INTRODUCTION The question about the creation
and/or evolution of life has been entertained for as long as the man has known himself, and today this is again the topic of
many discussions within religious, philosophical and scientific circles. Planetary SCIENCE postulates
its theories about life origin by observing nature’s phenomena and then tries to reproduce
them, hoping to develop better understanding of the material life and its evolution. Secular science rejects creation by God
and calls it a myth and postulates that the life has originated from an unknown source. Most of the RELIGIONS today do
not offer any new insights about the creation of life. Religions generally reject the
evolution of life and believe in life creation by God. PHILOSOPHY, in trying to
correlate secular scientific postulates about the evolution with religious beliefs
in creation, is not offering any new insights about the origin of life. So, at the beginning of this
Aquarian millennium, humanity is still perplexed and uncertain of its origin and destination. Todays
planetary mankind, addicted to, and enslaved by its material achievements is predominantly secular and has lost its
spiritual connection with God. In the following series of
Papers some of the previously examined facets of the creation and its evolutionary aspect will be studied further in more
details. This Paper 31 integrates some
of these teachings about the fundamentals of creation and evolution, both
being manifestations of life within the Universal and Absolute God. SCIENCE, THEOSOPHY and THE
URANTIA BOOK SCIENCE - Basic scientific
beliefs about origin of life (1) Science in its theory of Big
Bang teaches that the universe has evolved about 13 billion years ago, after an unexplained accidental explosion, which created
space. Before Big Bang, according to secular
science, nothing existed and without presence of space there was no time.
Once space came into existence and inflated, time appeared and the cosmic
clock started ticking. Space expansion has caused space cooling, energy
concentration and its materialization into subatomic and then atomic
particles. Gigantic gas clouds formed galaxies which gave birth to suns,
planets and consequently planetary life. Astronomers today follow universe
phenomena and interpret them on a basis of Big Bang theory. There are various scientific
theories about what incident has initiated planetary life such as: action of an unknown force on
earth, life origin transported through space, life evolving from the inorganic matter by interaction with geological or
astronomic source etc. Besides postulates regarding
the origin of planetary life, there are also various theories about life’s
propagation and differentiation, such as recapitulation theory, neoteny theory, Darwin’s theory of evolution etc. THEOSOPHY - Basic Theosophical
beliefs about life origin (2) Theosophy in Greek means
Divine Wisdom and these teachings are based on ancient records of teachings by sages of east and west. These texts today
represent the core of esoteric teaching of the Theosophical Society. According to theosophical
concepts, the beginning of life has its roots far beyond the scientific
concepts of Big Bang and the Darwinian theory of the evolutionary adaptation. Theosophy considers life to be
a two stage process of progression of consciousness and energy. First stage of process is the
descent or involution of undifferentiated conscious energy-matter from the
Absolute Reality into more restrictive matter forms. Second stage is the ascent or
evolution of the restricted conscious matter into more differentiated and complex life forms returning back to the Absolute
Reality. Theosophy considers those two
stages to be the out-breath and in-breath of the Divine Being, making the
scientific Big Bang theory about the space expansion and contraction of the unsettled universe the in- and out-breathing of the
Divine Absolute Reality. The theosophical Absolute
Reality is the source of all life from which everything comes forth and to which everything eventually must return. From the Divine Mind of the
Absolute Reality three life waves of Logos emerge bringing the Universe into its
being. These three life waves are also known as the Three Great Breaths or
‘Outpourings’ of life symbolized in various religions as the Trinities such
as: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Brahman, Vishnu
and Shiva etc. For Theosophy, matter forms
are not dead energy but represent the vehicle required by the conscious life in order to
complete its specific stages of its life purpose as envisioned by the Divine Absolute Reality. URANTIA – The Urantia Book view about the origin of life (3) The Urantia
(Earth) Book (UB) is the celestial revelation about the origin of life. UB indicates that the
Universal Absolute Father is the original First Source and Center of all life and that from the the Infinite Spirit all creation-evolution life plans are
released into the Universe. Universal Absolute God exhales
His spiritual plans with energies from peripheral universe, where
energy-matter becomes finally actualized into the human life forms having the ascending eternal potential to return back to super-universes of time and
space the potentialized spirit blueprints, and then
flows them back in toward the The life continuum within the
(Master) Universe is the endless out-flow of potentialized
Paradise spirit actuals and then their peripheral actualization, thus representing
the involution and evolution of
the celestial creation and its terrestrial evolutionary life in the body of the universe of universes of the living God. Together the central and seven
peripheral super-universes are also known as the Grand Universe. Urantia’s
super-universe is number seven, called Orvonton
with its capital Uversa. Picture 1.
Artists impression of the Grand Universe (4) Local Universes are the
building blocks of the super-universes. Ours, called Nebadon
with its capital Salvington, is the central abode of our local universe Creator
and Sovereign Son Christ Michael and his consort
Divine Minister. Physical worlds are all of
nebular evolutionary origin and serve as the spawning cradles for evolution
of mortal races of time and space, and each serves as the veritable training
school in the staged volitional ascent of mortals toward their The myriads of planetary
systems were created this way all with the purpose to be inhabited by many different types of
intelligent beings, who would all strive to know God and love him and receive his divine affection. All enlightened worlds
recognize and worship God, and most of evolutionary life is embarking upon the long journey toward the central universe, to find God
at his central abode in Evolutionary planetary life is
therefore only the initial stage from which mortals embark upon the long journey of their eternal ascent. ABOUT THE 3D PLANETARY
Michael stated about the limitations of this planetary 3D physical realm
beliefs about the creation and evolution. “The great ongoing controversy regarding the theories about the EVOLUTION versus
CREATION are a third-dimensional exercise in futility. Both theories
are true, but certainly not in the way they have been presented by the scholars and
historians of your past. We know it is disconcerting
when you look around at the chaos of this world and at the animalistic acts, pains and suffering that are being wrought by
humanity. That is the reality of the lower third-dimensional
experience and when you focus on that reality, your consciousness moves into
it and you are adding to the broadcast spectrum of polarity and duality consciousness. The further you move into density the more pronounced
your dual nature becomes and more likely you are to become polarized and
“narrow-minded” in your thinking. On the other hand, when you
learn to maintain a focus of centeredness and harmony, it is not that you are unaware of what is
happening in the world of duality, but your will-power, energies and desires are totally
focused on the power of the moment allowing your God-Self to radiate forth through you the healing
of transmuting vibrations of love and transformation, allowing you to “be in this world but not of this world”. Beloveds, let go of the energies of judgment and scarcity. Let go
of old self-limiting beliefs that no longer serve your greatest good. Keep an open mind and
stretch your beliefs to allow your consciousness to expand as you tap into the cosmic
libraries of Divine Wisdom. Attune to your God-Self when
you strive to discern what is your highest truth. Listen to your soul/heart
center, and allow your mind to tap into the Essence of higher truth which is stored within your brain structure. You come forth with all the
wisdom, information, talents and abilities you would ever need to create a
paradise on Earth. It is time to reclaim your Divine Heritage as a powerful
co-creator of beauty, joy, abundance and peaceful co-existence with all
the diverse facets of Creation.”(5) CONCLUSION Planetary science has
established its theories about the planetary life and its origin on a basis of the present space
time-frame observed astronomical and planetary phenomena which then tries to support by the laboratory in-vitro experiments. Science as such only accepts
its own “scientific facts and theories”, which are not “holding ground” as
the human society continues to evolve in time and space. Secular science rejects the
life creation by God and only accepts its own “non-spiritual” doctrines based on the matter-energy evolution of life by chance.
This materially oriented science, in not accepting the creative spirit as the originator
of the planetary life, and is not accepting the fact of continuation of “life
after death”. However, the humanity knows now, by reading the celestial
transmissions posted by various transmitter/receiver (T/R) individuals and groups, that this science indoctrination is now also
falling by the wayside. Most of religions believe in
God but have lost true spiritual insights. Philosophy in its attempt to
correlate the material science theories and religious teachings, both being spiritually dormant, is not offering itself any new
spiritual insights. Theosophy and the Urantia Book both accept creation and the involution and
evolution of the planetary life within the Absolute Divine Reality, and they
both consider the mortal stage of life to be only the beginning phase of man’s ascent to eternal
life. References: 1. Big Bang; The story of the
universe, H.Couper and N.Henbast 2. Theosophy: An Introduction,
The Theosophical Society 3. The Urantia
Book, Urantia Foundation 4. The Urantia
Foundation (edit/modif.) 5. Message from the Archangel
Michael, www.ronnastar.com , May
2005 (edit/modif.) |