Questions and
Answers: PAPER 45 |
“The Word of God is Love. The enactment of the Word of God
is service to your brothers and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively
resident within your life, the Fruits of Spirit are being produced in your life through the Service of
tml 5/2004
LOWER-SELF “ INTRODUCTION As stated in previous Papers the
masculine and feminine forms of the living creatures evolve from the central In humans, as the highest evolved
evolutionary creature, the central “lower”-self slowly begins to separate
him-/her-self from the animalistic group consciousness through its spirit guided developing
individualized mind of solar “higher”aspect of self. The below presented graphic sequence
again demonstrates the presence of the creative force behind the evolutionary process of
all biological species finally completing its cycle in the individualization of man and woman, the
two biologically pro-creative human species of the opposite but complementary energy
co-creative polarities. THE EVOLUTION AS THE ASPECT OF THE
CREATION Paradise upper Paradise
Spirit Trinity centers, central Person at its heart
nexus, and three nether Paradise Centers are projected behind the energy body of the
Picture 1. I AM God male and female
patterns within and female energy patterns The energy presence of the three “upper” Paradise Spirit
Centers, i.e. the aspects of the Universal Absolute “I AM” Self, are in time
and space behind the solar “higher” aspect of self. Majeston is in time and space behind the permanent The three nether centers of the to the “lower” aspects of human Picture 2. The male and
female with
Picture 3. The energy field
Picture 4.
Human central chakras (1) The auric central energy caduceus coil with chakra centers
projected within, appear as presented below in the Picture 5, and central coil itself
of the human body in 6.
Picture 5. Chakras within the central Picture 6. Human central energy
coil energy coil (1, edit/
(1, edit/ modif) Djwal Kul has made the following
statement about the human central energy coil: “The (electro-magnetic)
coil…approximately ten inches in diameter… (is) rising from the base of an imaginary sundial upon which
you stand…The coil is an electrode…the coils being placed three inches apart…from
beneath your feet to the top of your head, this coil is pulsating white fire (of energy).(1,
edit./modif.) The below presented medical caduceus of
human energy anatomy also acknowledges the central energy origin of the human body
coil (spine). (Picture 7)
Picture 7. The medical caduceus of human body with its central energy
coil (2) The spinal cord/coil is called in Two snakes symbolize the Kundalini or
serpent-fire which is set in motion along the spinal energy channels and the wings
typify the power of conscious flight through higher planes, which the development of
that fire confers. Within Kundalini …there is mingling of
positive and negative energy qualities… which can be described as male and female…the
section rising through the Pingala channel being …almost wholly masculine, whereas
the rising through channel Ida is almost wholly feminine. At the intersections of the
three the roots from which chakra centers or the energy wheels appear. The second differentiation which takes
place during the passage of Kundalini force up the spine is that it becomes intensely
impregnated with the personality of the man. It seems that Kundalini enters at the
bottom as very general force, and issues at the top being definitely impregnated by the personality of the man with his
qualities. (2, edit/modif.) CONCLUSION The above graphic presentation
demonstrates the presence of the creative force behind the evolutionary process of all
biological species completing its cycle in the individualization of man and woman, the
two biologically pro-creative human species of the opposite but complementary energy
co-creative polarities. Having the being possesses the potentials for both
intellectual, social, moral, and spiritual progress to successfully ascend into the morontial
realms of the eternal life. Through the its energy lines, i. e. materializes the
genetic determinants of the evolving life forms. Through the process of its energy-genetic
cell division, aggregation (aggregate realization) and organization (organ realization) the
heart ego-centric evolves its creatures outer shell
(body). The Finally, having the permanent ego-center
the human soul develops its individualized body as the highest evolutionary
accomplishment of the physical planetary life. References: 1. The Human Aura, Kuthumi and Djwal
Kul, 2. Esoteric Anatomy, Bruce Berger,
*** ”Let us behold the Light, that through
the forgiveness, finds its way into the great darkness of
this world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and sisters by fully
forgiving each other, because
it is only then that you will see their Light, know the higher Truth, and
achieve the happiness
of Brotherhood.”
Michael of Nebadon, tml 5/2004 |