Questions and Answers: PAPER 67


                                                      CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                                                   November 2008


 “The Word of God is Love. The enactment of the Word of God is service to your brothers

and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively resident within your life, the Fruits of Spirit

are being produced in your life through the Service of Love.”


                                                                                                                Solonia, tml 5/2004




                       SOLAR MULTI-DIMENSIONALITIES – The Human Vortex                    






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     A  àB  àCNGC 1300, viewed nearly face-on. Hubble Space Telescope image.  à

    àD à E à Fà

            àG àH

 Picture 1 A-H.  From the Andronover’s evolutionary nebular vortex to the planetary M-F life


In the Paper # 72 we have also discussed the Monmatia sun – Urantia planet “mind-age” evolution.



The term “mind-age” used here relates to the mind age of the Andronover planets settled in time and space responding to, i.e. sympathetically interfering with, the Nebadonia’s seven Adjutant Mind Spirits (Picture 2 A-C), beginning with the First Adjutant Mind Spirit of INTUITION, which are Electro-Magnetically INDucing (E-M-IND) the sympathetic responses in the central chakras/vortexes of the physical energy PUMA (Physical UltiMate Atom) bodies.

Nebadonia has stated the following regarding her 1st Adjutant Mind Spirit circuit of INTUITION:“You understand it as your connection to certain things in the universe, the directions, magnetic poles, the instincts of animals, and even some in humans. ( SOCO #41, )


2A   2B 2C 

              Picture 2 A-C. Seven central coil/spine Chakras-Spirit Adjutants inter-play


Nebadonia has given also a brief description of all of her seven Adjutant Mind Spirit circuits:


INTUITION -                           Your connection to certain things in the universe, directions, magnetic poles,

                                                   the (electro-magnetic) instincts of animals and humans.


UNDERSTANDING -              Your creativity, the association of ideas.


COURAGE -                             Willingness to correct, balance, fill your many expressions in life.


KNOWLEDGE -                      What you know and understand determines how you relate to the world.


COUNSEL -                              Sanctification and purification of your communications and interactions.


WORSHIP -                              Your effortless attention stage and prayer to be in God’s AEM presence.


WISDOM -                               Once in God’s presence, there is a geometric expansion of your awareness, a

                                                   dimensional extension of your ability to perceive and understand how things work.

                                                   You see spiritual nature of all; your life is changed and forever growing in a more

                                                   complete way.


( SOCO #41, )




Here is what has been stated in Q-A Paper 66 posted on :

“There is a popular saying that all matter-realized energy has a mind (E-M-IND, awareness, consciousness).

Indeed, this statement is fundamentally correct because if we revisit the recent Papers posted on we find that all matter in the Andronover universe holographic vortex, as spun by the Master Force Organizers, has the intuitive mind potential that requires sympathetic activation through the process of spinal chakras “awakening” of its evolutionary central PUMA vortex. (Known in the Eastern teachings as the awakening of the Kundalini serpent/spiral)

The Urantia Book is also stating:

UB 34:4.9 “But it was of Salvington that John wrote: " And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices "—the universe broadcasts to the local systems. He also envisaged the directional control creatures of the local universe, the living compasses of the headquarters world. This directional control in Nebadon is maintained by the four control creatures of Salvington, who operate over the universe currents and are ably assisted by the first functioning mind-spirit, the adjutant of INTUITION, the spirit of "quick understanding."  

UB 34:4.10 “The four points of the compass are universal and inherent in the life of Nebadon. All living creatures possess bodily units which are sensitive and responsive to these directional currents. These creature creations are duplicated on down through the universe to the individual planets and, in conjunction with the magnetic forces of the worlds, so activate the hosts of microscopic bodies in the animal organism that these direction cells ever point north and south. Thus is the sense of orientation forever fixed in the living beings of the universe. This sense is not wholly wanting as a conscious possession by mankind. These bodies were first observed on Urantia about the time of this narration.”



If the initiation of the physical phase Andronover nebula was:

-  initiated (in-niche-realized) by the universe Master Force Organizers and

-  its physical interference hemi-spheric vortex plasma disc electro-magnetically synchronized and fine-tuned by the morontial local universe Salvington’s “Four Beings”, the four compass/time directional control creatures, and

-  forever fixed in the planets and their physical living beings, how would these universe phenomena be explained in simple terms?

In attempt to explain them let us go back to Bob and Alice (see Paper 71), as the two Male-Female mirror-image Master Force Organizers, and their “Andronover nebula”dance hemispheric vortex spin. (Picture 1A-E)




                   Picture 1A. Bob and Alice as the two M-F Master Force Organizers















The morontial local universe Salvington’s “Four Beings”power center, the four compass/time directional control vortex creatures, in their fine-tuning of the Andronover nebula physical vortex disc appear as in Picture 2 and are presented as super-imposed over the Andronover’s physical nebula hemispheric vortex disc four quadrants in Picture 3.






          Picture 2. Mirror-imaged 4-quadrant vortex spins of the Salvington’s “Four Beings” power center  

The fine-tuning of the four quadrants of the physical evolutionary Andronover’s nebula hemispheric disc /and its suns and the planets and all the way down to the planetary life and ultimately down to the Male and Female PUMAs (ANUs)/ by the Salvington’s morontial “Four Beings” is achieved by the super-position of the vortex spins of each of the Savington’s “Four Beings” as the four morontial mirror image dancers, each over the one of the four quadrants of the “Andronover nebula” vortex hemispheric disc created by the Bob and Alice as the physical mirror imaged dancers (Picture 3):




Picture 3. Fine tuning of the Andronover’s vortex disc four quadrants by morontial “Four Beings”

The “Male-Female” Master Force Organizer’s (MFO’s) initiated Andronover nebular vortex spin, with the morontia “Four Beings” fine-tuning of the A-disc charges and polarities within, can be also presented as shown in the Pictures 4 A-C: 


       Picture 4A. M-F MFOs initiated Andronover nebula hemi-spheric disc circular domain

Two Male and Female energy type MFOs face each other with arms in the N-S line, just like dancers, and begin to initiate the Andronover nebular vortex counter-clockwise (CCW). They are initiating the counter-clockwise (CCW) spin-circle together, within which the Male MFO also maintains its own dominant CW rotation around its axis, while the Female MFO maintains its own dominant CCW spin around its axis. (Picture 4B)


                   Picture 4B. The positions and rotations of two M-F MFOs within the A-disc

While initiating the Andronover nebular CCW vortex spin the Male and Female MFOs face each other (as the energy mirror images, enantiomers). The initiated physical A-nebular vortex by them has therefore within its vortex disc their enantiomorphic M-F charge and polarity vortex energy characteristics where the MFOs Male Left and Right and Female Right and Left halves make the four quadrants of the Andronover’s hemispheric disc.


 Picture 4C. The Fronts, Right & Left arm positions of the Male and Female MFOs within A-disc


Therefore the Andronover vortex (A-disc) contains within it-self the following MFOs induced characteristics:

- Enantiomeric (mirror image) positions of M-F MFOs facing each other (like two dancers).

- Andronover’s CCW spin/rotation of both Male and Female MFOs pair.

- Left Male:Right Female and Right Male:Left Female nebular ARMS formation (see Papers 68 and 69 re:comments made about the Hubble’s nebula classification).

- Inherent Dominant CW rotation of the Male MFO and inherent Dominant CCW rotation of the Female MFO within their CCW Andronover nebular vortex spin.

- Inherent dominant MFO CW rotation of its Left vortex half and CCW rotation of its Right vortex Half and the mirror image rotations of its Female MFO counterpart halves thus forming in their MFO A-hemispheric vortex disc the four mirror image quadrants.

Upon withdrawal of the M-F MFOs from the initiated A-vortex (see above) the fine tuning of each of the four energy quadrants of the A-vortex, i.e. Male Left and Right and Female Right and Left quadrant vortexes, was taken over by the Salvington’s morontial “Four Beings” power center.

The above Andronover’s electro-magnetic energy properties are passed down to its spun-off suns and their evolutionary planets and their PUMA/ANU-mal life, fine-tuning and aligning them with the rest of the Christ Michael -Nebadonia morontial mind local universe of Nebadon in the ascension of its Life in the universe Light.

UB 34:4.10 “The four points of the compass are universal and inherent in the life of Nebadon. All living creatures possess bodily units which are sensitive and responsive to these directional currents. These creature creations are duplicated on down through the universe to the individual planets and, in conjunction with the magnetic forces of the worlds, so activate the hosts of microscopic (PUMA/ANU) vortex bodies in the animal organism that these direction cells ever point north and south. Thus is the sense of orientation forever fixed in the living beings of the universe. This sense is not wholly wanting as a conscious possession by mankind.” (Pictures 5 A & B)

                                          N                                                                  MORONTIA

        A        B Compass rose with north highlighted and at top                                                                                   

                                           S                                                                    PHYSICAL

    Pictures 5 A & B. Birds-view of morontial “Four Beings” compass/time-clock power center within the

                                   Andronover’s hemispheric compass/time-clock vortex wheel                                                                       




Papers 68-72,                                      




”Let us behold the Light, that through the forgiveness, finds its way into the great darkness

of this world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and sisters by fully forgiving each other,

because it is only then that you will see their Light, know the higher Truth, and achieve the

happiness of Brotherhood.”

                                                                                   Michael of Nebadon, tml 5/2004