CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                                March 2013                                             



“The Word of God is Love. The enactment of the Word of God is service to your brothers

and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively resident within your life, the Fruits of Spirit

are being produced in your life through the Service of Love.”


                                                                                                                Solonia, tml 5/2004




                      SOLAR MULTI-DIMENSIONALITIES – The Human Vortex




In Paper #123 (February 2013) was stated that here are 22 pairs of “somatic” chromosomes which make up the various physiological and physical characteristics of the new resulting embryo and one pair of “sex” chromosomes, one from a father/male (My or Mx)  and the other one from a mother/female (Fy or Fx), which determine gender. Each egg or sperm gets one member of each pair and so has 23 chromosomes. (P1)

P1. Human 22 paired somatic and unpaired x and y sex chromosomes

The egg receives one sex chromosome from mother, and because the mother has two female chromosomes Fy and Fx, the egg will have one of them, either Fy or Fx. When the father’s sperm joins with the egg, it will also donate 23 chromosomes, one of which is either My or Mx sex chromosome. If the egg is fertilized by Mx from its father that baby will be a girl. If a My fertilizes egg the baby will be a boy. After about six weeks of gestation the fetus begins to show sexually specific male or female phenotype characteristics. (P2)

  P2. Procreative genergetic Male (My,Mx) and Female (Fy,Fx) model

First question was then asked:

- Why are there 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes and only single My, Mx (sperm) or Fy, Fx (ova) sex chromosomes?

Brief answer provided here was that charges and polarities of (nuclear) sub-vortexes are responsible for expression or non-expression of single sex chromosomes.

What was meant by this statement is that Male and Female PUMA sub-units, as mirror-image vortex energy pairs, do reflect their vortex enantiomeric charges and polarities onto their equatorial HIDs and are responsible for expression of 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes and unpaired (single) My, Mx (sperm) and Fy, Fx (ova) sex chromosomes. Let us look into this further:

Male equatorial/HID vortex rotation follows the clock-wise (CW) hour-hand rotation of the cosmic clock, while its enantiomer (mirror image) Female equatorial/HID rotation follows the counter-clockwise (CCW) rotation around its own axis (center). The energy flows in the Male and Female respective enantiomeric vortex subunits M(My,Mx) and F(Fy,Fx) and their HIDs are presented below in P3a,b /F(Fy,Fx) CW is shown here as own enantiomer and not as male’s F(Mx,My) CCW nomenclature/.

                    Male (M)                                           Female (F)

                        My                                                         Fy


   P3a              Mx                                    3b                 Fx     

                 M(My,Mx)                                              F(Fy,Fx)

In order to understand the “unpaired x, y sex chromosomes” phenomena (P1) it will be important to focus on HID vortex revolutions and the PUMA vortex charge and polarity exchanges at the 00 and 12 sentinel lines of their 24 hour cosmic clock HID. (P4&5)

.                                Male                                     Female

                                   My                                          Fy                   


                                     N                                             N




                                      S                                              S  


 P4                              Mx                                             Fx


                      Male (My,Mx)                                      Female (Fy,Fx)




                 My                         Mx                           Fy                            Fx





      P5.       Sperm 22 + M(My,Mx)     and       ova 22 + F(Fy,Fx)


From above P4 and P5 is clear that M(My, Mx) and F(Fy,Fx) are mirror images (enantiomers) and so are My and Fy(or Mx) and Mx and Fx(or My).


                       P6. My and Fx cosmic clock male vortex pattern

From the 24 hour cosmic clock HID (P5, P6) it can be now seen that in My and Fx (both CW HID pattern) the center->0 sex sentinel vortex line is 100% expressible (single mater-realized chromosome), while the 12->center has 0% action and for this reason is not expressible (no mater-realized chromosome). All the other sentinel lines on cosmic clock HID (1-11 and 13-23 somatic chromosomal lines) are expressible (materialized).

On the other hand it can be seen that in Mx and Fy (both CCW HID pattern) that  the center->12 sex sentinel vortex line is 100% expressible (single mater-realized chromosome), while the 0->center has 0% re-action and for this reason is not expressible (no mater-realized chromosome). All the other sentinel lines on cosmic clock HID (23-13 and 11-1 somatic chromosomal lines) are expressible (materialized).

That is why, when these male and female enantiomeric patterns are expressed and materialized on their respective central HID’s, there are 22 pairs of enantiomeric “somatic” chromosomes and only single “sex” chromosomes /sperm M(My/center->0/, Mx/center->12/) and /ova F(Fy,/center->12/, Fx/center->0/) (P1).




”Let us behold the Light, that through the forgiveness, finds its way into the great darkness

of this world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and sisters by fully forgiving each other,

because it is only then that you will see their Light, know the higher Truth, and achieve the

happiness of Brotherhood.”

                                                                                   Michael of Nebadon, tml 5/2004