PAPER 114 |
“The Word of God is Love. The
enactment of the Word of God is service to your brothers and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively resident
within your life, the Fruits of Spirit are being produced in your life through the Service of Love.”
Solonia, tml
SOLAR MULTI-DIMENSIONALITIES – The Human Vortex CELLULAR NUCLEAR INTELLIGENCE In the last Paper #113 (April) was stated
that it was the central PUMA (Physical UltiMate
Atom) of the Life Carriers (LCs) initiated
electro-chemical vortex circuit in the sea waters through which the planetary
life was originally initiated on this planet Urantia.
(P1ŕP2) P1 ŕ P2 Into such LCs iniated electro-chemical circuit the life plasma was
introduced and the teacheable mind was initiated by
Nebadonia’s life spark. From the three primary central nuclear PUMA vortex
sources of evolving teachable mind the electro-magnetic PUMA 1st ŕ2nd
chakra frequency impulses have gradually expanded into the surrounding secondary
nuclear PUMAs. (P4-7)
P7 Gradually, under the LCs
and Nebadonia’s Adjutant Mind Spirits (AMSs) prompting impulses from “within” and planetary energies
from “without”, the first primordial cellular vortexes begun to multiply (P5)
and the first primitive life forms begun to evolve in the three ocean bays sea
P8 Cells begun to differentiate, aggregate,
organize and systematize out of which many different useful and useless life
forms begun to appear. The primary central PUMA has begun projecting
its vortex energy configuration within the cell nucleus (P1ŕ9,10) and later mater-realizing chromosomes along the HID
(Hemispheric Interference Disc) sentinel lines of forces. The surrounding secondary, tertiary etc.
nuclear central PUMA vortexes, under the prompting from the primary central PUMAs, also begun to project their vortex energy
configuration within their nucleus, also later mater-realizing chromosomes. P1 ŕ P9
, P10 Such vortex energy transmission mechanism allows
that a-mind (e-m-ind) impulses from the central
nuclear PUMA are transmitted to each of the neighboring cell nuclear vortexes
which also gradually begun to mater-realize their own sets of nuclear chromosomes.
This phenomena explains the fact that each human
cell nucleus carries its own set of 24 chromosomes. And so as the Urantia
Book (1) is stating: (65:2.1) “The story of man's ascent from seaweed to the
lordship of earthly creation is indeed a romance of biologic struggle and mind survival. Man's primordial ancestors were literally the slime
and ooze of the ocean bed in the sluggish and warm-water bays and lagoons of
the vast shore lines of the ancient inland seas, those very waters in which
the Life Carriers established the three
independent life implantations on Urantia.” (P11-13) P11 P12
P13 References:
*** ”Let
us behold the Light, that through the forgiveness, finds its way into the
great darkness of this world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and
sisters by fully forgiving each other, because it is only then that you will see their Light,
know the higher Truth, and achieve the happiness of Brotherhood.”
Michael of Nebadon, tml
5/2004 |