” into seven-phased physical evolutionary matter.

The space energy ultimaton is the primary atom (aton= alpha septon= 10 septenary/sevenfold

unit of energy) of the spiritual phases of the superuniverses of time and space, while the electrons

and physical ultimate atoms are the primary energy units of their respective morontial and

physical phases.

As the superuniverse sevenfold ultimatonic-electronic-physical atomic energy is decelerated,

the elemental matter is continusly formed in each of the superuniverse “inert” space energy phase

(space blanket or “ether”).

Ultimatons are therefore elemental energy units used in the formation of the electronic matter,

and the electrons likewise in the formation of the physical matter, each being separated from each

other only by the 7-fold space or “cosmic” interval.

Physical ultimate atom (“physical ultimaton”) is further manipulated through seven physical

subphases, making in each subphase recombinant type of aggregations, with final result being the

formation of the chemical atoms of physical matter.

Physical elements, as the end product of the various physical ultimatonic aggregations, have been

classified according to their atomic weight into the periodic system of chemical elements.

Physical chemical elements are the principal factors in the formation of the inorganic and organic

matter, as the prerequisite forms of matter necessary for the formation of the mechanical

(non-teachable) mind, pre-life mind, and the teachable (non-mechanical) mind in the evolution of

the planetary life.








1. The Urantia book, The Urantia Foundation

2. Introduction to Theosophy, Theosophical Society

3. Occult chemistry, A. Besant and C. W. Leadbeater, The Theosophical Publishing House

4. A textbook of Theosophy, C. W. Leadbeater, The Theos. Publ. House

      5. The Secret Doctrine, H. P. Blavatsky, The Theos. Publ. House, 1888

      6. The Physics of the Secret Doctrine, Wm.Kingsland, The Theos .Publ. Society, 1910

      7. The Principles of Light and Color, Edwin D. Babbitt, Borderland Sciences, Reprint 1987