CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                           November 2012                                             



“The Word of God is Love. The enactment of the Word of God is service to your brothers

and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively resident within your life, the Fruits of Spirit

are being produced in your life through the Service of Love.”


                                                                                                                Solonia, tml 5/2004





In Paper 119 was stated that each Male (M) and Female (F) main body vortex vibrates at its own specific core frequency representing the sum vibration characteristic and different for each main M or F vortex body.

The M or F main vortex core frequency is the resultant sum vibration which is derived from the interfering frequencies of their respective hemispheric sub-vortexes Male (My,Mx) and Female (Fy,Fx). (P6)

                                          Male                         Female

                                            My                             Fy  

            Upper half          


            Lower half          

                                             Mx                             Fx

            P6.                           Male                        Female

The sub-unit vortexes interferences are responsible for the overall physical, emotional and mental expressions of the main Male vortex male-ness (from the strong/dominant male to weak/non-dominant male) and the main Female vortex female-ness (strong/dominant female to weak/non-dominant female).


Since the interfering sub-vortexes Male (My,Mx) and Female (Fy,Fx) are mirror images or enantiomers, from the psycho-energetic point of view, stronger Male is in general less feminine while stronger Female is less masculine. (P5)


Since the Male (M) main body vortex vibrates at its own core frequency which is the result of its My and Mx sub-vortexes interference, the Female (F) main body vortex also vibrates at its own core frequency which is also the result of its interfering Fy and Fx sub-vortexes.


Therefore, the My, Mx and Fy, Fx sub-vortexes own core frequencies and their interferences are the determinant force of the Male (M) and Female (F) main body vortex male-ness and female-ness. (P7)


                                          Male                         Female

                                            My                             Fy  

            Upper half         


            Lower half           

                                             Mx                             Fx

                         P7.             Male                        Female

As stated in previous Papers, the My, Mx and Fy, Fx sub-vortexes are involved in mater-realization of their respective chromosomes and the physical, emotional and mental Male-Female genergetic inter-plays between the My & Mx and Fy and Fx sub-vortexes are the main genergetic forces mechanism behind the physical, emotional and mental psycho–logical expression of the main body vortexes Male-ness and Female-ness.

My sex chromosome of haploid sub-vortex (of diploid M main vortex) represents the sperm’s Y sex chromosome while the Mx sex chromosome of haploid sub-vortex (of diploid M main vortex) represents the sperm’s X chromosome in the current embryology nomenclature of gender.

On the other hand the Fy sex chromosome of haploid sub-vortex (of diploid F main vortex) represents the egg’s X sex chromosome while the Fx sex chromosome of haploid sub-vortex (of diplod X main vortex) represents the second egg’s X sex chromosome.

The currently used embryology nomenclature of gender therefore does not recognize the difference between the two egg’s sex chromosomes labeling them both as XX (P 9), however, the genergetic nomenclature does differentiate between the two enantiomers. (P 10)

By the outside appearance it might be easy to notice the physical differences between the mapped sperm’s My (Y) and Mx (X). (P8)

However, it might not be so easy to differentiate between the two egg’s X and X chromosomes coming off the two different haploid Fy and Fx sub-vortexes of the F diploid main body vortex (both labeled as X,X chromosomes by the current embryology nomenclature of gender).

The Fy and Fx are the enantiomers (mirror images) of each other and like “X twins” they are and do behave genergetically differently and should be therefore labeled differently being mater-realized off enantiomeric sub-vortexes. (P 6,7,10)




            P8. Sex chromosomes       X     and    Y


The genergetic difference between the existing embryology nomenclature of gender and the new one, differentiating between the My, Mx and Fy, Fx, is shown in P 9 (current) and P 10 (genergetic) below:


                              P 9. CURRENTLY USED NOMENCALTURE

                                   Male                                                  Female


                      P 10. NEW Y,X GENERGETIC NOMENCLATURE

                                 Male                                                       Female


On a basis of a newly proposed genergetic nomenclature of gender it is now possible explore the different genergetic behaviors as manifested through the human M and F main body vortexes.




”Let us behold the Light, that through the forgiveness, finds its way into the great darkness

of this world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and sisters by fully forgiving each other,

because it is only then that you will see their Light, know the higher Truth, and achieve the

happiness of Brotherhood.”

                                                                                   Michael of Nebadon, tml 5/2004