In Creator’s Image (XXVIII)


                            CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                              July 2008

Planetary science denies God and the universe Intelligent Design. It admits the existence of life’s intelligence but can not explain where the planetary life and its intelligence originates from.

Let us therefore examine some of these topics of interest along the universe-nebula-solar-planetary axis as briefly mentioned in the last Paper 67 such as:

-         Principles of initiation of the local physical nebulae and its relationship to the rest of the created evolutionary universe

-         General principles of the hemispheric protoplasmic interference disc formation

-         Interference hemispheric discs serving as the time-space clock-calendars

-         The role of hemispheric clock-calendars in the universe life generation (gene energetics, “genergetics”) and evolution.   


The Wikipedia (1) is stating the following about the origin of earth’s vortex evolutionary disc:

It is theorized that Earth formed as part of the birth of the Solar System: what eventually became the solar system initially existed as a large, rotating cloud of dust, rocks, and gas. It was composed of hydrogen and helium produced in the Big Bang, as well as heavier elements ejected by supernovas. Then, as one theory suggests, about 4.6 billion years ago a nearby star was destroyed in a supernova and the explosion sent a shock wave through the solar nebula, causing it to gain angular momentum. As the rotating cloud flattened out, some of the gas and dust clustered together due to gravity (eventually becoming planets). Because the initial angular momentum needed to be conserved, the clustered mass started rotating faster (much in the same way an ice skater rotates quicker with his/her arms "clustered" closely to his/her body). The current rotation period of the Earth is the result of this initial rotation and other factors, including tidal friction and possibly the giant impact hypothesis.” (1) (Picture 1)


                                            An artist's impression of protoplanetary disk.

                       Picture 1. An artist's impression of earth’s protoplanetary disk. (1)


The Hubble sequence is a broad morphological classification scheme for galaxies invented by Edwin Hubble in 1936. It is often known colloquially as the “Hubble tuning-fork” because of the shape in which it is traditionally represented. Hubble’s scheme divides galaxies into 3 broad classes based on their visual appearance (originally on photographic plates) (Picture 2):

                                     Tuning-fork style diagram of the Hubble sequence

                                                                 Picture 2

Elliptical galaxies have smooth, featureless light distributions and appear as ellipses in images. They are denoted by the letter E, followed by an integer n representing their degree of ellipticity on the sky.

Spiral galaxies consist of a flattened disk, with stars forming a (usually two-armed) spiral structure, and a central concentration of stars known as the bulge, which is similar in appearance to an elliptical galaxy. They are given the symbol S. Roughly half of all spirals are also observed to have a bar-like structure, extending from the central bulge. These barred spirals are given the symbol SB.

Lenticular galaxies (designated S0) also consist of a bright central bulge surrounded by an extended, disk-like structure but, unlike spiral galaxies, the disks of lenticular galaxies have no visible spiral structure and are not actively forming stars in any significant quantity.


To understand better the universe “INTELLIGENT DESIGN” concepts the reader is encouraged to review the Urantia Book (and previously posted Papers 24-30 on

Regarding the Andronover nebula, the Urantia Book describes the four general stages of nebular evolution. The primary stage of a nebula is circular (lenticular ->elliptical); the secondary, spiral; the tertiary stage (barred spiral) is that of the nebular first sun dispersion, while the quartan (barred spiral) embraces the second and last cycle of nebular sun dispersion, with the mother nucleus ending either as a globular cluster or as a solitary sun functioning as the center of a terminal solar system.

Therefore regarding the above Hubble’s broad classification it is apparent that it only represents the different stages of intelligently initiated time-space physical nebula. The Urantia Book is also stating the following in the Chapter 57 (edit/modif):

Urantia has originated from the Monmatia solar system. Monmatia central sun is one of the multifarious offsprings of the Andronover nebula (as physical Central Sun), which was onetime organized as a component part of the physical power and material matter of the local universe of Nebadon. Andronover nebula itself took origin in the universal force-charge of space in the #7 superuniverse of Orvonton long time ago.”                                                                        


The Primary Master Force Organizers of Paradise have long been in full control of the space-energies before they were organized as the Andronover nebula.

987,000,000,000 years ago associate force organizer and then acting inspector of the Orvonton series, traveling out from Uversa, reported to the Ancients of Days that space conditions were favorable for the initiation of materialization phenomena in a certain sector of  then easterly segment of Orvonton.

900,000,000,000 years ago the Uversa a permit issued by the Uversa Council of Equilibrium to the superuniverse government authorizing the dispatch of a force organizer and staff to that region. The Orvonton authorities commissioned the original discoverer of this potential universe to execute the mandate of the Ancients of Days calling for the organization of a new material creation.

Andronover’s PRIMARY Stage

875,000,000,000 years ago the enormous Andronover nebula was duly initiated. Only the presence of the force organizer and the liaison staff was required to inaugurate the energy whirl which eventually grew into this vast cyclone of space. Subsequent to the initiation of such nebular revolutions, the living force organizers simply withdraw at right angles to the plane of the revolutionary disk, and from that time forward, the inherent qualities of energy insure the progressive and orderly evolution of such a new physical galactic central sun system.  

Andronover’s SECONDARY Stage

200,000,000,000 years ago witnessed the progression of contraction and condensation with enormous heat generation in the Andronover central cluster, or nuclear mass. Relative space appeared even in the regions near the central mother-sun wheel. The outer regions were becoming more stabilized and better organized; some planets revolving around the newborn central suns had cooled sufficiently to be suitable for life implantation. The oldest inhabited planets of Nebadon date from these times.

Now the completed universe mechanism of Nebadon first begins to function, and Michael's creation is registered on Uversa as a universe of inhabitation and progressive mortal ascension.

100,000,000,000 years ago the nebular apex of condensation tension was reached; the point of maximum heat tension was attained. This critical stage of gravity-heat contention sometimes lasts for ages, but sooner or later, heat wins the struggle with gravity, and the spectacular period of sun dispersion begins. And this marks the end of the secondary career of a space nebula.

Andronover’s TERTIARY Stage

75,000,000,000 years ago this nebula had attained the height of its sun-family stage. This was the apex of the first period of sun losses. The majority of these central suns have since possessed themselves of extensive systems of planets, satellites, dark islands, comets, meteors, and cosmic dust clouds.

50,000,000,000 years ago this first period of sun dispersion was completed; the nebula was fast finishing its tertiary cycle of existence, during which it gave origin to 876,926 sun systems.

25,000,000,000 years ago witnessed the completion of the tertiary cycle of nebular life and brought about the organization and relative stabilization of the far-flung starry systems derived from this parent nebula. But the process of physical contraction and increased heat production continued in the central mass of the nebular remnant.

Andronover’s QUARTAN Stage

10,000,000,000 years ago the quartan cycle of Andronover began. The maximum of nuclear-mass temperature had been attained; the critical point of condensation was approaching. The original mother nucleus was convulsing under the combined pressure of its own internal-heat condensation tension and the increasing gravity-tidal pull of the surrounding swarm of liberated sun systems. The nuclear eruptions which were to inaugurate the second nebular sun cycle were imminent. The quartan cycle of nebular existence was about to begin.

8,000,000,000 years ago the terrific terminal eruption began. Only the outer systems are safe at the time of such a cosmic upheaval. And this was the beginning of the end of the Andronover nebula. This final sun disgorgement extended over a period of almost two billion years.

7,000,000,000 years ago witnessed the height of the Andronover terminal breakup. This was the period of the birth of the larger terminal central suns and the apex of the local physical disturbances.

6,000,000,000 years ago marks the end of the terminal breakup and the birth of Monmatia sun, the fifty-sixth from the last of the Andronover second solar family. This final eruption of the nebular nucleus gave birth to 136,702 suns, most of them solitary orbs. The total number of suns and sun systems having origin in the Andronover nebula was 1,013,628. The number of the Monmatia solar system is 1,013,572.

Presently, the great Andronover nebula is no more, but it lives on in many of its galactic suns and their planetary families which have originated in this mother cloud of space. The final nuclear remnant of this magnificent nebula still burns with a reddish glow and continues to give forth moderate light and heat to its remnant planetary family of one hundred and sixty-five worlds, which now revolve about this venerable mother-center of two mighty generations of the Andronover’s galactic central sun system monarchs of light.

5 billion years ago the Urantia’s solar system was a comparatively isolated blazing orb, having gathered to itself most of the near-by circulating matter of space, remnants of the recent upheaval which attended its own birth.


Today, Urantia’s sun has achieved relative stability, but its eleven and one-half year sunspot cycles betray that it was a variable star in its youth. In the early days this sun has continued to contract and consequent gradual increase of temperature initiated tremendous convulsions on its surface. These titanic heaves required three and one-half days to complete a cycle of varying brightness. This variable state, this periodic pulsation, rendered Urantia’s sun highly responsive to certain outside influences which were to be shortly encountered.


Thus was the stage of local space set for the unique origin of Monmatia, the Urantia sun's planetary family, the solar system to which this world belongs. Less than one per cent of the planetary systems of the Orvonton superuniverse has had a similar origin.”




As stated in the above text:” 875,000,000,000 years ago the enormous Andronover nebula was duly initiated. Only the presence of the force organizer and the liaison staff was required to inaugurate the energy whirl which eventually grew into this vast cyclone of space. Subsequent to the initiation of such nebular revolutions, the living force organizers simply withdraw at right angles to the plane of the revolutionary disk, and from that time forward, the inherent qualities of energy insure the progressive and orderly evolution of such a new physical galactic central sun system.”


If the Andronover nebula with its protoplastic disc was intelligently initiated, how was it done?


To envision this process by minds eye it will be helpful to imagine Bob and Alice (Picture 3 A-E, Paper 54, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen/EPR/ theorem) as Yin (Female) and Yang (Male) dancers initiating their many times rehearsed CCW (counter-clockwise) vortex spin on the dance floor finally withdrawing at right angle to the plane of their revolutionary spin-circle.

            A  à

à B   àC   à

              Bob (Male)        Alice (Female)                            Alice (Yin)        Bob (Yang)

                           CCW dancers                                             CCW vortex interference disk                           

     à D     à E  Tuning-fork style diagram of the Hubble sequence

                      CCW nebula                            Various vortex stages of the same nebula


                Picture 3. Vortex morphology of physical nebula initiated by Force Orfanizers


As stated above (UB 57:4.1) the primary stage of the initiated nebula is circular (lenticular -> elliptical); the secondary, spiral; the tertiary (“barred” spiral nebula) stage is that of the nebular first sun dispersion (UB 57:3,12; 100,000,000,000 years ago the nebular apex of condensation tension was reached; the point of maximum heat tension was attained. This critical stage of gravity-heat contention sometimes lasts for ages, but sooner or later, heat wins the struggle with gravity, and the spectacular period of sun dispersion begins), while the quartan (also “barred” spiral nebula) embraces the second and last cycle of nebular sun dispersion, with the mother nucleus ending either as a globular cluster or as a solitary sun functioning as the center of a terminal solar system.




Force Organizers initiate their spin by following the universe inherent Paradise CCW North-South line where there is the greater out-pressure of the force-energy at the north end of its charge and polarity female type vortex (UB 11:2.3). It is exactly that along the north-south arms of the barred spiral nebula where the space matter is released.


Two Force Organizers of the Male-Female vortex energy makeup, face each other just as two M-F dancers before they begin to initiate/initialize (in-niche-realize) their massive CCW nebular dance spin. (see below Picture 4 A-D)


                                      N/N                                                                           N/N

  A   à B

                                        S/S                                                                          S/S


 à C   à D NGC 1300, viewed nearly face-on. Hubble Space Telescope image.


         Picture 4. Polarity of nebular vortex interference disc initiated by M-F Force Organizers


The Urantia Book is stating the following regarding solar polarity and magnetism (UB 58:2,7-9): ”(Planetary) auroral phenomena are directly related to SUNspots, those SOLAR CYCLONES which whirl in opposite directions above and below the solar equator, even as do the terrestrial tropical hurricanes. Such atmospheric disturbances whirl in opposite directions when occurring above or below the equator. The power of sunspots to alter light frequencies shows that these solar storm centers function as enormous magnets. Such magnetic fields are able to hurl charged particles from the sunspot craters out through space to the earth's outer atmosphere, where their ionizing influence produces such spectacular auroral displays. Therefore you do have the greatest auroral phenomena when sunspots are at their height—or soon thereafter—at which time the spots are more generally equatorially situated. Even the compass needle is responsive to this solar influence since it turns slightly to the east as the sun rises and slightly to the west as the sun nears setting. This happens every day, but during the height of sunspot cycles this variation of the compass is twice as great. These diurnal wanderings of the compass are in response to the increased ionization of the upper atmosphere, which is produced by the sunlight.”


Regarding the formation of the much lower dimensional earth’s polarity UB is stating (57:8’18): ”Earth electric disturbances in the air and in the earth were also decreasing. The lava flow has brought to the surface a mixture of elements which diversified the crust and better insulated the planet from certain space-energies. And all of this did much to facilitate the control of terrestrial energy and to regulate its flow, as is disclosed by the functioning of the (earth’s) magnetic poles” and UB 58:3.3:”Physical conditions may also be greatly altered because the electron spin is sometimes in the opposite direction from that of the grosser matter behavior, even in the same physical zone.”





      1. Nebula/Galaxies,    

2. Paper 57,

      3. The Urantia Book,