CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                                 April 2013                                             



“The Word of God is Love. The enactment of the Word of God is service to your brothers

and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively resident within your life, the Fruits of Spirit

are being produced in your life through the Service of Love.”


                                                                                                                Solonia, tml 5/2004




                      SOLAR MULTI-DIMENSIONALITIES – The Human Vortex



In the last several Papers questions were asked among which the first one was –“Why Human Sex Chromosomes Are Unpaired” and the answer to this one was answered in Paper #124.

The second question was – “Why humans have only one Y chromosome coding for Male and three Xs coding for Female”. This topic will be discussed in this Paper #125.

Let us first recapitulate several related topics, such as, that in humans there are 22 pairs of “somatic” chromosomes which make up the various physiological and physical characteristics of the new resulting embryo and one pair of “sex” chromosomes, one from a father/male (My or Mx)  and the other one from a mother/female (Fy or Fx), which determine gender. Each egg or sperm gets one member of each pair and so has 23 chromosomes. (P1)

P1. Human 22 paired somatic and unpaired x and y sex chromosomes

The egg receives one sex chromosome from mother, and because the mother has two female chromosomes Fy and Fx, the egg will have one of them, either Fy or Fx. When the father’s sperm joins with the egg, it will also donate 23 chromosomes, one of which is either My or Mx sex chromosome. If the egg is fertilized by Mx from its father that baby will be a girl. If a My fertilizes egg the baby will be a boy. After about six weeks of gestation the fetus begins to show sexually specific male or female phenotype characteristics. (P2)

  P2. Procreative genergetic Male (My,Mx) and Female (Fy,Fx) model

Now, going back to question as to why humans have only one Male Y and three FemaleX chromosomes, we need to go back to Paper #124, where the Male and Female vortexes and their subunits were discussed, and where was stated that charges and polarities of (nuclear) Male and Female vortexes and their Male (My,Mx) and Female (Fy,Fx) sub-vortexes are responsible for expression of embryonic sex genotypes and phenotypes..

How does this relate to the presence of only one Y and one X /or Male (My,Mx)/ sex chromosomes in sperm and two X /or Female (Fy,Fx)/ sex chromosomes in egg?

Explanation here is very simple if one understands the universal energy principles which consider Male universe energies /here main Male vortex and My sub-vortex/ as the original initators (initial actors) of desired eventuation (event realization), while the Female universe energies /here Female main vortex and its Fy,Fx sub-vortexes and Male Mx sub-vortex/ as re-actors (returning actors) to initial Male energy action. (P3)

               Male (My,Mx)  enantiomers  Female (Fy,Fx)                         

.                                Male                                     Female

                                   My                                   Fy (or Mx)                  






 P3                              Mx                                       Fx (or My)


If we, on a basis of P3, take sperm’s main PUMA vortex Male (My,Mx) as the initiator (initial actor) of charge (+) then its subunits My & Mx will also cary and express this initial main vortex acting (+) charge onto their HID (hemispheric interference disc). My also carry its own male sub-unit vortex charge (+) as the male sub-vortex only true initiator within the main Male vortex and will have therefore (+,+) total charge which will be expressed onto the HID as the materialized My (or Y) male sex genotype and phenotype (i.e. will have activated SRY gene).

The sperm’s Mx (or sperm X) chromosome carries sperm’s main PUMA vortex (+) charge. However, since as female sub-vortex, has female re-active properties it will have as sub-unit (-) re-active charge and (+, -) total charge. For these reasons, when expressed onto the HID, it will  materialize as sperm’s re-active X (i.e. will have inactive SRY gene).

Now, the eggs enantiomeric main vortex Female (Fy,Fx) has never been an initiator (initial actor) but always re-actor to Male’s initial vortex action and  has for this reasons main vortex charge () and its sub-units charges Fy () with total charge (-,-) and Fx charge (+) with total charge (-,+) and for these reasons these both sub-units of egg’s main female vortex, when expressed onto the HID, have inactive SRY gene and therefore female sex genotype and phenotype.



”Let us behold the Light, that through the forgiveness, finds its way into the great darkness

of this world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and sisters by fully forgiving each other,

because it is only then that you will see their Light, know the higher Truth, and achieve the

happiness of Brotherhood.”

                                                                                   Michael of Nebadon, tml 5/2004