In Creator’s Image (XXVII)


                            CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                              June 2008

PLANETARY AND COSMIC CLOCKS – The Planetary Clock-Calendar

The Wikipedia is stating the following about the origin of earth’s vortex evolutionary disc (clock): “It is theorized that Earth formed as part of the birth of the Solar System: what eventually became the solar system initially existed as a large, rotating cloud of dust, rocks, and gas. It was composed of hydrogen and helium produced in the Big Bang, as well as heavier elements ejected by supernovas. Then, as one theory suggests, about 4.6 billion years ago a nearby star was destroyed in a supernova and the explosion sent a shock wave through the solar nebula, causing it to gain angular momentum. As the rotating cloud flattened out, some of the gas and dust clustered together due to gravity (eventually becoming planets). Because the initial angular momentum needed to be conserved, the clustered mass started rotating faster (much in the same way an ice skater rotates quicker with his/her arms "clustered" closely to his/her body). The current rotation period of the Earth is the result of this initial rotation and other factors, including tidal friction and possibly the giant impact hypothesis.” (1) (Picture 1)

                                            An artist's impression of protoplanetary disk.

                   Picture 1. An artist's impression of earth’s protoplanetary disk. (1)

Regarding the planetary revolutionary hemispheric equatorial disc-clock the “East is a direction in geography. It is one of the four cardinal directions or compass points, opposite of West and at right angles to North and South. East is the direction toward which the Earth rotates about its axis, and therefore the general direction from which the Sun appears to rise.

The etymology of East is from a Proto-Indo-European language word for dawn, *hausos. Cf. Latin aurora and Greek eōs. Eostre, a Germanic goddess of dawn, might have been a personification of both dawn and the cardinal point.

By convention, an ordinary terrestrial map is oriented so the right side is East. This convention dates from the Renaissance.” (2) (Picture 2 A-E)

   A   An animation showing the rotation of the Earth.  B C      D 

                                     E   Compass rose with north highlighted and at topEAST (SUNrise)

                                                Picture 2E. A compass rose (2)


In creation of the planetary time-clock-calendar the earth’s revolutionary hemispheric equatorial disc has been divided into 12/24 circle segments representing the 24 hours/day 15º disk divisions relative to earth N-S axial rotations (Picture 2) or the 12 hours/half-day 30º circle clock divisions, and 12 months/year circle 30º calendar divisions relative to the earth rotation around the sun. From there on the revolutionary time clock-calendar 15º and/or 30º disc radial-tangent angular momentum segments have been further sub-divided into their respective disc sub-segments. (P 3)

à  A  Earth's axial tilt (or obliquity) and its relation to the rotation axis and plane of orbit. B  C Image:Dipole field.jpg      

 à D  E   F


                                                24/0                                                         12/0

                     à G                   H          

12                                                                                                                        6


                                              24/0                                                         12/0

                  à I              J   

12                                                                                                                          6

             Platform clock at                                    Clock at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich

             King's Cross railway station, London.   


                                     Pictures 3 A-J. Evolution of the Planetary Time-Clock



It is important to notice that the clock-wise (CW) planetary time-clock (Picture 3 I & J) represents the the terra-centric concept (sun rotating counter-clockwise /CCW/ around the Earth as the center), while the planetary calendar represents the helio/sun/-centric concept (earth rotating CCW around the sun center).





Because of the planetary science refusal to recognize the Paradise GOD the Father as the 1st Source and Creator Center of the universe, the planetary science is unable to explain, for instance, the relationship between the planetary-sun-nebula revolutionary discs clock-calendars and the Paradise GOD center originated universe holographic vortex with its out-breaths /time-space expansion/ and in-breaths /time-space contraction/ cycles (yugas).


As well, the planetary science is unable to explain the inherent nebular vortex counter-clockwise rotation and the evolution and behavior of its inherent revolutionary interference discs.


The planetary science at present does not recognizes also the role of the planetary evolutionary disc time-clock energies in their contibution to the evolution and propagation of the universe life, either planetary or extraterrestrial.


In Wikipedia we only read:It is theorized that Earth formed as part of the birth of the Solar System: what eventually became the solar system initially existed as a large, rotating cloud of dust, rocks, and gas. It was composed of hydrogen and helium produced in the Big Bang, as well as heavier elements ejected by supernovas. Then, as one theory suggests, about 4.6 billion years ago a nearby star was destroyed in a supernova and the explosion sent a shock wave through the solar nebula, causing it to gain angular momentum. As the rotating cloud flattened out, some of the gas and dust clustered together due to gravity (eventually becoming planets). Because the initial angular momentum needed to be conserved, the clustered mass started rotating faster (much in the same way an ice skater rotates quicker with his/her arms "clustered" closely to his/her body). The current rotation period of the Earth is the result of this initial rotation and other factors, including tidal friction and possibly the giant impact hypothesis.”

Regarding the planetary revolutionary hemispheric equatorial disc-clock we only find that the “East is a direction in geography. It is one of the four cardinal directions or compass points, opposite of West and at right angles to North and South. East is the direction toward which the Earth rotates about its axis, and therefore the general direction from which the Sun appears to rise”.

However, this only helps to explain the relative time-space Sunrise-Compass four N-S & E-W cardinal directions coordinates relative to the earth revolutions around its own axis and around the sun but it says nothing about its co-dependence and sustaining spirit-energy relationship of the Urantia planet to its Monmatia solar system and to the rest of the universe and its life.

The planetary science is not explaining also the origin of the planetary vortex geo-magnetism and its relationship to the N-S geo-electro-magnetic-chemical properties of the planetary life.


 P.1 An artist's impression of protoplanetary disk.   P.3E   P.3I


The relationship between the evolutionary planetary vortex time-clock-calendar and the physical central sun Monmatia and its Andronover nebula will be discussed, from the universe point of view, in more details in the following Papers. (3)


Better understanding of the universe holographic macro-vortex, its sub-vortexes down to the PUMA micro-vortexes and their central interference revolutionary discs energy lines will be helpful not only to better understand the planetary disc time-clock-calendars but also the role of their hemispheric lines of force on the planetary life evolutionary energy genetics-“genergetics”.







1. Earth’s rotation,

2. East, ibid.

3. The Urantia Book, The Urantia Foundation /