Questions and Answers: PAPER 6


                                                           CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                                                        October 2003
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                                                              W A R   O R   P E A C E  ?



Cosmic position regarding planetary wars has been discussed in Interim-Papers II - VI.


Wars are rooted in the creatures evolutionary nature and they are not the ways of God.

Wars will never bring true peace, and peace unless free-willed, will never be true peace.


By lacking true spiritual insights of solar evolution, secular humanity will continue to be confused about the role of war and peace in building the road to true planetary peace, democracy and freedom and will perish until their mindset changes God-ways.


PEACE, HARMONY, ORDER are God’s virtues of selfless ego-seeking nothing-back in return for its servitude to the others.


WAR, DISHARMONY,CHAOS are anti-God’s virtues of selfish and arrogant ego, seeking

advantages and dominance over others.


From the karmic viewpoint, selfless restraining preventive DEFENSIVE reaction is understandable if executed as the exact amount of the compensatory force matching the aggressive energies of an OFFENSIVE action, otherwise energy imbalance occurs.


The achievement of self-control and restraint in practice of exact energy karma (action) balancing is very difficult to accomplish, either individually and much harder collectively.


The individual and society must clearly understand cosmic karmic ramifications in misuse of universe energies, because karmic recompense has its roots in Paradise Absolute Laws which have to do with true nature of God and the maintenance of universe energy karmic balance.(see Paper 11- karmic laws of recompense)


Aggressive COUNTER-OFFENSIVE “tooth for a tooth” actions of war always bring disharmony, chaos and cause life energy imbalances.

Wars have NEVER brought true peace, harmony and order.

Wars are originated by human actions and are not acts of God.

Wars are against true nature of God and are anti-God energy actions (karma),

i.e. they are energies opposite in polarity to true nature of God..


As stated above, wars and violence are the evolutionary animalistic remnants and are non-existent among societies of advanced universe worlds.


Does increased fighting and arguing in the family increases possibility of harmony and peace? Unless there is extreme collective selfless free-willed desire to settle mutual differences in time, allowing for inner healing among the divided warring members,

there is very low probability in achieving true, free-willed peace, harmony and order among divided either single or expanded families, such as our planetary family.


For all of the above reasons, in order to begin cultivating peaceful mind, G.H.Mullin’s article from the Theosophical journal “The Quest” has been chosen for readers meditation.(edit./modif.)




                                      “CULTIVATING A PEACEFUL MIND”


“It is impossible to bring this world into harmony by destroying all harmful beings that exist; but by covering one’s mind with gentleness of loving patience the whole world

becomes harmonious.” – Shantideva (the 8th century Buddhist)


Shantideva comments in “A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way” that it is impossible to cover entire world with leather, but by covering one’s feet with sandals (to prevent pain and injury) the same (similar) effect is created. Likewise, it is impossible to bring this world into harmony by destroying all harmful beings that exist; but by covering one’s mind with the gentleness of loving patience the whole world becomes harmonious (in time).”


The intent behind the Buddhist nature is the thought that by subduing one’s mind toward

peace, also one’s environment, i.e. entire outside world, is subdued in peace.

The beginning of one’s ultimate contribution toward peace and harmony starts at home with SELF, because by changing one’s self, qualities spread into environment.

The result is a chain reaction that universally spreads outward.

Conversely, non-cultivated mind of peaceful, loving and compassionate nature of oneself

cannot truly contribute to peace in society as a whole while its character remains violent and intolerant.

From the Mahayana point of view, contribution to world harmony is not only sensible as

our personal desire but is also our spiritual obligation.

From the Buddhist perspective, the ultimate solution to the world’s problems is nothing

more or less than human own enlightenment, and it is precisely this- the desire and will

to achieve full enlightenment in order to contribute to the well-being of the world- that

constitutes the basis of the Bodhisattva’s path.


The importance of mind and its attitudes is constantly stressed in Buddhist tradition,

because by cultivating peaceful mind endowed with love, kindness, and compassion,

our every deed of action (karma) becomes a contribution to peace.


By developing ahimsa equanimity toward others, where all living creatures including

friends, enemies and strangers, are all held and treated with equal respect, the man

has achieved sufficient enlightenment to proceed to next step in practicing Maitreya’s

3rd century method of “six causes and one effect” –


1st  cause  - “Recognize all life as your child, once you being mother to it.”

2nd cause  - “Be protective, kind and caring to all life as the mother is to her child.”

3rd  cause  - “Consider all life being your mother, and repay her your debts with kindness.” 

4th cause   - “Your repayment should be with love- to create happiness and not sorrows

5th cause   -  and compassion- to make freedom and cut others from karmic-bondages.”

6th cause   - “Take personal responsibility for happiness of others and help others in

                      any way you can to remain free from karmic sufferings.”


The road of liberation from darkness and suffering to enlightenment should begin by

first removing old attachments of hatred, intolerance and ignorance from our own

mindset-stream, and replace these negative traits with qualities of non-attachment to

them and replace this vacuum practicing six causes into one effect of love, compassion

and wisdom.


At this point a powerful questions arises” Does man has the wisdom, skill, and power to

contribute significantly to universal happiness and freedom from suffering?


The obvious answer to that is dependent upon the level of enlightenment of human mind.

Tibetan proverb states-“ Before you have accomplished your-SELF progress you cannot

accomplish the progress of others. Once self has established its own firm spiritual base,

than one-self’s energies naturally become radiant source of universal benefit for the others.

Shantideva wrote-“ The Bodhisattva spirit is like a magic elixir; when one possesses it,

everything it touches turns into gold”, i.e. when love and compassion are present, every encounter with others inspires peace and harmony.


However, the world is large and problems are many and where is the man to start?


The road of liberation from darkness and suffering to enlightenment should begin by

first removing old attachments of hatred, intolerance and ignorance from our own

mindset-stream, and replace these negative traits with qualities of non-attachment to

them and replace this vacuum practicing six causes into one effect of love, compassion

and wisdom.

In every age human evolutions always had to clearly decide and choose either God’s path

or their ways against the God. Those being lukewarm or indecisive just go wayside.

Today, in this dispensational age, the question has remained the same- are humans willing

to take the armor of love, compassion, kindness, and tolerance and contribute to

the universal peace and harmony or will they choose to continue to nurture intolerance, hatred, and live in the bondage of wars and suffering?


Man’s only hope in salvation is the cultivation of true love of one for another and only through the power of love, compassion and tolerance humanity can achieve true peace.

Once when man’s own spiritual balance has been established, and when man’s energies, through the universe interconnectivity, naturally become a contribution to the well-being

of his fellow man, than the true planetary peace will be achieved forever.





The Buddhist Vision of Peace, Glenn H. Mullin, The Quest, September-October 2003







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