PAPER 133 |
“The Word of God is Love. The
enactment of the Word of God is service to your brothers and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively resident within
your life, the Fruits of Spirit are being produced in your life through the Service of Love.”
Solonia, tml
BANG IS UNREALISTIC SCIENTIFIC POSTULATE From the universe point of view Big Bang
theory (BBT) is non-factual scientific postulate in which, on a basis of few
astrophysical observations (Hubble telescope) and a Theory of General Relativity
“calculated” time and space, the space and then time of the universe origin
was “math guessed”. Let us compare here the planetary science
disclosed Big Bang Theory postulate and compare it to the other published,
but science ignored, cosmic revelations such as The Urantia
Book, Teaching Mission and Correcting Time transmissions and dictations, www.LightToParadise.com
Papers (LTP) etc. which have
disclosed rather different information about the universe origin, its meaning
and purpose. *** Planetary science has presented BBT, time
and space in ref 1. In Paper 132 www.BigBangTheory.com has also stated the following: Big Bang Theory -
The Premise The Big Bang theory is an effort to explain what happened at the very
beginning of our universe. Discoveries in astronomy and physics have shown
beyond a reasonable doubt that our universe did in fact have a beginning.
Prior to that moment there was nothing; during and after that moment there
was something: our universe. The big bang theory is an effort to explain what
happened during and after that moment. Big Bang Theory -
Common Misconceptions ·
First of
all, we are reasonably certain that the universe had a beginning. ·
galaxies appear to be moving away from us at speeds proportional to their
distance. This is called "Hubble's Law," named after Edwin Hubble
(1889-1953) who discovered this phenomenon in 1929. This observation supports
the expansion of the universe and suggests that the universe was once
compacted. ·
Third, if
the universe was initially very, very hot as the Big Bang suggests, we should
be able to find some remnant of this heat. In 1965, Radioastronomers Arno
Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered a 2.725 degree Kelvin (-454.765 degree
Fahrenheit, -270.425 degree Celsius) Cosmic Microwave Background radiation
(CMB) which pervades the observable universe. This is thought to be the
remnant which scientists were looking for. Penzias and Wilson shared in the
1978 Nobel Prize for Physics for their discovery. ·
Finally, the
abundance of the "light elements" Hydrogen and Helium found in the
observable universe are thought to support the Big Bang model of origins. \ Big Bang
Theory - The Only Plausible Theory?
Let us now compare
the above science stated Big Bang universe age of 13.7 billion years,
evolving from “no time/no space singularity” (which science, as openly stated,
does not understand but uses it to postulate BBT) with what the UB (2) is
stating was happening at that time (about13 billion years ago) with physical
time-space Andronover nebulae in which the earth and its sun are located. Andronover
nebulae was originated in the physical time and space dimension of local
universe of Nebadon about 875 billion years ago. Monmatia, earth’s sun, was
Andronover’s quartan stage #1,013,572 ejected
sun (out of total of #1,013,682 ejected Andronover’s suns). The
Andronover nebulae did not spring out of “singularity” or “singular point of
nothingness” but was rather initiated (spun vortex) in the chosen segment of
already existing physical space by the two universe Master Force Organizers
(MFO’s). Appeareance
of science postulated BBT space-time physical universe 13.7 billion years ago
would fall time-space wise somewhere after the end of the Andronover’s
tertiary stage about 50 billion years ago with already Andronover ejected #876,926
suns and its quartan stage which about 6 billion years ago with #136,702
ejected suns in its terminal breakup. As we can
easily conclude from the above comparison, the science postulated BBT
universe origin from no space-no time “singular nothingness” that has out of
nothing suddenly created space and then time is just simply inadequate
science theory at this time and age presented to humanity at large by
planetary secular science. References: 1.Big Bang;
The story of the universe, H.Couper and N.Henbast 2.The
Urantia Book, The Urantia Foundation, www.UrantiaBook.org
*** ”Let
us behold the Light, that through the forgiveness, finds its way into the
great darkness of this world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and
sisters by fully forgiving each other, because it is only then that you will see their Light,
know the higher Truth, and achieve the happiness of Brotherhood.”
Michael of Nebadon, tml
5/2004 |