PAPER 137 |
“The Word of God is Love. The
enactment of the Word of God is service to your brothers and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively resident
within your life, the Fruits of Spirit are being produced in your life through the Service of Love.”
Solonia, tml 5/2004
*** CREATION AND EVOLUTION Revisited UNIVERSE SPACE MANAGEMENT In Paper #136 the similarity of nebulas
as the cyclonic vortexes of higher (frequency) physical space was compared to
hurricanes, the cyclonic vortexes of lower (frequency) physical space. (P 1
& 2) Hurricanes
as tropical cyclones are atmospheric heat charged vortexes that need to be
initiated via heat/charge gradient (electro-magnetic charge-polarity
gradient). P 1 P 2 It was stated that for
hurricane to be initiated in the earth atmosphere there have to be met first the right space
conditions in tropospheric (“weather”) layer such
as moist and unstable atmosphere, warm sea-surface temperatures, weak
vertical wind shear (gradient) etc. Then, even
with the right atmospheric space conditions in place the whole
hurricane-making process has to be initiated such as a spin, which initiates
cyclone/hurricane vortex forming funnel (eye). (P3A-D) P3C P3D Corp U.S military defense HAARP (High Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program) can
electro-magnetically charge the ionosphere by directing highly charged
electro-magnetic pulses into the ionosphere. The ionosphere gets focally
positively charged and ignites the electric current between the ionosphere
and troposphere (weather layer) which then triggers hurricane (cyclonic
vortex). (Ps 1,3B,4). +
+ + P1 P3B P4 - - - In higher (frequency) space the Universe Force
Organizers initiate nebulas or cyclonic vortexes (such as Nebadon’s
physical space Andronover nebula). The Urantia Book (1) in Paper 57 states the following (here edit/modif.): 57:1.1 Urantia is of origin
in your sun, and your sun is one of the multifarious offspring of the Andronover nebula, organized as a component part of the
physical power and material matter of the local universe of Nebadon, itself took origin in the universal
force-charge of space in the superuniverse of Orvonton. 57:1.2 …The
Primary Master Force Organizers of Paradise had prior been in full
control of the universe space-energies which were later organized in the
physical phase as the Andronover nebula. 57:1.3 987,000,000,000
years ago associate force organizer from the Orvonton,
reported that space conditions were favorable for the initiation of space materialization
phenomena in easterly segment of Orvonton. 57:1.4 900,000,000,000
years ago the Orvonton authorities commissioned the
original discoverer to execute the mandate for the organization of a new (nebula)
material creation.
57:1.5 Force
organizer and staff subsequently engaged in those protracted activities which
would emerge as a new physical nebula in Orvonton.
57:1.6 875,000,000,000
years ago the enormous Andronover nebula # 876,926
was duly initiated. Only the presence of the universe force organizer and
the liaison staff was required to inaugurate the energy whirl which eventually
grew into this vast cyclone of space. Subsequent to the initiation of
such nebular revolutions, the living force organizers simply withdrew at
right angles to the plane of the revolutionary disk, and from that time forward,
the inherent qualities of energy insure the progressive and orderly evolution
of such a new physical system. 57:1.7 …
Having made the space-energy conditions ready, the living force organizers
withdrew, for the action of the power directors and physical controllers of
the superuniverse of Orvonton. Therefore in summary: - - Presence of living, i.e. spirit originated,
Paradise primary space force organizers creates the resistance and then
tension in this spirit potentialized primordial
passive space force and converts it into the primordial active space force
which is then transmuted and converted by passing through two distinct energy
phases (Puissant and gravity) before space begins to manifest as the gravity
universe power. - Nebular cyclonic vortexes are initiated in the
gravity physical evolutionary phase of space. (57:1.1) - Only the presence and protracted activities
of the Force Organizers and their liaison staff is required to inaugurate the
nebular energy whirl to make it emerge into the vast cyclone of space. (57:1.5:1.6) - Once the nebula is originated and
space-energy conditions are ready for the action of Power Directors and
Physical Controllers, Force Organizers simply withdraw (at 90 degrees) from
the spiraling vortex disc. (57:1.7) Physical nebulas
have limited career and eventually undergo terminal breakup. Andronover’s terminal breakup was about 6 billion years
ago completing its quartan evolutionary stage when Monmatia, the earth’s sun, was born. Monmatia
was #1,013,572nd out of total of #1.013,628 Andronover born suns. Unfortunately,
terminal breakup also awaits the Andronovers suns
and their planets, including Monmatia and its solar
system. Even planetary scientists are giving Monmatia
solar system only about 5 billion years of life. (2) So what are the choices left for humanity considering
that this solar system is already undergoing “aging” changes and will face death
in the future?
2. http://video.us.msn.com/watch/video/how-long-does-the-sun-have-left/p3bdir5
*** ”Let
us behold the Light, that through the forgiveness, finds its way into the
great darkness of this world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and
sisters by fully forgiving each other, because it is only then that you will see their Light,
know the higher Truth, and achieve the happiness of Brotherhood.” Michael
of Nebadon, tml 5/2004