Questions and
Answers: PAPER 17 |
“The Word of God is Love. The
enactment of the Word of God, is service to your brothers and sisters. Truly, if the Word
of God is actively resident within your life, the Fruits of Spirit are being
produced in your life through the Service of Love.” Solonia,
“CORRECTING TIME”? (IV) (cont. of Q-A Paper 16, III) “In blending the past, present and
future, the humanity is experiencing an expansion in consciousness at an ever-accelerating
rate as the Earth moves into a realm where time is fluid and malleable, and your
abilities to co-create are becoming more powerful. The spiral of ascension is taking the
earth ever closer to its sun and into its proper place within your solar system and galaxy.
Those of you who have become multi-dimensional are moving fully into a new persona as
empowered spiritual/human Beings. No longer can you remain isolated in
your own little world, for the Earth has, indeed, become very small.” (1) (edit/modif.) Karma of Gaia’s past and present
planetary affairs is weighing heavily upon this planet and her people. In dealing with these
planetary deficiencies several projects have been initiated by the super-planetary community to
correct them through an aggressive and accelerated planning and procedures to place the
Urantia and her people back to their proper galactic time and place. In this executive
process the willing effort and participation of all Urantian planetary minds has been and is
necessary for the realization of this co-operative action. Both Gaia and the cosmic community are
already committed to this effort. The biggest inhibitor of the planetary
mind(s) acceleration was and is the negative influence of the planetary over-controlling cabal
and its laggard mastermind over the rest of the humanity slowing the upward evolutionary
progress of the collective planetary mind. Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) has
been already discussing at length the Annunaki, planetary laggards, cabal government and
their negative over-mastermind effects on this planet and her people.(2) (see also www.PAO.com and the past TML circuit GFL
postings by Sheldan Nidle) Here is what Kirael has stated about the
negative influences of the Urantia’s planetary over- mastermind: “You must understand that you still have
a collective over-mastermind to contend with. The over-mastermind would have you focus
on the “three days of darkness” just to keep you afraid of letting the planetary shift in
consciousness happen. This over-mastermind has tried everything it could to control the
over-being-ness of your planet. And so strongly they have done it that
this over-mastermind now straddles the proverbial fence; it stands on both sides of dark
and light. It stands holding onto its darkness but knowing that, if it fails, it needs to
have its foot in the light as well. Don’t let this dissuade you, my friends. Don’t be caught praying
without the knowingness of your Creator, because in that, my friends, is your great
awakening in the great times ahead of you.” (3, edit/modif.) (see also www.Kirael.com and the past TML Kirael’s
postings by Fred In the near-past, in preparation to deal
with the vice of the laggard planetary master-mind control over the evolution of the rest
of the humanity, several programs were initiated by the Urantia’s super-planetary government
ascended masters, such as the initiation of the various international
meta-physical societies in the second half of the 19th and the 20th
century (Theosophy, Rosicrucians, the “I Am”
activity, the Church Universal and Triumphant and others). It was through the “I Am” and Mark and
Elizabeth Prophet, the founders of the CUT, that the St.Germain, the Ascended Master and
presently the planetary Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, has introduced in the second half
of the 20th century the knowledge about the violet flame and its use. By the use of the
violet flame’s cleansing vibrations and CUT’s many national and international calls,
decrees and sessions of its members, the vast overlay of the planetary master-overmind has begun to
be cleansed in an organized and aggressive fashion. In this 21st century of
St.Germain’s Aquarian dispensational age, CUT continues in their devotional efforts to bring the
knowledge about the violet flame to the rest of the national and international audience. (4,5,6) The Urantia Book has been published in
1950 bringing new revelatory informations about the teachings have been gaining in
popularity and the Urantia Foundation has been steadily expanding their worldwide participation. At the end of the 20th
century the Christ Michael’s Magisterial Teaching has initiated the planetary “Correcting
Time” through the growing number of T/Rs of the various teaching groups worldwide, where
the various topics are discussed during sessions by the superplanetary teaching hosts
through their human transmitters/receivers (T/Rs). Teaching of T/Rs and T/R groups “coming out of
closet” worldwide rapidly fitting into their role of this planned global co-operative action.
Here is the recent excerpt from the
Eregon’s transmission to Denver Teaching Group about the Christ Michael’s Teaching “The Correcting Time is conducted through
the efforts of mortal beings. The Teaching group- it is with you that the
Correcting Time begins. It is you who have answered the call and we wish to instruct you further as
to your daily practice in order to optimize your effectiveness.” (8, edit/ modif.) The global plan for the expansion of the
Magisterial Teaching Magisterial Epoch, is to streamline and
co-ordinate various planetary spiritual groups and organizations through the Christ
Michael’s Global Spiritual Network (GSN) focusing the global evangelization efforts of the
Teaching planetary seraphic activity, and will
heavily rely upon the teaching interactions between the super-planetary teacher-hosts and their
planetary T/R groups. Twelve
sectors of the seraphic- planetary reserve corps are
discussed in The Urantia Book (9,
Paper 114 , sections 5, 6 & 7) and they are- epochal, progress,
religious, nation life, races, future,
enlightenment, health, home/family, industry, diversion, and superhuman
ministry (9,
p.1254-9). The advisory and teaching
activities of the GSN will be governed by the super- planetary master-seraphic administrative cabinet of twelve
of the planetary governor general. The teachings are hosted by the celestials and
need to be realized by the mortals. By
and through the increasing numbers of the spiritually guided T/R groups and
the flexible, fluid
group co-ordinated dynamics between them, the humanity should be able to
sufficiently prepare
itself for the above oncoming spiritual planetary changes and
transformations on the Urantia’s
ascension to its higher dimensions of Light and Life. Through the Global Spiritual Network
various planetary groups will have the opportunity to expand and strengthen the understandings
of their planetary function on their spiritual vertical ascension path to the morontia
realms of the eternal life. As well, humanity will need to prepare
for more societal horizontal planetary changes. Through the flexible dynamics of the
planetary activation group and organization model (PAG and PAO, 10) humanity should be
able to ready itself for the first official contact with the “visible” representatives of
the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL). (2) Here is what S.Nidle has stated in
“Selamat Ja” (10, p. 92-93): ” The work of Planetary Activation
Groups (PAGs) includes informing their communities of the divine intervention that is now
taking place. This divine intervention consists of two fundamental steps:
[1] There is the sacred intervention by the Spiritual Hierarchy which
is characterized as an ‘ascension/integration’ process.
Presently, these changes are joining together our physical and spiritual bodies and, when
completed, will restore us to a state of full consciousness.
[2] At the right divine time, fully-conscious physical Angels will
arrive to assist in the successful completion of the ascension
process. These magnificent beings are the personnel of the Galactic Federation of Light
(GFL). PAGs will receive immeasurable information and assistance when the Galactic
Federation’s first contact finally occurs. The GFL’s Sirius (Sirian) Regional
Council is assisting the (Urantia’s) local spiritual (super- planetary) hierarchy in carrying out the
actual changes required to transform us (the Gaia’s children) into fully-conscious
individuals. PAGs have a significant role to play.
Their job is to help our society understand the nature of its future role as fully-conscious
guardians of Mother Earth and to prepare our global society for the first contact with their space
kin- the Galactic Federation of Light.”
to continue in Q-A Paper 18 References: 1. Messages from
Archangel Michael, through Ronna Herman, LM-5-2004 2. Updates by
S.Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, TML 2004
3. Kirael.com special report, TML
4. www.summituniversitypress.com
6. www.saintgermainfoundation.com 8. Denver TeaM, TML
transcript May 24, 2004 9. The Urantia Book,
Paper 114, Sections 5,6,7, The Urantia Foundation 10. Selamat Ja, S.Nidle, Blue Lodge
Press, 2001
*** In the meantime…”Let us behold the Light, that through the
forgiveness, finds its way into the great darkness of this world. Perceive the Light in all your
brothers and sisters by fully forgiving each other, because it is only then that you will see
their Light, know the higher Truth, and achieve the happiness of Brotherhood.” (Michael of
Nebadon, |