Questions and
Answers: PAPER 66 |
“The Word of God is Love. The enactment of the Word of God
is service to your brothers and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively
resident within your life, the Fruits of Spirit are being produced in your life through the Service of
tml 5/2004
the physical universe mind
*** There is a popular saying that all
matter-realized energy has its mind (consciousness). Indeed, this statement is fundamentally
correct because if we go back and revisit the recent Papers posted on www.LighttoParadise.com we find that all matter in the
Andronover universe holographic vortex, as spun by the Master Force
Organizers, has the intuitive mind potential that needs to be sympathetically
activated through the process of “awakening” of its evolutionary life. This
process is known in the Eastern teachings as the awakening of the Kundalini. Here is what has been stated in the
Urantia Book and in the previous Papers (Papers 68 - ): UB 34:4.9 “But it was of Salvington that John wrote: " And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices "—the universe broadcasts to the local systems. He also envisaged the directional control creatures of the local universe, the living compasses of the headquarters world. This directional control in Nebadon is maintained by the four control creatures of Salvington, who operate over the universe currents and are ably assisted by the first functioning mind-spirit, the adjutant of intuition, the spirit of "quick understanding." UB 34:4.10 “The four points of the compass are
universal and inherent in the life of Nebadon. All living creatures
possess bodily units which are sensitive and responsive to these directional
currents. These creature creations are duplicated on down through the
universe to the individual planets and, in conjunction with the magnetic
forces of the worlds, so activate the hosts of microscopic bodies in the
animal organism that these direction cells ever point north and south. Thus is the sense of orientation forever fixed in the
living beings of the universe. This sense is not wholly wanting as a conscious
possession by mankind.
These bodies were first observed on Urantia about the time of this
narration.” Nebadonia has stated the following
regarding her 1st Adjutant Mind Spirit circuit of INTUITION: “You understand it as your connection to certain things in the
universe, the directions, magnetic poles, the
instincts of animals,
and even some in
humans. ( SOCO #41, www.TMarchives.com ) GOD, THE CREATION, THE BROTHERHOOD Nebadonia:“Meanwhile here
you are and here we are with you, very much a part of you--my Holy
Spirit and Michael’s Spirit of Truth. Our Father is very much a part of
you as well and has been from your earliest memories. Just wonder
how many ideas, especially those really good ideas you’ve had all your life,
came from Him. Yet too how many came from your own, creative God-given
personality, this unique being that you are? Think of all the unique
combinations of people you have known that no one else has. This is
what makes your soul so much uniquely yours as well. No one else has
that particular combination. No one else has had the same experiences
with the brotherhood and sisterhood of personal beings that you have.” This
forms the great Trilogy of God--if you will--the pure creativity that is
springing forth as the creation itself on the grandest scale, the total
universe, right down to what you are creating in your own day to day life
with those decisions you’re making with your conscious self, the you that you
know. This is the brotherhood and sisterhood of all personal
beings, from the seven Master Spirits of (Nebadonia-
August 18.2008, NYTRAYN@MSN.com , www.TMarchives.com ) Monjoronson: “God is no
respecter of persons. This is one of the pivotal points through which to
discern the qualifications of any being…
rises. There will be no one left behind and deserted as unqualified to be
uplifted.” (WWW.MONJORONSON.COM, Q/A SESSION #13 7-30-08, excerpt/modif.) *** WHERE
IS THE EVOLUTIONARY PLANETARY ANU- Planetary dark Cabal's material over-control and enslavement
of other humans, nature and planetary life are not the ways of God and His universe Laws. The time-tables of spiritually laggard dark Cabal planetary
over-controllers are dramatically out of sinc and lagging behind the universe
correcting ascending trends and are not realistic and are therefore
irrevelant regarding the future sustenance of earth's human
and planetary life. In order to sustain its human and planetary life
humanity will be required to align with the rest of the universe spirit-mind and follow closely
in action-realization the universe Teaching and Magisterial
Missions Correcting Time leading advices and suggestions (see also www.Monjoronson.com, www.TMarchives.com
, Papers and Q-A
Papers posted on www.LighttoParadise.com). The below “Global clock” (click on the below reference) reflects minute by minute the current planetary state of affairs
resulting from human abuse of the God's uni-verse evolutionary-creative
process and His universe Laws. http://www.poodwaddle.com/clocks2.htm *** “Monjoronson: The greatest scar left
upon planet Urantia is the fear of “great beings”, of “powerful people”. It was the plan of Michael to share in love
all creatures with one another and this space would be one of everlasting
trust to the degree that even the word trust would mean nothing, nothing more
than the way things are. But the (Lucifer’s) rebellion infused the
legacy of human development with the experience of malevolence from higher
beings. Coupled with the chemistry and reaction
patterns of an animal origin, human consciousness will react in a recoil
fearful sense to supernormal manifestations. But you also retain a wariness of a so called
higher evil. Their power has been eliminated from this world. All that
remains are the patterns of behavior in the human race. (WWW.MONJORONSON.COM, Q/A SESSION #13 7-30-08, excerpt/modif.) *** “It
is timely to spend a few thoughts on Capacity. There
is not a person on the planet today who utilizes their capacity to the
fullest realization of their capabilities. Of course,
that is not unusual on a planet such as this, which is so backward in many ways
compared to other planets at their level of development. Other
worlds have not suffered so many unfortunate upheavals in their evolutionary
career. Here the planetary prince defaulted on his sacred promises to the
Almighty God, and by his, and Lucifer’s design, brought this young and
developing planet into darkness and sin. Henceforth
it still struggles to become free, so the inhabitants can also break free
from this suffocating darkness and start working towards their fulfillment of
their God-given divine blueprint. There has been an over-much
materialistic development and pursuit, and an underdevelopment and lip
service to personal spirituality. The
responsibility rests within each individual, meaning, the responsibility of
the gift of free will and freedom of choice. How will you
choose in life; for light or for darkness, for peace or for war, for
happiness and well-being for self and others, or for increasing unhappiness? Remember
that the power to choose
free-willingly is always yours. This
is entirely within your capacity, which is always enlarging according to the
realization and understanding of what your responsibilities are. It is not in the
sheepish unthinking following of some dogma or greed. No, it is in
starting to ask questions and finding satisfactory answers that satisfy and
nourish the soul, and a coming alive, and keeping alive, of your connection
to the Power that Is. This Power is like energy, it flows everywhere in its
everywhere-ness. It is accessible to all. What is standing in the
way is lack of trust and faith. The
capacity to have faith and to have trust has never been fully utilized as it
is overshadowed by uncertainty and
Fear lurks everywhere, and people are being fed a
steady diet of fear in the news media and the entertainment industry. Start thinking
independently, think for yourself, and let the Spark of
God within become more active in your life. Believe that you can start
listening within. Take the time, just like you take the time to go and
prepare meals and eat. Their souls remain under-nourished for too many
people, because they are being led, or they are too self-indulgent and
spiritually lazy to realize that they have a mighty power for good living
right within them. I would advise each human being to take the responsibility, and
the time, to learn to go within to enlarge their own listening capacity for
their personal highest good, and for the good of the planet, so all may
prosper, for there never is any lack when all learn to share the abundance
of the planet.” (1111List@1111Publishers.com, A Lesson on Capacity, A
Thought Adjuster Transmission – *** “Christ MICHAEL:
… consider it’s the natural tendency of an animal/primitive nature to expand
until stopped. Animals are
territorial, and with humans this includes not only land but knowledge and
religion--you’ve gone to war over disputed facts and beliefs. You
develop in a certain direction until you hit a wall--figuratively
speaking. You experience a limitation, and that is suffering. Hopefully you learn by the experience; you find a way around
the limit by understanding it. (Each individual recapitulates the evolution of life and civilization) Every individual has to recapitulate, not only as an embryo the evolution of planetary life, but as a child and adolescent the evolution of civilization. A little two-year-old is kind-of like a small cave man walking around, and when you thwart them…thank goodness they don’t have the power or hardly a parent would survive. This is the story here, and you are just pointing out the world is still only in the early stages of a planetary-wide united civilization. There was an enormous miscarriage of the divine plan, and everyone is still suffering the effects of that in the disparity I mentioned. Yet this can be overcome only one person at a time through the realization of free will fed by creative spirit. Never despair. This universe was set up so individuals could learn, could take a hand in their own, progressive evolution. You are co-creating your own life. You are a creative part of this adventure. You are an active component of what you are experiencing. There are great turning points looming near with respect to how you
can continue using energy so wastefully. You are beginning to speak of peak oil--the leveling
off of new discoveries of crude oil and natural gas. You notice the
phenomena of global warming due partly to carbon dioxide buildup in the
atmosphere faster than the plant life can use. There is no other way than conservation but, beyond that, what we call spiritual
generosity--curbing your own greed and
waste so others might simply live. This is part of God’s law, this Social Darwinism that
comes into effect following basic physical limitations you do well to respect. These considerations are another aspect of loving your neighbors as yourself. It is the only
way out. You can choose to share your wealth, or be driven to it.” (excerpts, edit/modif. Michael--April 7,
2008 - NYTRAYN@MSN.COM Marin TM Group--Mill Valley, California--U.S.A., www.TMarchives.com) *** In the recent May 21, 2008 post (Nebadonia
April 21, 2008, NYTRAYN@MSN.com, ServiceSector7@yahoogroups.com archives),
Nebadonia has stated the following about the evolving planetary Social
Darwinism (Teaching Mission archives - Nebadonia, 4-21-08, www.TMarchives.com): "...It is in everyone’s free will, limited by those very
determinisms we’ve been teaching about. The only way out,
ever, is by way of individual creativity, and that is spirit. There does not
need to be any greater cataclysm than what is happening already, just
awareness of it. People can exercise enormous adaptability by choice
before being pushed to it. But the Social Darwinism we mentioned is a fundamental effect that comes into being in the
absence of wisdom of choice. If people do not choose the right way, the inexorable demands of a
cosmic-wide general evolution will enforce it; the right way for you and everyone else is always present as an
eternal outpouring of possibility, of God’s... ...Where to begin? The essence of the
Lucifer manifesto--which you can read for the first time in history, in your Urantia book--is the identification
with what you’ve come to call ego, the self-reflection of the smaller part of
your consciousness, devoid of true spiritual perception and humility. Ones ego does
serve a valuable function of self awareness, but the elevation of this only
partial aspect of a person’s being to supremacy was and remains a tragic
mistake. Because you are, as well as Lucifer was, spiritual beings, there
is a fundamental flaw in this identification, in this partiality, elevating
the part over the whole personality, spirit, and soul--co-authored by a
fragment of God himself. This leads to building oneself and ones empires
on illusions, ego-generated illusions and desires of grandeur. True, enduring growth
is elsewhere. To sustain the ego-feeling of oneself
growing larger is difficult because you‘ve thrown away, disregarded,
disenfranchised, refused to develop the most creative part of yourself.
of having an inner connection with your more absolute and transcendent self,
your God-given unique personality and your soul, even the presence of God
within you, you go for the outwardly and more temporal/time-limited, only
relative power of being more powerful than your fellows. This is the
essential flaw. It follows down to today right from the beginning with
families, then tribes, then city-states and nations. There always have
been those individuals who have acknowledged power within the family or tribe
as well as in the inter-tribal/social competition for land, resources, ideas,
Gods--ways of life. This is still going on. This incessant warfare on so many levels of
living has been the natural state right from the beginning, the planet being
devoid of actual spiritual beings in residence; in other words, a real, loyal
Planetary Prince and his whole staff who could help humans get in contact
with the divine essence within them. This has been the Luciferic result--to
use your words; this two hundred thousand years of incessant warfare.
Even the size of the conflicts has kept increasing up until about fifty years
ago when, in the Second World War, the energy of the sun was brought to earth
over your fellow human beings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You put your
long-sought and hoped-for physical transcendence of the
material--demonstrating that all material is a form of energy--you put this
discovery to work to incinerate tens of thousands of other people... ...Secrecy--secret knowledge and
ability is power, inherent in competition and warfare--in political power, so there always have been those smaller groups
of men and women who controlled the larger group with whom they did not share
their secrets. There always has been espionage--trying to ferret out the
competition’s, the enemy’s intentions and abilities. Yet too there
always have been saints, those men and women who gave their lives to their
fellows, supported by their own inner strength of spiritual connection.
This is another competition, between worldly power and spiritual power.
What you call secret societies are not denied so much as accepted as a matter
of course by way of real-politic notions that the relationship of
nation-states is fundamentally one raw power, that war and the threat of war
is really what determines their relative positions. It is generally
accepted then that within each nation/state there are dozens upon dozens of
levels of secrecy peopled by individuals who each have their own interests as
well as collective ones: tactics and strategy..." (http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/government/new_world_order/news.php?q=1211400788) HAVE COURAGE TO RISE
CONSCIOUSNESS (1 excerpts,
edit/modif.) THE HUMAN Mind, as the holographic vortex interference phenomena
between spirit and matter, is the organized consciousness which is not wholly subject to
material gravity. For instance, human mind becomes truly liberated when modified by spirit
whereby spirit realities become experiential to human personalities which can than
co-ordinate things, ideas and universe spiritual values. Unfortunately, human mind has been
manipulated by many “from below” rulers in order to take the advantage of each other and to
control the other humans. STEPPING OUT OF THE
HERD MENTALITY “We will take a
look at those who opt to operate
outside the collective consciousness -- not just rebels, but free-thinkers, intellectuals,
artists, original thinkers excluding professional religionists. You yourself are in a position to move men's minds! One voice is able to do that. But, in order to
lead, in order to forge the course of destiny, you must face the frightening
discovery of your self. That is
intimidating because the self in your world is understood as the "ego
self" where the idea of self is seen as evil -- this is a reflection
more of what was than what is becoming, or even understanding what the
potential might be! It is so much
easier to remain one of the pack, to immerse yourself in the great collective
consciousness of humanity, the detached, the uninvolved -- a single drop in
the ocean of infinity -- which autonomy is very, very comforting. It is even
worshipped. Eventually man, as a free will agent, will muster the courage to
be an independent entity, apart from the masses. We will discuss
this further, but suffice it to say that for anyone to step out of the FEAR and SHAME OF THE USE OF FEAR “The revolutions
of history have occurred because there are those who rise up against the
status quo, against those who are holding them oppressed. Yet the ones in power want those who are
under them to stay under them … mindless, inconsequential and inert. And
those who become vocal about 'self' are a threat. Shame is a tool used by those in
power to keep their people asleep and obedient. Shame is one of the most
debilitating powers that can be used by your society to keep you in check and
to keep you from having appropriate self-esteem, self-respect and self-love. I will give you an assignment but it
is a difficult assignment. The fact may have slipped past you completely
because it is so insidious, but if you are astute, you can see how your own society has
enabled itself to stay in the mechanism of its own gears as a result of the
clever use of shame, of keeping you down, keeping you in place. We want to break you out of those
constraints; you want to become self-acting individuals. Indeed, you want to
be "all that you can be" and you cannot be all that you can be if
you belittle yourself or others through shaming techniques, even unconscious shaming techniques, so it
behooves you to be aware of how shame is a large part of your social
construct. Thoroah: Especially for people who
want to please people. BOB: Especially? In discussing
"people-pleasers" you open the door to another study of
self-effacement or of deference. But yes, that attitude of seeking to please
influences greatly; it is mostly unconscious, in many ways unnecessary. Those who are more willful or
self-contained are also subject to the assault of shame. Either way shame
invades consciousness and destroys healthy will. It is a form of Anti-Christ. Almost all oppression is a result of
being a FEAR-based or SHAME-based personality. ("Thou Shalt Not") If
you can get to the root of the fear and the shame, you have a great chance of
breaking out of the constraints of the conditioning that holds you in its
grasp, mocking your potential. So let's take a look at that this
week. And as you study this, and see how the powers-that-be or the would-be-controllers
utilize shame to accomplish their purpose, to get their needs met, you will
see why a new interpretation is essential. You will have a far better
appreciation of how the spirit of understanding can help you maneuver your
way through the animal kingdom and on up to the realm of the will. While you are burrowed in the belly of the
second chakra, you are only one of the many. You have not found your
individuality, nor have you expressed your uniqueness, but you have merely
survived along with all of the rest of humanity, indeed with the rest of the
animal kingdom. But lest you think that's not a
noteworthy accomplishment, think again. The very act of survival on such a
world as this is an accomplishment.
And yet your destiny is so much more than to merely survive! The
potential of sonship is such that you are encouraged to not only seek to find
your own level of awareness, but that with this awareness you will be able to
reach back and help others attain self-hood also. Self-hood is potential
sonship. It thus gives you the opportunity to be a midwife, as it were, in
helping bring reality into being, by helping individuals to step up and out
of the bowels of existence into the realm of individuation.” Because the majority of humanity is still God faithless,
asleep and fearful while enslaved by its planetary mammon Cabal, it is for
these reasons considered to be still at the low stages of the 2nd
chakra/vortex awakening (Mind Spirit of Understanding) of their human
spirit-mind-energy evolution. (Picture 2)
Picture 2. Seven central coil/spine Chakras-Spirit Adjutants
inter-play (2) In the future Q-A Papers the energetics and fine-tuning of
the evolutionary chakra system by the Salvington’s Four Beings and the
Adjutant Mind Spirit circuits will be discussed further. Here is what has
been stated in the Urantia Book: UB 34:4.9 “But it was of Salvington that John wrote:
" And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices
"—the universe broadcasts to the local systems.
He also envisaged the directional
control creatures of the local universe, the
living compasses of the headquarters world. This directional control in Nebadon
is maintained by the four
control creatures of Salvington, who operate over the universe currents and are ably assisted by the first functioning mind-spirit, the adjutant of intuition, the spirit
of "quick understanding." (The
Urantia Book) Nebadonia, has stated the following regarding her seven
Adjutant Mind Spirit circuits: INTUITION - Your connection to
certain things in the universe, directions, magnetic poles,
the (electro-magnetic) instincts of animals and humans. UNDERSTANDING - Your creativity, the
association of ideas. COURAGE - Willingness to
correct, balance, fill your many expressions in life. KNOWLEDGE - What you know and understand
determines how you relate to the world. COUNSEL - Sanctification
and purification of your communications and interactions. WORSHIP - Your effortless
attention stage and prayer to be in God’s WISDOM - Once in God’s
presence, there is a geometric expansion of your awareness, a dimensional
of your ability to perceive and understand how things work. You see
spiritual nature of all; your life is
changed and forever growing in a more complete way. ( SOCO #41, www.TMarchives.com ) NEXT STEP: THE COURAGE TO RISE ABOVE THE CROWD/MASS
CONSCIOUSNESS “So now we are found on the plateau
of the third chakra where man has risen above
the crowd, who has stepped out of mono-mono into individuation. The counter-part in terms of adjutant mind spirits is
what? Thoroah: I think it would be courage. BOB: The spirit of courage, yes, and
as mentioned before, it does take courage to step out from the crowd. This is indeed the seat of the people-pleasing syndrome you get caught up
in. You cannot please yourself if you are
busy pleasing others. And while there is supreme merit in self-forgetfulness
and turning the other cheek, the humility
often assumed in Christianity is often in error. It is essential that you accept yourself as
an entity in and of yourself, in order to begin to recognize your own
uniqueness. And thus you can learn to
demonstrate the unique aspects of divine personality that are appropriate to
you and you alone. Thoroah: Boy, is that true! They do
practice that. It struck me when I was in
Bible School.
It was as if they were trying to deny
me my individuality and my individual relationship to God. BOB: Your self-hood. Thoroah: Yes. They were trying to buy
my Self. BOB: A
part of this, as you might understand, is from the old ways - very old, ancient
cultures - when the priesthood was the only allowable way to commune with the
gods. It was necessary to keep the masses ignorant as the priesthood assumed
the role of conscious godliness. This is one of the things in which your
Teachers are involved, in this process of telling you and teaching you how much you are loved and how you are unique. This is different programming than the global
programming that you will need to outgrow or erode over time. Perhaps this vantage point that we are
taking you through, looking at the development of selfhood as an armature of the
chakra system and the seven adjutant minds spirits, can give you a different
study angle. This could be an
assignment for you, to see for yourself how many individuals are kept in
place by the "wisdom" of their elders, how personalities are
submerged and squelched, how they are drugged or oppressed, or how they are
comforted and manipulated with food, creature comforts, pleasures of the
flesh, promises of security, or a false sense of security in order to
maintain the status quo and their place therein. For you see,
without an evolved and God-conscious frame of reference, any and all who push
their way further forward into the I AM are in their own self-motivation.
This is how it is that we get rulers who are skilled at leading the masses by
way of the media, as we discussed earlier. And again the
teachers are hoping to, intending, working toward altering that reality and
assisting you
in serving the Father's ends in moving the masses into a more honorary
This is rightfully a branch of a University for it involves Education, and not merely mental education, but soulful
education ~ the kind of education that you 'know' in your heart. However, the heart will come in our
lesson next week. Today we are
looking at the lower level 'I am' ~ the 'I am' prior to the third Eye 'I AM' of
God-consciousness. We are looking at the
personality expressions of the human being. Here we see the root of human self-esteem and self-respect. Here we aspire to relegate fear and shame as mere shadows and not as primary movers.” REFERENCES: 1. GERDEAN@CableOne.net
, CHAKRAS Gerdean O'Dell@N.
AngusBowen, An O' 2. Gerdean’s *** ”Let us behold the Light, that through
the forgiveness, finds its way into the great darkness of
this world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and sisters by fully forgiving
each other, because
it is only then that you will see their Light, know the higher Truth, and
achieve the happiness
of Brotherhood.”
Michael of Nebadon, tml 5/2004