The Living Cell and its Soul

                                     Part I                                        

                                CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                              February 2004
          PAPER 15






Physics and chemistry alone cannot explain how the physical life has evolved out of the

primeval protoplasm of the early seas.

The laws of physics are immutable, unchanging and not responsive to training.

The laws of chemistry are uniform, dependable and not modifiable by education.

Electrical and chemical reactions are both predictable.


The ability to learn, memory and differential response are, however, the endowment of

the evolutionary mind, the result of the response of physical form “choosing” between

influences of “inner” spiritual ministry and the planetary “outer” material environment.

Cellular and organismal mind profits from this experience and learns from it’s reactive habits

forming the behavioral patterns in response to repetition of such “inner-outer” stimuli.


Pre-intelligent organisms can only react to environmental stimuli, but more intelligent organisms

which are reactive to spirit mind ministry can adjust and manipulate the environment itself.

The intellect, the function of physical brain and its associated nervous system, has the

innate capacity for response to mind ministry, just as the developing mind of a personality

possesses a certain innate capacity for spirit receptivity. Evolutionary being, therefore contains

the potentials for both intellectual, social, moral, and spiritual progress and attainment dependent

on the mind ministry of adjutant spirits and their super-physical associates.





First primordial cells were simple and undifferentiated, established only from the reactive

inorganic atomic-molecular components into which the life requirements were introduced.


The first biological unit of material life initiated was the function of Life Carriers revolutions

of physical electrochemical energy circuits within material particles created by PC’s (Physical

Controllers) and this primordial unit is initiated into living existence by indwelling of the Divine Minister’s Holly Spirit. Such first protoplasmic cells had primitive/primordial souls and minds.


In paper 7 it was stated –


“Life does not appear spontaneously on the planets and in the universe in general.

The Life Carriers must initiate life on barren planets, and they are the carriers, disseminators

and the guardians of life as it appears on the evolutionary worlds of space.


The Life Carriers often carry actual life plasma from their headquarters to a new world,

however in case of Urantia, they have organized life patterns after they have arrived on the

planet and in accordance with the formulas previously approved for a new life establishment

on this planet.


When in accordance with the approved formulas, the physical patterns have been provided,

then the Life Carriers do catalyze this lifeless material, imparting through their persons           

the vital spirit spark, and forthwith the inert physical patterns became living matter.

The vital spark, the vital mystery of life, is bestowed through the Life Carriers, not by them.

The Life Carriers do formulate the life plasma and supervise the life spark implantation itself,

but it is the Local Universe Mother Spirit who supplies the essential life spark to the lifeless

cosmic plasma substance that evolves into living physical patterns.


The Local Universe Divine Minister or the Creative Daughter of the Paradise Infinite Spirit

delivers the energy spark which enlivens the body and presages the mind.

The Life Carriers at such times transmit the spark of life and start the required revolutions of

matter in accordance with the physical, chemical and electrical specifications of the ordained

patterns and plans. Therefore, as such, Life Carriers act as living catalytic presences which

agitate, organize, and vitalize the otherwise inert elements of the material order of existence.


The first biological unit of material life created was the protoplasmic cell which communally

associated various chemical, electrical and other basic energies, and the Life Carriers are

always there to initiate the primordial reactions of the material life as the catalytic instigators

of the energy circuits of living matter”.


Each living cell has at its center the ultimate atom of the physical realm or PUMA, and the

structure of very simplified protoplasmic cell and its central physical atom is presented

graphically in the Picture 1.






                                  Picture 1 – The primordial cell with its central PUMA


The lower cellular forms of plant life are wholly responsive to the influence of the physical,

chemical, and electrical energies of its outer environment. Such influences on the cellular

evolution will gradually result in the materialization of the outer cellular wall separating the

energy of this cellular-self’s domain from its surrounding outer environment (“the nature”).


In time and with further cellular evolution and it’s inner structural differentiation, under the

influences of the adjutant mind spirits, the PUMAs gradually form cellular “inner-self” wall

separating it’s central domain of  inner-self lines of forces of spirit and matter energies

(cellular inner- or nuclear-self) containing the materialized nuclear genetic progeny, from its

cytoplasmic “outer-self” territorial energy domain of its cell. The physical characteristics of

such materialized cell represents it’s cellular IDENTITY.


As the scale of life ascends, one by one the mind ministries of the seven adjutant spirits

become operative in them, and the evolutionary minds become increasingly adjustable,

creative, coordinated, and dominative. The ability of life forms to adapt themselves to air,

water, and land is not therefore supernatural endowment, but is physical adjustment to the

super-physical ministry of adjutant spirits.





SOUL is the animating, vital principle of the unit form of life, and is the carrier of its

evolutionary mind, which develops as the result of its choosing between inner and outer stimuli.


The name “SOUL” comes from the root SOL (SUN, it’s SOLAR material origin).

The soul represents the conscious learning aspect of the living form of life. This separates

the consciousness of the living soul from the non-living reactive consciousness of the

evolutionary energy-matter, which some also call consciousness of solar matter and which

accounts for its non-spiritual material manifestation and characteristics.


Living soul has the spark of life and life plasma, necessary for the evolution of its teachable

mind, able to learn under the influences of the seven adjutant mind spirits assisted by the

Life Carriers and the seraphic host, while the mechanical matter-nature has only the reactive

vibratory sympathetic non-teachable consciousness which is influenced, manipulated and

controlled by the physical controllers of the planetary energy realms.


In paper 7 we further read –


“We often speak of LIFE as “energy” and as “force” but in reality it is neither.

Life flows from the Father through the Son and to the Spirit and from the Infinite Spirit to the

local universe Mother Spirit where it vitalizes the lifeless physical form patterns and imparts

to the activated cosmic life plasma the prerogatives necessary for the organism reproduction.”


Life patterns of personalities are configurations of energies that have already fulfilled all of its

mass gravity response obligations to life, “they have been there and done this already before”.


God’s life personality blueprints as such, constitute the animation of some pattern-configured or

otherwise segregated system of energy- material, mindal or spiritual, while Paradise patterns

alone only provide the reactive potentials for material “non-spirit personality” identities.

Nether Paradise space force-energy is mass gravity responsive, while Father’s life personality

blueprints and its patterns are not.


Each cellular soul develops its own evolutionary IDENTITY and PERSONALITY.


IDENTITY represents the material identifying characteristics of the entity, therefore physical

ID-ENTITY, i.e. the material IDentification of a cell-soul’s ENTITY, originally derived from

the nether Paradise energy potentials.

PERSONALITY represents the cell-soul’s qualities, therefore PERSONA-LITY (PERSONA/

form quaLITY) spirit attainment of a cell-soul, a gift of life pattern potential from the Paradise

Father manifested as the cell-soul’s personality potential of it’s trait pattern.


Each living cell-soul develops its EGO from the PUMA center of its immediate awareness of

higher” and “lower” physical and spiritual self. This cell-solar PUMA EGO –CENTER,

serves as the center of cell-solar’s physical and spiritual teachable mind and learning.


 The lower cell-soul forms of plant life are wholly responsive to the influence of the physical,

chemical, and electrical energies of its outer environment. Such influences on the cellular

evolution will gradually result in the materialization of the outer cell-soul wall separating the

energy domain of the cell-soul-self from its surrounding outer nature environment.

In time and with further cell-soul’s evolution and it’s inner cellular differentiation, under the

influences of the adjutant mind spirits, the cell-soul gradually forms the inner-self wall

separating it’s immediate PUMA’s  inner-self lines of forces of spirit and matter energies

influences, containing the materialized nuclear genetic material around its inner cell-ego-self,

from its cell-solar cytoplasmic outer-self of it’s cellular territorial energy domain of its evolving

physical IDENTITY and spiritual PERSONALITY.


In the individualized human central PUMA becomes the permanent ultimatonic center of it’s

solar physical self-awareness. The permanent atom with its self(material)-Self(spiritual) nexus

in the “secret cosmic time interval chamber /Emerald Matrix/ behind the heart”(2) is responsive

to spirit and matter influences in the formation of the solar cellular ego-centric mind.


Two types of physical ultimatons or PUMA’s are graphically presented below in the Picture 2.

From the above discussions their central PUMA presence is responsible for the materialization

of the male and female cellular progeny, sex cell differentiation and life form cellular patterns.






                      Picture 2 - The male and female physical ultimatons (PUMA’s)


The solar central PUMA through cellular evolution, experientially “earns” its permanency

at the ego-central position of the cell-soul. Such permanent atoms develop the highest degree

of the “vibratory sympathy” among their PUMA peers through their evolutionary process,

i.e. the other ultimate atoms of the same dispensation of energy released within the same

period of time (same “age”), and they become cell-soul’s PERMANENT  EGO-CENTERS

of their individualized body organization (organ-realization) of their human-selves.


The relationship between the soul and its ego-center of the living creature-self is presented

graphically below  in the Picture 3.






                        Picture 3 - Living soul’s ego-self with PUMA at its ego-center


Identity and personality of planetary soul evolve gradually through the evolution of its cellular

solar mind through its ego-center.

Soul’s mind evolves through its progressive choosing between the “outer” physical and “inner” spiritual stimuli on it-self, thus expanding its mind and experiential memory capacity.


Through the process of evolutionary choosing and preferences based on new or old experiential wisdom, soul becomes first more matter-conscious, defining and changing progressively its

material id-entity form of life, and later spirit-conscious, gradually defining further its spiritually

enlightened personality.


“Material soul” responds to the outer material stimuli and concerns itself mostly with its physical survival developing its “lower-self”(“self”, “I am”) material consciousness, and as the result the adaptable material evolutionary mind concerned only with its material mortal life survival.


“Spiritual soul” responds to the spirit stimuli. Such soul begins to live in faith seeking

spiritual salvation from the surrounding animalistic material nature and begins to evolve,

under spirit influence, the “higher-self” (Self, I AM) or spiritual mind concerned with its solar

spiritual immortal survival and eternal life in the kingdom of God.


Spirit stimulus is always the creative (creation-active) living principle (“the illuminative or

enlightening”), in the creation-evolution process in universe, while the energy-matter is

always reactive (reaction active) in response to either outer surrounding nature stimuli or

inner spirit stimuli in the evolution of the solar personality and identity.

The spirit enlightens the spiritually responsive personal qualities of living form inspiring its

“higher self” or Self- personality and identity, while the material aspect of the living form only

vibratorily reacts via its instinctive vibratory consciousness of the life form forming its

lower self” materially oriented personality and identity.


Through its central permanent PUMA, the ego-soul of the living being develops the dominion

(through the union with Dominus/God’s spirit), i.e. the controlling influence over its own

material “elemental” body (matter elements of body), and its surrounding elemental nature.

Depending upon the development of its spirit-matter evolutionary mind such soul can positively

or negatively influence the other living creatures and their elemental forms, as well as the

other non-living mechanical planetary environmental elements, and the acts of the elemental

force are observed in men’s life often being called the “acts of the Mother/Mater nature”.




First primordial biological units of life were electrochemical protoplasmic cells communally

associated with various chemical, electrical and other basic energies of inert elements of

the material order of existence, catalyzed by the Life Carriers into living existence.


First protoplasmic circuits have evolved into primordial animated solar living cells with

very primitive minds.

From these first protoplasmic units of life, all other living forms have evolved.

Such cells continue to be initially wholly responsive only to physical, chemical and electrical environment, however later on, they also became increasingly more sensitive to the inner

spirit stimuli. In continuous struggle to select and choose in their response between outer

environmental and inner spirit stimuli, such cellular souls have also evolved their minds.

Under the mind ministries of the seven adjutant mind spirits, the souls and their minds

became increasingly more creative, adjustable, coordinated and dominative.


Each cell has the central physical ultimate atom or PUMA at its solar ego-center.

With progressive evolution of life, the central physical ultimaton of such solar unit of life

gradually becomes the permanent atom in its cellular “secret chamber behind the heart”.

Therefore in the soul of man, such solar ego-centric ultimaton of physical realm represents the

center of men’s solar response to both outer material and inner spiritual influences, serving

as the permanent EGO-CENTER atom for the evolution of man’s self-form identity and his

spirit-Self personality of his living individualized being.


Two types of physical ultimatons or PUMA’s graphically presented in  Picture 2, are called

male and female, and are responsible for the gradual materialization of the male and female

cellular progeny, sex cell differentiation and the differentiation of the living forms cellular


The evolution of the planetary forms of life has been briefly reviewed in Papers 8 and 9 in the overview of the Urantia planet’s evolution of life and it’s life forms..






1. The Urantia book, The Urantia Foundation

2. Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 46, No.52, connotation # 4