Questions and Answers: PAPER 52 |
“The Word of God is Love. The enactment of the Word of God
is service to your brothers and sisters.
Truly, if the Word of God is actively resident within your life, the Fruits
of Spirit are being produced
in your life through the Service of Love.”
Solonia, tml
Intelligent Design as the Human Science Mind Paradox The universe is all about the intelligence sharing between
the various interfering universe holographic vortex energy factions. By
intelligence sharing is meant the interferences of the spirit values with the
various energy factions in the process of the universe ascension. As
mentioned in the previous Papers, in time-space universes, these energy
vortex interferences display three basic functioning levels of the finite
consciousness - matter, mind and spirit. Mind, as the holographic vortex interference phenomena
between spirit and matter, is the organized consciousness which is not wholly
subject to material gravity. For instance, human mind becomes truly liberated
when modified by spirit whereby spirit realities become experiential to human
personalities which can than co-ordinate things, ideas and universe spiritual
values. In reference to the above mind abilities to coordinate the
things, ideas and the universe spiritual values, it would be of interest to
examine how far has the majority of the present planetary humanity evolved
along the ascending universe vortex space energy spirals of life? Various cosmic sources are informing that the majority of
humans are still at the 3D level of their 2nd evolutionary chakra
mind (out of seven major vortex centers of the central energy coil), and that
presently the collective mind of humanity is still being grossly manipulated
at this state of Power and Mind Control by the planetary Cabal seeking total
domination and control over the rest of the humanity. Here is what has the
Cherubim Bob said about the manipulation and control of the mass mentality
and its culture by various groups of people (such as Cabal’s global
Illuminati groups): "But,
as we have discussed, it is possible to manipulate and rotate and negotiate
this mass of people. Thus we have tribes or countries with their loyalties
and power struggles, all the way from primitive times and cultures to the
society you see today with your United States of America, a political power (of
foreign Cabal's Corp. U.S.), and its potential in building a global organism--
as it has been in its 50 states. The second adjutant mind, the spirit of understanding, is
what enables you to be effective in the realm of the masses in the way you
manipulate, negotiate or direct culture. It would seem that much of the
current direction of the planet is for less than altruistic reasons... Who do you suppose is able to move masses? The leaders of groups of people (such as Cabal's Corp. U.S.
Illuminati) are one way of getting people together to work for a common cause
or to have a common emotional cause, or a common political fervor, ad
infinitum, from within (where, for instance, Cabal's Corp.
U.S. Illuminati have been fabricating global wars in order to secure
Cabal's global survival and their global domination and control over the
rest of humanity “ad infinitum”).” (1
excerpts, edit/modif.) To reinforce its global domination and mind control over
humanity Cabal is attempting to over-control also all other aspects of humanity
beside the control of the Global States (Governments), such as Churches
(Religions), Science, Education etc. One aspect of Cabal’s over-control of human mind is not to
allow people’s better understanding of God, the universe Creation and the eternity
of the universe life processes. In that respect, Cabal is over-controlling the human
science through the selective funding of various scientific grants, and as
the result the science is not publicly accepting the obvious evidences of the
universe “Intelligent Design”. The science public admission of the Universe
Intelligent Design would be the same as recognition of God, the Creation and
the evidence of the universe life (such as “UFO’s”). On the other hand, the human science universally accepts
the 1st Law of Thermodynamics which is stating that “in any
process, the total energy of the universe always remains constant”, which in
other words means that all universe incoming and outgoing actions and
reactions must balance out in order to maintain the universe energy totality.
This is the indirect admission by science, via the 1st Law’s of
Thermodynamics, about the existence of the supreme universe intelligence
involved in the accountable management and balancing
of all of its universe energies? The human science also admits the holographic energy
vortex patterns in all of the universe processes. Hologram requires that all
universe vortex interference actions and reactions be contained within their
“whole-gram”. This “holy” supports the 1st Law of Thermodynamics
of the total energy conservation within the universe, and these two
scientific postulates are therefore mutually inclusive. The science further indirectly supports the Universe
Intelligent Design by the The Therefore, if the universe energy consists of the mirror
image wave/particles, which are released from the single universe source and
center (such as Paradise), and which interfere with each other in the
intelligent manner by having the instant knowledge of each other, while
maintaining always the universe energy in its totality, is this not the
obvious sign of the universe Intelligent Design? For all of the above reasons
to deny God and the Universe Intelligence by man would be equal to deny your
evolving intelligent self. Only the over-control of the planetary minds by the Cabal
at the 2nd chakra of the Power and Control by suppression of the
human responses to the Adjutant 2nd Mind Spirit of Understanding
can explain the present lack of understanding by humanity of the obvious
universe Self-accountability of its Intelligent Design in its Self-energy
management. The ongoing Teaching Mission of the planetary Correcting
Time will dispel many of the presently distorted teachings of the Cabal’s
over-controlled science while simultaneously dispelling Cabal’s grip over the
free-willed planetary evolutionary process of humanity. The future Papers posted on www.LighttoParadise.com will remain focused on the REFERENCES: 1. Chakra & Adjutants Mind Spirits, Gerdean O'Dell& N.Angus
Bowen, An O'Dell-Bowen 2. Paper 54, www.LighttoParadise.com *** ”Let us behold the Light, that through
the forgiveness, finds its way into the great darkness of this
world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and sisters by fully forgiving
each other, because
it is only then that you will see their Light, know the higher Truth, and
achieve the happiness of
Michael of Nebadon, tml