Questions and Answers: PAPER 41


                                                      CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                                                   September 2006



“The Word of God is Love. The enactment of the Word of God is service to your brothers

and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively resident within your life, the Fruits of Spirit

are being produced in your life through the Service of Love.”

                                                                                                                Solonia, tml 5/2004





                                     SOLAR MULTI-DIMENSIONALITIES ( XIII )




Cont. 2.  “You” as LOWER-SELF “PUMA” (Physical UltiMate Aton/Atom)




There is original endowment of adaptation in living things and beings.

In every living plant or animal cell, in every living organism- material or spiritual,

there is an insatiable craving for the attainment of ever-increasing perfection of

environmental adjustment, organism adaptation, and augmented life realization.

These interminable efforts of all living things evidence the existence within them of an

innate striving for perfection of the personality and identity of the self-I am into Self-I AM.


First primordial cells were simple and undifferentiated electrochemical circuits, established

only from the reactive inorganic atomic-molecular components into which the life plasma

was introduced.                                          

Such first biological unit of material life initiated was the function of Life Carriers revolutions

of physical electrochemical energy circuits within material particles created by Physical

Controllers and initiating this primordial unit into living existence by Holly Spirit indwelling

of the Divine Minister.

When in accordance with the approved formulas, the physical patterns have been provided,

than the Life Carriers (LCs) do catalyze this lifeless material, imparting through their

persons the vital spirit spark, and forthwith the inert physical patterns become living matter.

The vital spark, the vital mystery of life, is bestowed through the Life Carriers, not by them.

The Life Carriers do formulate the life plasma and supervise the life spark implantation itself,

but it is the Local Universe Mother Spirit who supplies the essential life spark to the lifeless

cosmic plasma substance that evolves into living physical patterns.                            


The first biological unit of material life created was the protoplasmic cell which communally

associated various chemical, electrical and other basic energies, and the Life Carriers are

always there to initiate the primordial reactions of the material life as the catalytic instigators

of the energy circuits of living matter.

And it was 500 million years ago that three life implantations by LCs in central or Eurasian-

African, the eastern or Austral-Asian, and the western or Greenland-American, gave birth to

very primitive but well established marine vegetable life on this planet Urantia.


Very few species of the early types of marine vegetation that participated in those epochal changes,

which resulted in the animal-like borderland organisms are in the existence today.

The sponges are the survivors of one of these early midway types, those organisms through

which the gradual transition from the vegetable to the animal took place.

These early transition forms, while not identical with modern sponges, were much like them,

they were true borderline organisms- neither vegetable nor animal, but they eventually led

to the development of the true animal forms of life.

The bacteria, as simple vegetable organisms of a very primitive nature, are very little changed

from the early dawn of life; they have even somewhat retrogressed in their parasitic behavior.

Many of the fungi also represent a retrograde movement in evolution, being actually plants

which have lost their chlorophyll-making ability and have become more parasitic.

The majority of “disease-causing” bacteria and their auxiliary virus bodies really belong to

this group of renegade parasitic fungi.

During the intervening ages, the entire vast kingdom of plant life has evolved from the

ancestors from which the bacteria have also descended.

The higher protozoan type of animal life soon and suddenly appeared, and from these

far-distant times the ameba, the typical single-cell animal organism has appeared.


What this minute creature and his protozoan cousins are to the animal evolutionary species,

in a collective differentiation of planetary life, which have failed subsequently to develop further.


Hundreds upon hundreds of species intervened and perished. Those that have survived but

have not progressed represent the stationary types of early lower animals, survived branches

of the tree of life which have failed to progress, and it took 1 million years for the mutation

within progressive Primate branch to finally produce first primitive human beings which

became the ancestors of all planetary mankind on Urantia.




The first biological unit of material life created was the protoplasmic cell which communally

associated various chemical, electrical and other basic energies, and the Life Carriers are

always there to initiate the primordial reactions of the material life as the catalytic instigators

of the energy circuits of living matter.


It was previously stated that each living cell has at its center the ultimate atom of the physical

realm or PUMA, which is in the teachings of the ascended planetary masters also called the

“central atom in the sacred chamber behind the heart”.




It has been also previously stated in Papers that each living cell gradually evolves its own soul

and mind through its differential choosing between the “inner”(spirit) and “outer”(matter) stimuli.


Lower-self SOUL represents the animated vital principle of the unit form of life, being the carrier

of its evolutionary mind (as compared to the eternal I AM Self Thought Adjuster guided morontia

 soul). The name SOUL is derived from the root SOL (SUN/SON) hence its name- SOLAR.


The soul, therefore, represents the conscious learning aspect of the living form of life. This separates

the consciousness of the living soul from the non-living reactive responses of the elemental

energy-matter, which some also call- the elemental consciousness.

Living soul has the spark of life and life plasma, necessary for the evolution of its teachable

cell-mind, able to learn under the influence of the seven adjutant mind spirits assisted by

the Life Carriers and by the angelic host, while the mechanical matter-nature has only

reactive vibratory sympathetic non-teachable consciousness which is influenced, manipulated

and controlled by the physical (energy) controllers (PCs) of the planetary realms.




Each soul has its IDENTITY (Personage/ Persona-age) and PERSONALITY.

IDENTITY represents the material identifying characteristics of soul’s entity , i.e. lower

or outer form quantity, therefore physical ID-ENTITY attainment of a soul.

PERSONALITY represents the soul’s spiritual persona (higher- or inner-self) quality,

therefore spiritual PERSONA-LITY attainment of a soul.


Each living soul has EGO at the center of its awareness of “higher” and “lower” self.

EGO has as its CENTER the physical ultimate atom or PUMA, the center of its physical

and spiritual teachable mind and learning, which in individualized human becomes solar 

permanent ultimatonic center of its physical I am-self and later morontial I AM-Self.


The SOLAR CENTRAL / PERMANENT ATOMS are the solar PUMAs which have

through their evolutionary process experientially “earned” their permanency at the

central ego-position of the soul. These permanent atoms have developed the highest

degree of “vibratory sympathy” among their peers through their evolutionary process,

i.e. the other ultimate atoms of the same dispensation of energy released within the

same period of time (same “age”), and they become the SOUL’s (SOLAR) permanent

EGO-CENTERS of their individualized humans.”


As already stated in Papers either PUMA’s male or female energy forms, are the centers

of solar egos (ego-centers) within solar cellular nucleus of the living creature, often called

the (PUMA) central solar atoms in the “secret chamber behind the (physical) heart”.




           Picture 4.  Masculine(male) or feminine (female) solar PUMA ego-centric cell


Through the cellular evolutionary growth and the expansion of solar lines of forces from their

PUMA ego-centers, in the process of choosing between outer socio-environmental and inner

spiritual stimuli, that the solar PUMA ego-centric cells gradually evolve their male and

female Paradise absolutonic-PUMA ego-centric energy characteristics and preferences for each

other in their evolutionary development and their biological reproduction of physical life forms.




It is through the cellular evolutionary growth and the expansion of solar lines of forces from

their PUMA ego-centers, in the process of choosing between outer socio-environmental and

inner spiritual stimuli, that the solar PUMA ego-centric cells have gradually demonstrated their

male and female Paradise absolutonic-PUMA ego-centric energy characteristics and preferences

for each other in their evolutionary development and their biological reproduction of physical life

forms, which has finally resulted in the solar individualization and the appearance of the first

primitive human beings, the first male and female of human race as the ancestors of all planetary mankind.


The individualized man has male-PUMA and the woman has female-PUMA as their ego-centers, and such

individualized soul sexually evolves ALPHA “male-form” and becomes the father of the family, while the

individualized woman (womb-man) sexually differentiate into OMEGA “female-form” and becomes

the woman and the mother of the human family.


It is very important to understand the above underlying cosmic principles about the differences between the

man/Alpha-male and woman/Omega-female energy forms, and good understanding of the above Paradise

concepts should help humanity to clear the confusion about the meaning of the evolved human genders and

the human family.





1. The Urantia book, The Urantia Foundation





”Let us behold the Light, that through the forgiveness, finds its way into the great darkness

of this world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and sisters by fully forgiving each other,

because it is only then that you will see their Light, know the higher Truth, and achieve the

happiness of Brotherhood.”

                                                                                   Michael of Nebadon, tml 5/2004