In Creator’s Image


                            CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                         December 2008


 In www.LighttoParadise.com Paper 72 has been stated:“Before we continue further with a more detailed discussion about the Andronover physical nebula-suns-planets-evolutionary life holographic vortex energy patterns (Picture 1 A-H), let us review in the next several Papers some of the topics covered by the recent Papers posted on www.LighttoParadise.com , such as:

- The evolutionary developmental “mind-age” of the Monmatia sun - Urantia planet as compared to the other Andronovers evolutionary suns and their planets of time and space thrown off the Andronovers nebular wheel after its initiation by the universe Master Force Organizers (MFOs).

- The principles of translation of the “As Above So Below” spirit-2nd energy phase patterns from the Salvington headquarters of the Nebadon created morontial local universe wheel onto the Andronover evolutionary 3rd phase physical energy universe vortex wheel via the Salvington’s “Four Beings” Power Center interference with the Andronover physical universe power center. (see Energy phases, Papers 4 & 25 on www.LighttoParadise.com)

- The principles of the physical energy phase (“oneness”) differentiation and separation into the Male-Female vortex patterns being spun off the Andronover’s nebular hemispheric disc after its initiation by the M-F MFOs.”


     A  B  CNGC 1300, viewed nearly face-on. Hubble Space Telescope image.  

    D  E  F

            G  H


 Picture 1 A-H.  From the evolutionary nebular vortex to the planetary M-F life


In the last Paper # 72 the Monmatia sun – Urantia planet “mind-age” as compared to the other Andronover nebula evolutionary suns & planets has been discussed. (1)

In this Paper (#73) the “As above so below” relationships between the constructed 2nd universe morontia energy phase and the 3rd universe physical Andronover’s suns & planets evolutionary phase will be discussed further.




The Urantia Book text is stating the following about the three primary universe space-force energy-matter manifestations: Ultimatons, Electrons and (chemical) Atoms.




42:5.4 Ultimatonic rays (1º universe energy phase). The assembly of energy into the minute spheres of the ultimatons occasions vibrations in the content of space which are discernible and measurable. And long before physicists ever discover the ultimaton, they will undoubtedly detect the phenomena of these rays as they shower in upon Urantia. These short and powerful rays represent the initial activity of the ultimatons as they are slowed down to that point where they veer towards the electronic organization of matter. As the ultimatons aggregate into electrons, condensation occurs with a consequent storage of energy.

42:5.6 The electronic stage (2º universe energy phase). This stage of energy is the basis of all materialization in the seven superuniverses.      

42:6.1 While the space charge of universal force is homogeneous and undifferentiated, the organization of evolved energy into matter entails the concentration of energy into discrete masses of definite dimensions and established weight—precise gravity reaction.

42:6.2 Local or linear gravity becomes fully operative with the appearance of the atomic organization of matter. Preatomic matter becomes slightly gravity responsive when activated by X ray and other similar energies, but no measurable linear-gravity pull is exerted on free, unattached, and uncharged electronic-energy particles or on unassociated ultimatons.

42:6.3 Ultimatons function by mutual attraction, responding only to the circular Paradise-gravity pull. Without linear-gravity response they are thus held in the universal space drift. Ultimatons are capable of accelerating revolutionary velocity to the point of partial antigravity behavior, but they cannot, independent of force organizers or power directors, attain the critical escape velocity of de-individuation, return to the puissant-energy stage. In nature, ultimatons escape the status of physical existence only when participating in the terminal disruption of a cooled-off and dying sun.

42:6.4 The ultimatons, unknown on Urantia, slow down through many phases of physical activity before they attain the revolutionary-energy prerequisites to electronic organization. Ultimatons have three varieties of motion: mutual resistance to cosmic force, individual revolutions of antigravity potential, and the intraelectronic positions of the one hundred mutually interassociated ultimatons.

42:6.5 Mutual attraction holds one hundred ultimatons together in the constitution of the electron; and there are never more nor less than one hundred ultimatons in a typical electron. The loss of one or more ultimatons destroys typical electronic identity, thus bringing into existence one of the ten modified forms of the electron.

42:6.6 Ultimatons do not describe orbits or whirl about in circuits within the electrons, but they do spread or cluster in accordance with their axial revolutionary velocities, thus determining the differential electronic dimensions. This same ultimatonic velocity of axial revolution also determines the negative or positive reactions of the several types of electronic units. The entire segregation and grouping of electronic matter, together with the electric differentiation of negative and positive bodies of energy-matter, result from these various functions of the component ultimatonic interassociation.

42:6.7 Each (chemical) atom ( universe energy phase) is a trifle over 1/100,000,000th of an inch in diameter, while an electron weighs a little less than 1/2,000th of the smallest atom, hydrogen. The positive proton, characteristic of the atomic nucleus, while it may be no larger than a negative electron, weighs from two to three thousand times more.

42:6.8 If the mass of matter should be magnified until that of an electron equaled one tenth of an ounce, then were size to be proportionately magnified, the volume of such an electron would become as large as that of the earth. If the volume of a proton—eighteen hundred times as heavy as an electron—should be magnified to the size of the head of a pin, then, in comparison, a pin's head would attain a diameter equal to that of the earth's orbit around the sun.    

42:7.1 The formation of all matter is on the order of the solar system. There is at the center of every minute universe of energy a relatively stable, comparatively stationary, nuclear portion of material existence. This central unit is endowed with a threefold possibility of manifestation. Surrounding this energy center there whirl, in endless profusion but in fluctuating circuits, the energy units which are faintly comparable to the planets encircling the sun of some starry group like your own solar system.

42:7.2 Within the atom the electrons revolve about the central proton with about the same comparative room the planets have as they revolve about the sun in the space of the solar system. There is the same relative distance, in comparison with actual size, between the atomic nucleus and the inner electronic circuit as exists between the inner planet, Mercury, and your sun.

42:7.3 The electronic axial revolutions and their orbital velocities about the atomic nucleus are both beyond the human imagination, not to mention the velocities of their component ultimatons. The positive particles of radium fly off into space at the rate of ten thousand miles a second, while the negative particles attain a velocity approximating that of light.

42:7.4 The local universes are of decimal construction. There are just one hundred distinguishable atomic materializations of space-energy in a dual universe; that is the maximum possible organization of matter in Nebadon. These one hundred forms of matter consist of a regular series in which from one to one hundred electrons revolve around a central and relatively compact nucleus. It is this orderly and dependable association of various energies that constitutes matter.

42:7.5 Not every world will show one hundred recognizable elements at the surface, but they are somewhere present, have been present, or are in process of evolution. Conditions surrounding the origin and subsequent evolution of a planet determine how many of the one hundred atomic types will be observable. The heavier atoms are not found on the surface of many worlds. Even on Urantia the known heavier elements manifest a tendency to fly to pieces, as is illustrated by radium behavior.




The Nebadon’s local universe morontial electronic (quasi-physical) and the physical atomic evolutionary spheres are both the holographic vortexes.

The morontial spheres have been constructed from the 2nd universe space-energy phase (electronic) and its subphases, while the atomic sphere has been spun, i.e. initiated, by the MFO’s within the 3rd phase space energy.

The morontial electronic and chemical atomic phases interphere with each other forming in-between the equatorial /equa(l)-tor(oid)-real/ plane of interference, the “veil” plane. (see Picture 2)


                                                 Nebadon’s morontia phase 


               ----------------------  ------------------------                                                                                                                   

                                            equatorial “veil” plane



                                       Andronover’s physical atomic phase


                   Picture 2. Nebadon’s electronic-atomic equatorial “veil” plane


The Urantia Book is further stating:


UB 34:4.9 “The directional control in Nebadon is maintained by the four control creatures of Salvington, who operate over the universe currents and are ably assisted by the first functioning mind-spirit, the adjutant of INTUITION, the spirit of "quick understanding."  

UB 34:4.10 “The four points of the compass are universal and inherent in the life of Nebadon. All living creatures possess bodily units which are sensitive and responsive to these directional currents. These creature creations are duplicated on down through the universe to the individual planets and, in conjunction with the magnetic forces of the worlds, so activate the hosts of microscopic bodies in the animal organism that these direction cells ever point north and south. Thus is the sense of orientation forever fixed in the living beings of the universe. This sense is not wholly wanting as a conscious possession by mankind. These bodies were first observed on Urantia about the time of this narration.”

The morontial local universe Salvington’s “Four Beings”power center, the four compass/time directional control vortex creatures, in their fine-tuning of the Andronover nebula physical vortex disc are presented as super-imposed over the Andronover’s physical nebula hemispheric vortex disc four quadrants in Picture 3.








          Picture 3. Mirror-imaged 4-quadrant vortex spins of the Salvington’s “Four Beings” power center projected on the “veil” interference plane 


The fine-tuning of the four quadrants of the physical atomic evolutionary Andronover’s nebula hemispheric disc /and its suns and the planets and all the way down to the planetary life and ultimately down to the Male and Female PUMAs (ANUs)/ by the Salvington’s morontial “Four Beings” is achieved by the super-position of the vortex spins of each of the Savington’s “Four Beings” as the four morontial mirror image dancers, each over the one of the four quadrants of the “Andronover nebula” vortex hemispheric disc   (Picture 4):






Picture 4. Fine tuning of the Andronover’s vortex disc four quadrants by morontial “Four Beings” power center


The above Andronover’s electro-magnetic energy properties are passed down to its spun-off suns and their evolutionary planets and their PUMA/ANU-mal life, fine-tuning and aligning them with the rest of the Christ Michael -Nebadonia morontial mind local universe of Nebadon in the ascension of its Life in the universe Light.

UB 34:4.10 “The four points of the compass are universal and inherent in the life of Nebadon. All living creatures possess bodily units which are sensitive and responsive to these directional currents. These creature creations are duplicated on down through the universe to the individual planets and, in conjunction with the magnetic forces of the worlds, so activate the hosts of microscopic (PUMA/ANU) vortex bodies in the animal organism that these direction cells ever point north and south. Thus is the sense of orientation forever fixed in the living beings of the universe. This sense is not wholly wanting as a conscious possession by mankind.” (Pictures 5 A & B)


                                          N                                                                  MORONTIA

        A        B Compass rose with north highlighted and at top                                                                                   

                                           S                                                                    PHYSICAL


    Pictures 5 A & B. Birds-view of morontial “Four Beings” four-directional compass/time-clock power center within the Andronover’s hemispheric compass/time-clock vortex wheel.





  1. The Urantia Book
  2. Papers 68 - 72 , www.LighttoParadise.com