Questions and Answers: PAPER 48


                                                      CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                                                      April 2007


“The Word of God is Love. The enactment of the Word of God is service to your brothers

and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively resident within your life, the Fruits of Spirit

are being produced in your life through the Service of Love.”


                                                                                                                Solonia, tml 5/2004





                                    SOLAR MULTI-DIMENSIONALITIES ( XX )



Cont. 2.  “You” as LOWER-SELF “PUMA” (Physical UltiMate Aton/Atom)



Ah! Being of Human Mind – Christ MICHAEL

“You are really complex beings, and the sequence by which each of you becomes aware of what you are is not exactly preordained, but does follow a regular pattern. We mentioned in a recent lesson how you are accompanied and assisted by representatives of the Trinity—myself representing the Eternal Son, pouring out upon you my unique spirit, the Spirit of Truth, to become part of your mentality giving you a hunger and drive to discover ever larger realms of what is true. Mother Spirit represents the Third Person of the Trinity, the Infinite Spirit, her Mind Adjutants, distinct dimensions of her consciousness, directing the evolution of life on the planets--which you recapitulate in the womb; and then from the moment you are born, as you recapitulate the history of your race, her adjutants, one by one, help you think, and understand, give you a gregarious impulse with respect to each other, and the courage to seek out this new world surrounding you--until you grow into that moment when her adjutants of wisdom and worship can inaugurate you into your first moral decision, at which moment your receive a Thought Adjuster, the presence of God himself, and become even as a small child super-minded.

Yet even before these exterior spiritual influences, my children, your very being is reflective of the Trinity. Your personality, which we define as your essential reality, the unique cosmic reality that you are, like no other in all of existence, this personality is a creation of God. Then this creation of God the Father is bequeathed a spiritual nature from the Eternal Son, the Second Person of Deity. You are not only part of God’s personality circuit, you are also a part of the Eternal Son’s spiritual circuit. And then you are minded, you are extended a portion of the Infinite Spirit’s mindedness—the Cosmic Mind, just as part of your intrinsic nature, the kind of being you are. This mind’s main purpose is to link your spiritual personality with a physical body that is also unique. I’m sure you’ve all seen pictures of the once rather large families of your particular culture, and have marveled at how among a dozen brothers and sisters there is both such a family resemblance, and yet too how each face is unique: each physical person is unique. Even identical twins are ever so slightly physically unique.

So right in the kinds of beings that you are—in personality, and spirit, and mind, you portray the gifts of all three of the absolute, existential Beings. This is what every human being is, and on Urantia, ever since Pentecost when I released my Spirit of Truth to the whole planet, as distinct from before this time, now every normal-minded human being receives a Thought Adjuster. As of Pentecost, the planet Urantia took a giant step forward into its potential future.

It is by thoroughly understanding and appreciating the sequence of events of how every newborn child acquires its mental and spiritual abilities, yet how these are so nearly-totally colored by the family and the larger culture into which he or she is born, can you understand how my Spirit of Truth, Mother Spirit’s Adjutants of Wisdom and Worship, and even God’s fragment of pure spirit within the human mind, can get quite buried by years and years of childhood habituation to that culture, to this particular time in the development of your planetary civilization. So much so that the Godly gift of free will arising from a true individualization, standing alone and essentially apart from all these years and years of conditioning; this hallmark of true maturity is not easily won. And this is especially true for so much of the world in which this goal of independent thinking, genuinely spontaneous spiritual creativity, is not even acknowledged to be possible to strive for. This becomes another great purpose of Mother Spirit and I--to introduce--along with all our other spiritual children whose messages you are receiving through these transmissions.” (1, excerpt)


In The Urantia Book has been stated:

“As the mind of any personality in the universe becomes more spiritual -- Godlike -- it becomes less responsive to material gravity. Reality, measured by physical-gravity response, is the antithesis of reality as determined by quality of spirit content. Physical-gravity action is a quantitative determiner of non-spirit energy; spiritual-gravity action is the qualitative measure of the living energy of divinity…

…Mind is the holographic vortex interference phenomena whereby spirit realities become experiential to creature personalities. And in the last analysis the unifying possibilities of even human mind, the ability to co-ordinate things, ideas, and values, is super-material.

Though it is hardly possible for the mortal mind to comprehend the seven mind levels of relative cosmic reality, the human intellect should be able to grasp much of the meaning of three basic functioning levels of finite consciousness/mind reality:

  1. Matter. Organized energy which is subject to linear gravity except as it is modified by motion and conditioned by mind.

   2. Mind. Organized consciousness which is not wholly subject to material gravity, and which becomes truly liberated when modified by spirit.

    3. Spirit. The highest personal reality. True spirit is not subject to physical gravity but eventually becomes the motivating influence of all evolving energy systems of personality dignity.

…Spirit is the fundamental reality of the personality experience of all creatures because God is spirit. Spirit is unchanging, and therefore, in all personality relations, it transcends both mind and matter, which are experiential variables of progressive attainment.

In cosmic evolution matter becomes a philosophic shadow cast by mind in the presence of spirit luminosity of divine enlightenment, but this does not invalidate the reality of matter-energy. Mind, matter, and spirit are equally real, but they are not of equal value to personality in the attainment of divinity. Consciousness of divinity is a progressive spiritual holographic vortex interference experience…” (2; P. 12, S. 8, excerpt, edit/modif.)

Always should the domains of the physical (electro-chemical) and the mental response to environmental stimuli be differentiated, and in turn must they all be recognized as phenomena apart from spiritual activities. The domains of physical, mental, and spiritual gravity are distinct vortex interference realms of cosmic reality, notwithstanding their intimate interrelations.

Mind evolution is dependent on, and delayed by, the slow development of physical body, and because spiritual progress is dependent on mental expansion, it is unfailingly delayed by intellectual, i.e. mental retardation. Physical handicap may delay creatures mind evolution, and mental perversity may delay spiritual attainment, but none of these can prevent the underlying solar free will, and free-willed choice to find God. (2)

It has been stated in the previous Papers that the physical chemical elements are the principal factors in the formation of the inorganic and organic matter, and are the prerequisite forms of matter necessary for the formation of the mechanical (non-teachable) mind, pre-life mind, and the teachable (non-mechanical) mind of the planetary life evolving through the planetary physical life-wave stages from the basic PUMA based holographic vortex interference elemental reactive consciousness to its ascending super-human Supreme mind potentials.

The example of  the action-reaction pre-life mind would be the mineral formation with the piezoelectric ability of crystals to respond to and retain certain frequency stimuli in their crystal body memory and to respond, i.e. communicate, when aligned with the frequency of the receiver.

The beginning of the teachable (non-mechanical) mind begins with the introduction of the Life Spark and the Life Force through Life Carriers by Local Universe Creator Daughter (in case of this planet Urantia it was Nebadonia, see previous Papers on and the extension of the Life Force through the central PUMA of the first such electro-chemical cells via cosmic stations lines and the precipitation of the first biological material, such as primordial DNA, in the formation of the first electro-chemical biological cells of life.  

First primordial cells were simple and undifferentiated electrochemical circuits, established only from the reactive inorganic atomic-molecular components into which the life germ plasma was introduced with its ability to bridge the vortex interference frequencies of the adjacent spheres of consciousness surrounding the solar cell nuclear PUMA based ego-centric self.

The first such organic units of material life created were the protoplasmic cells which communally associated various chemical, electrical and other basic energies.

In the development of any planetary life the vegetable always precedes animal and develops fully before animal patterns appear and begin to differentiate. All animal types always develop from the basic patterns of the preceding vegetable kingdom; they are not separately organized. (3) 


The holographic vortex interference phenomena principle involved in mind evolution and progression has been discussed in Paper 51 and 52 on . Here is what has Tomas stated in discussing the prayer-mind creation of holographic vortex interference patterns:

“…as you pray and as you aspire to make contact with God in heaven, you are creating a vortex in your reaching, understanding in this context that a vortex is energy that goes out and energy that comes in and it focuses on a time-space continuum. It is a large subject and one that is filled with imagery and potential understanding. It is a vast concept, and I will discuss an aspect of the vortex that includes the entire universe while my co-worker will address the more personal aspects of this energy experience.

In discussing it for your mortal understanding, I will first make reference to your energy, going out into your environment and into your arena, as you are all individually a vortex of energy. You influence your environment with whatever energy it is that you combust within your being. It is possible for this energy to be constructive or destructive, but from a cosmic perspective, the energy that you emit is part of the growing godhead, the Evolving Supreme.

Think of it as the ripple that spreads out when a stone is plopped on the pond.

The ripple is the effect of your vortex as the Supreme Being is the ripple as a result of God's being at the center of all things. Have you ever noticed that the ripple that goes out eventually returns? And so all energy emits from Paradise, the beginning of this great energy vortex. Along with it is infinite love, and it spreads out throughout the Grand Universe and even beyond. It permeates time and space and its ripple comes back in and through the Supreme Being. The vortex, then, you see, is the energy that goes out and the energy that comes in.” (4, excerpt) (Picture 1)


Picture 1. Interference pattern (ripple effect) between two T/R (transmitting/receiving centers                                                                                                    

Holographic vortex interferences are evolution induced by any of the above mentioned type of minds, i.e. the mechanical (non-teachable) mind, pre-life mind, and the teachable (non-mechanical) mind of the planetary life evolving through the planetary physical life-wave stages from the basic elemental reactive interfering consciousness to the ascending super-human minds.                                                                                                   

Below are shown the basic seven centers/wheels holographic vortex mind interference patterns (“the ripple effect”) presented in Picture 2.





                  Picture 2. Seven centers/wheels holographic interference patterns


The seven human chakra centers/ wheels mind holographic vortex interference pattern would appear as presented  below in Picture 3. 


              Picture 3. Seven human chakras holographic vortex interference ripples

When seven basic human chakra centers/wheels are presented within the body of the expanding central Physical UltiMate Atom, as discussed previously and in Q-A Paper 45, then the human body holographic vortex interference aura appears as in Picture 4 presented below.



              Picture 4. The holographic energy field of central PUMA based human aura




1., ,

2. The Urantia Book, The Urantia Foundation

3. Papers 51-53, Q-A Papers 46&47,

4. Topic: Understanding Vortex , Teacher: Tomas and Merium

    T/Rs: Gerdean and Hunnah, Location: Butler, PA, USA Date: April 1,  1997 ,




”Let us behold the Light, that through the forgiveness, finds its way into the great darkness

of this world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and sisters by fully forgiving each other,

because it is only then that you will see their Light, know the higher Truth, and achieve the

happiness of Brotherhood.”

                                                                                   Michael of Nebadon, tml 5/2004