Questions and Answers: PAPER 44


                                                      CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D.
                                                                   December 2006



“The Word of God is Love. The enactment of the Word of God is service to your brothers

and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively resident within your life, the Fruits of Spirit

are being produced in your life through the Service of Love.”

                                                                                                                Solonia, tml 5/2004





                                     SOLAR MULTI-DIMENSIONALITIES ( XVI )



Cont. 2.  “You” as LOWER-SELF “PUMA” (Physical UltiMate Aton/Atom)






It has been stated in the previous Papers that the physical chemical elements as such are the

principal factors in the formation of the inorganic and organic matter, and are the prerequisite

forms of matter necessary for the formation of the mechanical (non-teachable) mind, pre-life

mind, and the teachable (non-mechanical) mind of the planetary life evolving through the

planetary physical life-wave stages from the basic elemental reactive consciousness to its

ascending super-human mind potentials.


The example of the formation of the mechanical (non-teachable) mind (reactive

consciousness) would be the process of INVOLUTION from the Physical UltiMate Atoms

toward the formation of the chemical elements and molecules as demonstrated, for instance,

in the Paper 47 on and in the Urantia Book (1).




  Picture 1. Seven involutionary PUMA stages of Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen


The example of  the action-reaction pre-life mind would be the mineral formation with

the piezoelectric ability of crystals to respond to and retain certain frequency stimuli in their

crystal body memory and to respond, i.e. communicate, when aligned with the frequency of

the receiver.


The beginning of the teachable (non-mechanical) mind begins with the introduction of the Life

Spark and the Life Force through Life Carriers by Local Universe Creator Daughter (in case

of this planet Urantia it was Nebadonia, see previous Papers on and

the extension of the Life Force through the central PUMA of the first such electro-chemical

cells via cosmic stations lines and the precipitation of the first biological material, such as

primordial DNA, in the formation of the first electro-chemical biological cells of life.


First primordial cells were simple and undifferentiated electrochemical circuits, established

only from the reactive inorganic atomic-molecular components into which the life germ plasma

was introduced with its ability to bridge the frequencies of the adjacent spheres of

consciousness surrounding the solar cell nuclear ego-centric self.


The first such organic units of material life created were the protoplasmic cells which

communally associated various chemical, electrical and other basic energies.

In the development of any planetary life the vegetable always precedes animal and develops

fully before animal patterns appear and begin to differentiate. All animal types always develop

from the basic patterns of the preceding vegetable kingdom; they are not separately organized

as we could see from the narrative of this paper.


C.W.Leadbeater has stated in his book (2,edit.): “(The spirit-energy)… is called monadic

essence…only when clothed in the ultimate matter of the various planes …When it is

immersed in a physical matter…energizing or ensouling the mineral kingdom… it is called

“the mineral monad”, (the plants)…”the vegetable monad”, (the animals)…”the animal monad”.

(The physical) monadic essence …is not one monad, but many…of many parallel life-streams,

each possessing characteristics of its own. The whole scheme tends increasingly toward (self) differentiation,…to divide and subdivide (cellular organization of self).

In the VEGETABLE kingdom, for example, we do not have a soul for one plant, but one

GROUP-SOUL for an enormous number of plants,…in the ANIMAL kingdom…we have

comparatively smaller  number of physical forms (as) expression of one GROUP-SOUL,…

and finally (we have monadic essence) divided into (differentiated self organized) individualities,

(from group soul now) each MAN being now (monadic essence MANifestation) of differentiated,

and organized singular selfhood, a separate (yet undeveloped primitive) INDIVIDUAL SOUL.


The evolutionary SOLAR path of life-waves is graphically summarized in Pictures 2 (3) and 3.






             Picture 2. The evolutionary pathway of physical life from elemental

                               to human



                                             Male and Female PUMAs




                                      Primordial PUMA ego-centric cell




                                  Male and Female PUMA Human selves



       Picture 3.  Evolutionary path of solar life-waves from PUMA to Human





SOUL as such is the animating, vital principle of the unit form of life, and is the carrier of its

evolutionary mind, which is the result of its choosing between inner and outer stimuli.

The soul represents the conscious learning aspect of the living form of life. This separates the

consciousness of the living soul from the non-living reactive consciousness of the evolutionary

energy-matter, which some also call conscious elemental soul. It has been discussed in the previous

Papers on that the living soul has the spark of life and life plasma,

necessary for the evolution of a teachable mind, able to learn under the influence of the seven

adjutant mind spirits assisted by the Life Carriers and the seraphic host, while the mechanical

matter-nature has only reactive vibratory sympathetic non-teachable consciousness which is

influenced, manipulated and controlled by the physical controllers of the planetary realms.






1. The Urantia Book, The Urantia Foundation 

2. The Chakras p.32, C.W Leadbeater, The Theosophical Publishing House 

3. Man:Whence, How and Whither, A.Besant & C.W. Leadbeater, Theos. Publishing





”Let us behold the Light, that through the forgiveness, finds its way into the great darkness

of this world. Perceive the Light in all your brothers and sisters by fully forgiving each other,

because it is only then that you will see their Light, know the higher Truth, and achieve the

happiness of Brotherhood.”

                                                                                   Michael of Nebadon, tml 5/2004