CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                          September 2010                                             



“The Word of God is Love. The enactment of the Word of God is service to your brothers

and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively resident within your life, the Fruits of Spirit

are being produced in your life through the Service of Love.”


                                                                                                                Solonia, tml 5/2004




                      SOLAR MULTI-DIMENSIONALITIES – The Human Vortex



In the previous Papers we have examined the role of the Physical UltiMate Atom (PUMA) as the initiatory wave-particle vortex bundle of life. (Picture 1)


Previously has been also stated that the in-organic central PUMA vortex is the precursor of the mater realizing life induced stem cell whose genergetic lines of force for instance initiate the nuclear genetics (Picture 2), form the heart and its chambers (Picture 3) etc. The Adjutant Mind Spirits (AMS), for instance, awaken (by interference with the physical energies) the axial chakras and thus stimulate the progressive organic mind-based planetary evolution of the anu-mal man. (Picture 4)

    P2  P3     P4 

Since the evolution of the planetary life is initiated by and through the central PUMA it will be important therefore to understand better its underlying vortex lines of force involved in the process of life initiation.

The central PUMA is a wave-particle vortex consisting of “from within ßà to without” (multi-dimensional) sub-vortices. (see previous Papers)

In each PUMA vortex there are recognizable two interfering, “above and below”, enantiomeric vortex sub-units forming in between the equatorial plane (Picture 5) where the energy characteristics of their lines of force are projected down onto the hemispheric cosmic clock interference equatorial plane (Pictures 6-8) forming in between themselves as well the four enantiomeric interfering vortex quadrants (00-06, 06-12,12-18,18-24). (Picture 9)

 P5  P6P7


   P8     P9                                                            


The main Male and Female equatorial interference discs formed by the two interfering (upper and lower) vortexes do carry their (upper and lower vortexes) characteristics, i.e. the genergetic characteristics of their 24 upper and 24 lower enantiomeric (mirror image) vortex discs cosmic clock lines of force which form in-between themselves the 24 enantiomeric intertwined spiraling paired lines of force. (Picture 10)

                                Male                                     Female

                                  00                                           00(12)




                                   12                                           12 (00)

  Picture 10. Vortex upper and lower 24 interfering HID lines of force

The equatorial 00/12 line on the central interference disc is, upon the initiation of organic PUMA life by the Nebadonia’s spark through Life Carriers, considered to be this PUMA vortex life “initiation” or “birth” line.

Any newborn creature has likewise its own birth line on the cosmic clock equatorial disc.

This statement is important because the joining genetic material provided by each parent (“conception”/concept realization/ by acquiring one haploid sets of chromosomes by each parent) and their alignment onto the central equatorial cosmic clock PUMA vortex disc has here its first exposure (“initiation”) to the 2nd Adjutant Mind Spirit and cosmic (extra-terrestrial and planetary) physical energies thus indicating the “mind-birth” of a new-born self (central PUMA based) planetary evolutionary creature.



”Let us behold the Light, that through the forgiveness, finds its way into the great darkness

of this world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and sisters by fully forgiving each other,

because it is only then that you will see their Light, know the higher Truth, and achieve the

happiness of Brotherhood.”

                                                                                   Michael of Nebadon, tml 5/2004