Ph.D. |
The gravity responding
Paradise primary energy charge carries the potential of the universe energy
power and becomes the active ancestor of all universe matter resulting from
the pressure-presence and the tension- trends of the catalytic property of
the Secondary or the Associate Paradise Master Force Organizers. Passing from the Puissant to
the gravity stage, this primary energy charge becomes rapidly responsive to
the circular absolute ORGANIZATION OF ENERGY- MATTER Although all energy is
circulating the Picture 1. Directed This channeled power charge
presently consists of three currents of energy of ten segregations each and
these three phases of post- This present energy system of
three currents of ten energy segregations each,
represents the domain of the God Sevenfold functioning under the time- space
over-control of the God Supreme. Picture 2. God Supreme
over-control of the God Sevenfold energies At the designated center for
the superuniverse headquarters this three space
currents of primary energy, of ten segregations each, begun to be processed
by the Superuniverse Power Centers, where they
manipulate and assume the control of only twenty- one of thirty phases of
this primary energy or seven ultimatonic energy
segregations per each of the three currents of primary energy. Now, these seven energy
segregations continue further, from the seats of the Power Centers, as the
united specialized directed currents of organized electronic energy power
responding to the needs of the local/ linear gravity of matter universe,
serving as the specialized directed currents of localized energies of time and space
for the specific purposes of the local universe centers, their constellations
and local systems. Such directed path of energy
as the “river of life”, continue to be streamlined through the subdivisions
of the superuniverse space as the individualized
currents of the energy- power, from one Power Center to another, or from one Physical
Controller of energy to the other, and all within the phases and subphases of undifferentiated space energy, similar to
the presence of the currents of the gulf-stream within the various depth
segments of the vast ocean waters. (1) Picture 3. Superuniverse central nebulae SUPERUNIVERSE ARCHITECTURE The
superuniverses sub-dimensional architectural worlds
are distributed within the
three phases and their sub-phases of the superuniverse
primary space energy “ether” according
to the following scheme: The
superuniverse first primary energy “spiritual”
phase with its three subphases: Superuniverses
7 / 1 superunivese
( 10 major sectors ) 1
trillion worlds Major
70 / 1 major sector (100 minor sectors ) 100 billion worlds Minor
7,000 / 1 minor sector ( 100
universes ) 1 billion worlds Second
primary energy “morontia” (quasi-material) phase
with its three subphases:
universes 700,000
/ 1 universe ( 100 constellations ) 10 million worlds Constellations 70,000,000 / 1 constellation ( 100 local systems ) 100,000 worlds Local systems
7,000,000,000 / 1 local
system has approx. 1,000
inhabited worlds Third
primary energy “physical” phase is evolutionary and has about 1 trillion
worlds. The
above phases of the superuniverse Great Central Sun
with its created and evolutionary spheres
within can be also presented as in Picture 4.(3) Picture 4. The organization of superuniverse within its dimensional etheric
CONCLUSION In this Paper the streamlining of the time-space worlds scheme within the sub-superuniverse
space ethers have been examined. It has been stated that the physical suns and their
planetary worlds are not created but are of the nebular evolutionary origin, and are therefore
different in this respect from the morontia and spirit created and organized architectural worlds of
time and space. The
originations of the physical nebulae and their sun systems are not directly
related to any
created administrative units of space within the organized superuniverse great central sun,
such as minor sectors or local universes. The
third primary space energy evolutionary physical phase with its three subphases has about
7,000,000,000,000 inhabited planets of nebular origin per 7 superuniverses of time and space,
or about 1,000,000,000,000 inhabited planets per one superuniverse.
Reference: 1. Paper 3, www.LighttoParadise.com 2. Paper 25, ibid. 3. The Urantia
book, The Urantia Foundation |