PAPER 121 |
“The Word of God is Love. The
enactment of the Word of God is service to your brothers and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively resident
within your life, the Fruits of Spirit are being produced in your life through the Service of Love.”
Solonia, tml
PSYCHOLOGY In the last Paper 120 a new chromosomal
nomenclature of gender has been discussed. Newly presented genergetic
nomenclature explains the vortex nature of the cellular Y and X
nucleuses whose interfering sub-vortexes My,Mx and Fy,Fx of the main Male Y
and Female X nuclear vortexes are the main cause responsible for the
expression of male-ness and female-ness psychology in humans. New Male (My,Mx) and Female (Fy,Fx) genergetic nomenclature of sex
gender has been compared to the currently used Male XY and Female XX sex
chromosomal nomenclature shown below. (P 1 and 2) P 1. CURRENTLY
Basics of gender genetics and its
currently used sex chromosomal nomenclature can be reviewed at www.RapidLearningCenter.com/Genetics. New gender nomenclature holds the enantiomeric vortex My,Mx and Fy,Fx sub-units interferences responsible for the evolutionary
expression of normal physical Male and Female
genotypes and phenotypes, genotypes as Male Y
and Female X (Fy,Fx) mater-realized sex chromosomes and respective phenotypes
as penis,
testicles and uterus, ovaries. Current Y,X chromosomal gender nomenclature does not recognize the
human Male (My,Mx) and Female (Fy,Fx) enantiomeric interfering
sub-vortex relationships and it does not hold the enantiomeric
Male (My,Mx) and Female (Fy,Fx) sub-vortex interferences responsible neither for
psychology of male-ness or female-ness nor for its minor psychology variants such as
Trans Gender Identity
Phenomena (TGIP or
Inter-Sex). TGIP has been observed in otherwise normally developed human male
and female genotypes and phenotypes where “normal” Male (My,Mx) genotype would
have SRY (Sex Region Y)
gene expressed on My chromosome responsible for development of penis
and testis male phenotype. Transgender ( /trćnzˈdʒɛndər/) is a general term applied to a variety of
individuals, behaviors, and groups involving tendencies to vary from
culturally conventional gender roles.
(Wikipedia) Transgender is the state of one's gender identity (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) not matching one's
assigned sex (identification by others as male, female or intersex based on physical/genetic
sex).[1] Transgender does not imply
any specific form of sexual orientation;
transgender people may identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, or asexual; some may consider conventional sexual
orientation labels inadequate or inapplicable to them. The precise definition
for transgender remains in flux, but includes:
TGIP males or females do not psychologically
identify with their apparent normally functioning male or female physical sex organs, i.e.
penis/testis or uterus/ovaries, and do not accept the society ascribed ”blue color and truck“ or “pink color and doll“ gender identification
because they psychologically feel being of different gender. In the upcoming Papers the new sex gender nomenclature Male (My,Mx) and Female (Fy,Fx) vortex genetics and the prevalent/majority and minority
variant psychology (such as TGIP) of the Male-ness and Female-ness will be explored further.
*** ”Let
us behold the Light, that through the forgiveness, finds its way into the
great darkness of this world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and
sisters by fully forgiving each other, because it is only then that you will see their Light,
know the higher Truth, and achieve the happiness of Brotherhood.”
Michael of Nebadon, tml
5/2004 |