Questions and Answers: PAPER 9 |
is the time of vs.
non-god(ly), the battle of God-minded Children of Light vs. non-godly minds
of children of
planetary darkness lacking the spirit enlightenment. This
war is now raging all around the world and in all spheres of human
consciousness beside
physical, and it is the battle for the human right to keep the presence of
God, His virtues
of character, and His Ten Commandments and Two Jesus Commandments in the minds
of the evolutionary people of this planet. Secularists,
or non-believers in God, reject the God and His universe creation, therefore
purposefuly rejecting their immortal destiny. Secularists
are denying “Ten Commandments” to the their fellow men to develop basic
understanding of the minimum requirements for man to be “sa(l)ved”
(salvation-spiritual self-elevation)
and be initiated on the ascending path of God, the path to The
believing mortals accept the fatherhood of God, but many have difficulty in understanding
that, for planetary man as God created man-child, the way to the Father is in
“walking the divine talk” together with their cosmic brotherhood. Planetary
children of God can not expect salvation, or spiritual self-elevation,
without developing
the discipline to obey the virtues and commandments of God the Father, which
have been taught so many times to evolutionary man by their cosmic brothers. ***** In
a Q-A Paper 7 has been stated: “Many souls were not born
into, and brought up in the Catholic faith, but no soul can pursue a worldly existence
taking exception to the rules of God, His Ten Commandments and two additional Jesus
Commandments. God’s Path is not for soul to
go this way and that way, following any whim that “devil” (descending energy
sphere-veil) pull it toward, thus making many ungodly mistakes and turns in its incarnated
life. Most of the planetary souls
assume the path of ascension as granted, but being easily drawn into the ungodly
activities of the world, they acquire patina of “worldliness”, and the fire and spirit light of
the saint that is within the soul, cannot come through that veil. Many have taken wrong turns
and are wholly enveloped in their own lust, misusing God’s energies and causing universe
energy imbalance which needs to be karmically corrected. When the Path of Holiness is pursued,
every word spoken and every action taken have to be carefully guarded, and
these requirements of the Path must not be failed by God’s children following the light
to There is a great trap in the
West, and it is the trap of materialism and sensuality. Souls incarnated today in the
West ought to conquer their materialistic consciousness of thirst and greed
for material possessions, and sensuality in all of the five physical senses and all of the body charkas
that takes the soul to thither and yon and beyond the center of its being. The integral
fragments of the soul body have been tossed and tumbled in the waves of
materialism, causing the soul to sink. So those born today in the West must beware constantly of the
karmic ramifications when enjoying the fruits of this materialism. There is no room for
indulgence, because losing sacred fire within, leaves the soul with less and less God’s spirit
energy allocated to soul by the planetary Karmic Board. People
need to shun the materialism, the idolatry, the indulgence in the misuse of
the sacred
fire (spirit energy).” In
the Interim VII has been stated: “The physical presence of the
Infinite is the reality of the material universe. The mind presence of Deity
must be determined by the depth of the individual intellectual experience and by the
evolutionary personality level. The spiritual presence of
Divinity must of necessity be differential in the universe. It is determined
by the spiritual capacity of receptivity and by the degree of the consecration
of the creature’s will to the
doing of the divine will.” In the Interim XII has been
written: “God inhabits eternity,
however, only infinity of mind can alone fully comprehend the infinity of His existence and
eternity of His actions. Mortal man cannot possibly
know the infinitude of the heavenly Father. Finite mind cannot think
through such an absolute truth or fact, but finite human being can feel and actually
experience the full, undiminished impact of infinite Father’s love. Father’s LOVE can be truly
experienced. Although the quality of His love is unlimited, the quantity of such an
experience is strictly limited by the human capacity for the spiritual receptivity and by
the human associated capacity to have faith in Father and to love Him in return. Finite appreciation of
infinite qualities far transcends the logically limited capacities of the creature because of the
fact that mortal man is made in the image of God and that within mortal mind dwells the
spirit fragment of Father’s infinity. Therefore, for all the above
reasons, man’s nearest and dearest approach to God should be by and through love and
faith in Him, for God is absolute love. Absolute God’s love between
His feminine and masculine aspects relative to His creatures is actually
experienced in cosmic sociology as the Male-Female, Creator and creature, and
Father-Mother to child family affectionate relationships.” Paper 11 reveals: “It is important to remember
that the outgoing and the incoming space force energies can
return back to their absolute sources only as the absolutely qualified spirit
active-space energy reactive equilibriums, i.e. outgoing energy forms. The second law of
thermodynamics speaks about the preservation or equilibrium between energy and matter in
the time and space universe,…and it is clear that the above law has to be expanded beyond
its limitations of time and space, and be accepted as the universal law of harmony of the Alpha-Omega
outgoing and the incoming polarities is the underlying law behind the karmic
force of recompense, the law maintaining the absolute equilibrium between the
spirit energy action and space-force energy-matter reaction in the creation and evolution of universe
life. In
a Q-A Paper 6 has been stated: “The ultimate solution to the
world’s problems is nothing more or less than human own enlightenment, and it
is precisely this - the desire and will to achieve full enlightenment in
order to contribute to the well-being of the world. The individual and society
must clearly understand cosmic karmic ramifications in misuse of universe energies, because
karmic recompense has its roots in Paradise Absolute Laws which have to do
with true nature of God and the maintenance of universe energy karmic
balance. Wars
are rooted in the creatures evolutionary nature and they are not the ways of
God. Wars
will never bring true peace, and peace unless free-willed, will never be true
peace. By
lacking true spiritual insights of solar evolution, secular humanity will
continue to be confused about the role of war and peace in building the road
to true planetary peace, democracy and freedom and will perish until their
mindset changes God-ways. PEACE, HARMONY, ORDER are
God’s virtues of selfless ego seeking nothing back in return for its servitude to
the others. WAR, DISHARMONY,CHAOS are
anti-God’s virtues of selfish and arrogant ego, seeking advantages and
dominance over others. The beginning of one’s
ultimate contribution toward peace and harmony starts at home with SELF, because by changing
one’s self, qualities spread into environment. The result is a chain reaction
that universally spreads outward. Non-cultivated mind of
peaceful, loving and compassionate nature of oneself cannot truly contribute
to peace in society as a whole while its character remains violent and
intolerant. In Paper 10 we read: “This
paper analyses the polarity principles between within
the Universal Absolute I AM Presence, and the function of the cohesive Love force
unifying internally their opposite polarities in the eternal and infinite
functional “marriage” being manifested
as their co-creative function through the entire macrocosmic
universe. Paradise
Spirit Deities and their reactive nether Paradise Almighties are internally
encircuited polarities, functioning conjointly as the androgynous beings. They
are conjoint MALE-FEMALE polarities, individualized and yet co-equally
INTERNALLY functionally “married” by the absolute cosmic cohesive force of
LOVE. Internal
co-creative and pro-creative function joining the two in co-equal “marriage”,
unifying two opposite absolute polarities thus constitutes the androgynous
person of God. The cohesive force of LOVE between two Deities of opposite
polarities sustains their
internal functional “marriage” relationship, and through the MIND of the Universal
Absolute I AM Presence, the marriage of their entire universe creation. Human
marriage between two opposite polarities, the male and female, is therefore meant
to sustain such Father- Mother family union during their human lifetime
existence. Without
true love, the co-equality, co-creativity and pro-creativity of such lifetime
partnerships between the man and woman, the father- mother polarities of such
external family unions would be hardly sustainable, because such external
unities are meant to be in
reality lifetime internal spiritual man-woman love-unions made “in the image
of God”. Evolutionary
humans, willing to follow God ways to perversions
of Gods true polarity principles, the perversions of the universe
pro-creative mechanisms and processes, not acceptable in Gods eyes, since
they corrupt the entire relationships and mechanisms of God created universe.
***** Humanity
understands the statement of fact, that for the child to be born, the male
and female
progeny are required for its conception. In preservation of God’s true
sanctity of marriage of love this ought to be the husband and wife, as the
father and mother of the newborn
child. During
child’s developmental years, the guidance of the father and mother as the
male and
the female polarities and the child’s teachers are required for child to grow
and mature
properly to live a fruitful life. Likewise,
for Urantia’s physical man-child (incarnated soul man-i(n)festation as
physical child) to be materially realized or born, the local universe
Father ( The Creator Son or The
Son of God, in case of Urantia The Christ Michael of Nebadon) and local
universe Mother
(The Creative Daughter or The Divine Minister of Nebadon) are required for man-child’s
conception and guidance, as well as his planetary and super-planetary
teachers for
spiritual tutoring during its planetary sojourn, if the man-child is to
understand better cosmic
concepts on its way to his/hers immortal destiny. |
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